Alan Sondheim on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:43:13 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Notes by an Avatartist

Notes by an Avatartist

As avatartist, we are our avatar Jennifer-Julu-Nikuko-Travis-Alan and
our avatar is us, both controlled by motion-capture behaviors using
remapped sensors and moving at ultra-high-speeds among other avatars,
landscapes, virtual worlds in the real, online, in one's mind.

But our avatar is unique, our avatar is tissue, our avatar transforms
backwards and forwards at perceptually instantaneous speed between
frames. Our avatar is alien.

Jennifer: "our avatar has slimy avatar movement, wormlike
shape-shifting, at warp high-speed perceptually conflated with
itself, our avatar is speed-alien, malleable and originating tissue.
as originating, our avatar is demiurge, producing and reproducing,
originating worlds and gatherings of the true world."

Julu: "our avatar is disparaged body or bodies, our avatar is
OTHERING, here and there moving asymptotically among fractal
intrusions, our avatar prepares the appearance of twisted connected
topologies, limit-sets of behaviors, topological counterexamples and
distraught spaces piled upon themselves at warp-high speed."

Nikuko: "our avatar is implicate orderings, twisted among themselves,
still connected or with connections' memory, tangled as if untangled,
messed as if unmessed, abject, as if clarified, our avatar is cephalic
or ocular, eyes and doubling eyes, gendering and originating,
producing and reproducing."

Travis: "our avatar is detritus machine, residue-machine, with
symbolic input, language input, bvh input, ascii input, inchoate
output, our avatar is ALIEN-BETTER-LEFT-UNDEFINED, that is _alien <<
inchoate_, symbols effaced by behavior-gatherings, the true world,

Alan: "our avatar is un-is, truly disconnected topologies, connectors
gone with interior body viewpoint, resulting sheaves, surfaces, in
relative positions, holding relative positions, but the manifolds are
open, broken, think of chimera composites."

Jennifer: "in other words, in the true world of gatherings, our avatar
is open and gathering from within, closed and coherent from without,
as-if our avatar, as if Jennifer-Julu-Nikuko-Travis-Alan, as-if but
not as-if, not really, in the true world really a gathering."

Julu: "in other words, we are true world being."


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