Morlock Elloi on Tue, 19 Dec 2017 06:06:26 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> The magnificent bribe

Let's make (a plausible) assumption that "getting subscribers" and "app downloads" has been the sole goal, measure of success and fund-ability of info startups, since ever. Those making the obvious remarks (lack of business model, stupid concept, negative cash flow, etc.) were not in, missing the alleged point: creation of tap infrastructure for data collection/surveillance was the un-advertized end game.
This assumption then leads to conclusion that VCs pouring money into 
these data taps knew from the start what the end game was. This, in 
turn, implies some serious centralized long-term (15-20 year) planning.
Is there any evidence of such planning?

There are speculations, but the ones easy to find are fairly recent (like 2007: , 2015: ).
Are there any earlier signs of this? Papers, conference reports, side 
remarks, from say 1990s, indicating that it was taking shape?

On 12/18/17, 13:23, Felix Stalder wrote:
I think we can say that the possibility of this transformation was built
on from the beginning and is potential -- realized when successful -- is
a precondition for venture capital to invest. So, when you want a date,
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