Heiko on Wed, 4 Nov 2015 13:28:14 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> "Oh Lord" after VW its Porsche

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, now they must make amends."

Janis Joplin (modified)

You must see this Porsche Cayenne commercial from 2007: https://vimeo.com/1713136


VW emissions scandal widens to include Porsche claims
US Environmental Protection Agency claims carmaker installed defeat devices in vehicles with three-litre engines between 2014 and 2016
The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal has deepened after US 
authorities accused the carmaker of installing defeat devices into 
luxury sports cars including Porsches.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which uncovered the initial 
emissions rigging at VW, claims the carmaker installed defeat devices in 
VW, Audi and Porsche vehicles with three-litre engines in models with 
dates ranging from 2014 to 2016.
This marks the first time that Porsche, which is owned by VW, has been 
dragged into the scandal. It is troubling for the new chief executive of 
VW, Matthias MÃller, because he ran Porsche before becoming boss of the 
The EPA has made the allegations after conducting further tests on 
diesel vehicles in the US since VW admitted in September it had used 
defeat devices to cheat emissions tests.
The new allegations include the 2015 Porsche Cayenne as well as the 2014 
VW Touareg and the 2016 Audi A6 Quattro, A7 Quattro, A8, A8L, and Q5. In 
total, it involves 10,000 vehicles in the US.
In a statement VW denied it had fitted any devices on the vehicles. The 
statement said: âVolkswagen AG wishes to emphasise that no software has 
been installed in the 3-liter V6 diesel power units to alter emissions 
characteristics in a forbidden manner. Volkswagen will cooperate fully 
with the EPA clarify this matter in its entirety.â
VW has already admitted fitting a defeat device to 11m vehicles 
worldwide, but this related to cars with smaller engines and did not 
include any Porsche cars or sports utility vehicles (SUVs).
Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for the office for EPAâs 
enforcement and compliance assurance, said: âVW has once again failed 
its obligation to comply with the law that protects clean air for all 
Americans. All companies should be playing by the same rules. EPA, with 
our state, and federal partners, will continue to investigate these 
serious matters, to secure the benefits of the Clean Air Act, ensure a 
level playing field for responsible businesses, and to ensure consumers 
get the environmental performance they expect.â
The EPA has issued a second notice of violation (NOV) of the Clean Air 
Act to VW as a result of its findings. VW faces fines of up to $37,500 
per vehicle, which means an extra $375m (Â243m) could be added to its 
penalities if it is found guilty. The company already faces a potential 
$18bn fine for the initial recall by the EPA in September of 482,000 VW 
and Audi cars.
Richard Corey, executive officer of the California Air Resources Board, 
said: âOn 25 September, the California Air Resources Board sent letters 
to all manufacturers letting them know we would be screening vehicles 
for potential defeat devices. Since then ARB, EPA and Environment Canada 
have continued test programmes on additional diesel-powered passenger 
cars and SUVs. These tests have raised serious concerns about the 
presence of defeat devices on additional VW, Audi and Porsche vehicles.
âToday we are requiring VW Group to address these issues. This is a very 
serious public health matter. ARB and EPA will continue to conduct a 
rigorous investigation that includes testing more vehicles until all of 
the facts are out in the open.â
The carmaker has put aside â6.7bn (Â4.4bn) to meet the costs of 
recalling the 11m vehicles, but also faces the threat of fines and legal 
action from shareholders and customers.
The company has hired the accountancy firm Deloitte and the law firm 
Jones Day to investigate who fitted the device into its vehicles. It is 
understood that the carmaker believes a group of between 10 and 20 
employees were at the heart of the scandal.
Martin Winterkorn stepped down as chief executive of VW as a result of 
the scandal. His replacement, MÃller, last week vowed to be âruthless in 
punishing those involvedâ, adding: âWe are leaving no stone unturned to 
find out what exactly happened and to make sure nothing like this ever 
happens again.â

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