John Jordan on Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:55:30 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Fwd: [labofii] fwd: The People v The Banksters: A mass snow ball fight in the City

The People v The Banksters: A mass snow ball fight in the City

They play with our money we play in the snow!

Rumours are abounding about a mass snow ball fight between The People
and The Banksters in the City of London tommorow.

Text messages inviting people are bouncing around like snow balls and
bail outs. It looks like its going to be big..

6.4 million of us did not got work today..we decided to play in the
snow instead.... how many will spread that spirit of play to the
financial district tomorrow..?


3rd Feb - 1pm Royal Bank of Scotland, Bishops Gate, City of London.

see you there, put the gloves on and keep it fluffy like snow..


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Henry David Thoreau, The Maine Woods 1864

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