nettime's avid reader on Fri, 8 Oct 2010 14:41:35 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> cryptome-hack3.htm

October 3, 2010

Cryptome: Steps of the Cryptome hack on the morning of 2 October 2010.

1. The Cryptome email account at Earthlink was accessed by unknown means 
and its access password changed.

2. According to emailed notifications from Network Solutions (NSI) 
retreived after email access was restored, the hacker requested information 
about Cryptome's multiple accounts by using the email address.

3. With a password guessed or stolen by unknown means the 
management account at NSI was accessed.

4. All 54,000 files (some 7GB) were deleted and the account password 

5. NSI was sending emails of the account management modifications.

6. The hack was discovered by lack of access to email or to the NSI account.

7. A call to NSI support restored all files from a back-up except for the 
previous two days.

8. An Earthlink online support chat restored email access and showed the 
NSI emails about management changes.

9. New passwords for Earthlink and NSI were set.

10. Email is not stored at Earthlink. What undelivered email might have 
been deleted by the hacker is unknown, the NSI and a couple of spam emails 
were awaiting delivery.

11. The other Cryptome accounts hosted by NSI do not seem to have been 

12. This is the second shutdown hack in 14 years. Except the one by 
Microsoft abusing DMCA.


7 October 2010

Most recent news reports are based on Wired's unsubstantiated allegations 
of the Cryptome hack, luridly smeared "a breach of Cryptome's secret-
spilling files on sources." Wired is known for its hype and distortion of 
"evidence" and unsubstantiated allegations from publicity-seeking hackers 
-- Adrian Lamo's preening snitch one among many Wired adores pumping. The 
alleged Cryptome hackers have been touted by Wired before using the same 
artfully doctored technique. 

Cryptome asked Wired's Kim Zetter for copies of evidence allegedly shown to 
her by those she claimed did the Cryptome hack so it could be examined for 
legitimacy. She refused, as journalists often do expecting them to be 
believed as they spin their stories for maximum ad sales.

Cryptome believes Zetter is lying about what she has been shown using the 
hoary defense of protecting sources when actually protecting the right to 
write a story most appealing to the gullible. And will surely hide the lies 
behind "constitutionally protected" press shields conveniently arranged by 
government to keep the press obediently head up ass "simply seeking the 
truth" in the darkhole.

Hmm, that technique has been lately adopted by Wikileaks and its gaggle of 
media co-conspirators supposedly hard at work doctoring Iraq war files for 
maximum ad sales following the lucrative Afgan war diary fabrications. 
Hacker heroes of the Ellsberg-new-media brand -- "most dangerous people in 
the world" hired by the thousands to suck Tor-grade data for DoD. 


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