Morlock Elloi on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 00:38:35 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Deep Fool

It will become progressively harder to have big secret database: it's just one planet with only so many possible frames, and anything on a disk eventually becomes (more or less) public. The race for data then ends as everyone has everything.
Ultimately, the situation gets analogous with ImageNet set, just bigger 
storage and faster machines. I see the turtle thing as a PoC, a 
successful one.
On 12/30/17, 14:52, Douglas Bagnall wrote:
Machine learning DOES favour people with big secret databases. Fooling
the system is NOT necessarily easier than fooling a person, though its
power is not in being always right, rather in being unblinking,
ubiquitous, normalising, and cheap at scale.
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