Geert Lovink on Mon, 25 Jun 2012 12:54:04 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> PhD Dissertation Douglas Rushkoff @ Utrecht University

From: Menno Grootveld <>
Date: 24 June 2012 3:02:56 PM
Subject: [Nettime-nl] Dissertation Rushkoff

Dissertation *Monopoly moneys: the media environment of corporatism and the player's way out*
By analysing corporatism through the lens of media ecology, Douglas  
Rushkoff shows how an invented set of rules became - like any  
totalising media environment - indistinguishable from nature. He  
concludes that while the corporatist rule set may have become the  
default operating system of our economy, it is not necessarily  
closed to intervention.
While a closed economic operating system may have been consonant  
with the closed, top-down media of the print and broadcast eras, as  
Rushkoff argues, interactive technology does offer new avenues for  
resistance and redesign. This "playability," as he describes it,  
might yet return to economic systems in the form of digital  
innovations such as peer to peer exchange, decentralised value  
creation, and even new alternative currencies. This playability  
would be a positive development for the way it would allow for human  
intervention in a mechanism that has disproportional influence over  
our society.
Date and time:

25/6/2012 16:15


Academiegebouw < default.aspx> - Domplein 29, Utrecht
PhD student:

Douglas Rushkoff


Faculty of Humanities


Monopoly Moneys. The media environment of corporatism and the player's way out
Supervisor 1:

Prof. dr. F.E. Kessler

Supervisor 2:	

Prof. dr. J.F.F. Raessens

Co-supervisor 1:

Dr. M.T. Schaefer

*Prof. dr. Joost Raessens *|**Professor of Media Theory |Head of School of Media and Culture Studies |Faculty of Humanities | Utrecht University |Muntstraat 2A |Room 2.09 |NL-3512 EV Utrecht |T +31 30 253 6270 / +31 611 340 241 |F +31 30 253 6167 | < >| <>| <>| <>

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