Eric Kluitenberg on Sat, 6 Sep 2003 06:38:53 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> Next 5 Minutes - final program on-line |
NEXT 5 MINUTES 4 International Festival of Tactical Media De Balie / Paradiso / Melkweg / Waag Society NIM Montevideo / Imagine IC / SALTO FINAL FESTIVAL PROGRAM NOW ON-LINE - Program-overview, see: "Program" - Program day-by-day, see: "Schedule" - Participants see: "People" About the festival: Media Tacticians from all continents will gather in Amsterdam, September 11 - 14 in Amsterdam for the fourth edition of the Next 5 Minutes festival. The special character of the festival is marked by the fact that Next 5 Minutes is only put together when the times demand a new edition. Central to the festival is the concept of "tactical media", the fusion of art, media and politics. The preparations for the festival started on September 11, 2002, exactly one year after the 9/11 disaster. Now the festival is opened on September 11, 2003 with testimonies from Afghanistan, Iraq and the United States. Next 5 Minutes testifies to the power of art and progressive media makers to produce media that is essentially different from the daily hyper-violent spectacles we are confronted with, especially via broadcast television. Tactical media are creative, engaged, they celebrate amateurism, they provide platforms for those voices left out elsewhere. During one year Tactical Media Labs have been organised on 6 continents in preparation for the festival. The result of all this activity can now be experienced by a broad audience in Amsterdam. Prices: -Weekend passepartout: 35 Euro -Day tickets: 20 Euro You can find out more about the festival and the program via the festival web site. You can also register for our e-mail announcement list, at: More information about the festival may also be obtained from the festival production office: _________________ HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE FESTIVAL PROGRAM OF NEXT 5 MINUTES 4 INSTALLATIONS / ARTISTS PROJECTS Cybermohalla In its broadest imagination, one can see Cybermohalla as a desire for a wide and horizontal network (both real and virtual) of voices, texts, sounds and images in dialogue and debate. Mohalla in Hindi and Urdu means neighbourhood. Sarai's Cybermohalla project takes on the meaning of the word mohalla, its sense of alleys and corners, its sense of relatedness and concreteness, as a means for talking about one's 'place' in the city, and in cyberspace. Bureau d'Etudes - Tactical Cartography Bureau d'Etudes from Strasbourg will create a large visual mapping of ownerships relations in the inter-national media industry. The maps will be on display in De Balie throughout the festival. Podebal The Czech art group Podebal will show some of their remarkable and controversial projects such as the "Gallery of Established Nomenclatura". It revealed how little has changed in the personnel outfit of the ruling class since the fall of communism and lead to national scandal. Critical Art Ensemble - Mobile Transgenic Fast-Food Test Lab An experimental set-up to test (fast-) food for the use of transgenic components (outlawed in the EU, but widely used in the US). The Leidse Plein area obviously holds a rich resource of testing grounds... Archeopteryx The old high-rises in the Amsterdam Southeast Bijlmer district are a stopping place for immigrants without a legal residence. Now that the old flats are going to be replaced, Archeopteryx (from Izhevsk, Russia) is PACKING one of them to call on people and local authorities to Handle (the hunted population) with care. The Riot Porn Video Booth Throw in a coin and have your twenty seconds pornographic activism experience! PERFORMANCE PROGRAMS PARADISO, FRI. SEP. 12th, DOORS OPEN: 20H00 Voicing Resistance A performance night devoted to Hip Hop as a site of resistance that has long left its roots in the North American urbania. The performance night will bring together musicians and collectives with different backgrounds from, amongst others, Supersoul (Lex/Metatronix), Seth P. Brundle (Beta Bodega), Manuvers (Botanica del Jibaro) and La Mano Fria (Beta Bodega). PARADISO, SAT. SEP. 13th No: Escape: Secured by CSE Systems This evening program is a challenge to the current security concerns that have seized public discourse not only in the United States but also increasingly in countries such as The Netherlands. The occasion of the Next 5 Minutes festival is used to introduce a new complete security system bringing absolute safety to performance and club spaces such as Paradiso. CSE addresses the needs for security of a society in distress. We want to cater to this need with absolute perfection. The program is devoted to the inauguration of this new security system. No Escape is a program with experimental electronic music, installations and several surprising guest performances. No Escape might be a long stretch: starting off at 8pm it only comes to an end ten hours later, at 6am. Invited artists: Funckarma vs. Shadowhuntaz (Dub / Skam), Cane (Warp), ยต-Ziq (Planet-Mu), Erol Arkan, Rauw, Carbon Defence League, and Joost van Bellen. MELKWEG, FRI. SEP. 12th, DOORS OPEN: 20H30 State of Sabotage / Speculative Archive / Clausthome State of Sabotage presents AMIKEJO - The National Dish and Consulate SoS will present its national dish and lay claim to visitors' abdominal territory. The national dish will be dispensed to visitors and remain in their colons forever. This dish is the maraschino cherry, specially engraved with SoS typography. The performance (or communion) will take place on stage in and around a Mongolian yurt, festively accompanied by the electronic sounds of DJ Pomassl. Speculative Archive The Speculative Archive works with existing collections of historical records to produce new documents. Current research focuses on state secrecy as a memory practice and its effects on contemporary political dynamics. Clausthome This industrial and digital noise ensemble from Riga, Latvia has managed to re-inspire a well-known genre. Their sound/ performances are always challenging, but also visually inspiring. MELKWEG, SAT. SEP. 13th, DOORS OPEN: 20H30 fem snd Due to the heavy under-representation of women in electronic music and dj culture, the fem snd party will focus on the aspect of giving female artists the opportunity to perform their work. Particularly emphasis is placed on artists who, besides doing their own artistic work, are also active in political contexts, and in building networks and platforms for other artists. The focus is on experimental electronic club music looking for groundbreaking conceptual and technical innovations. SCREENINGS/FILM PROGRAM BALIE, MELKWEG & PARADISO, DAILY 21H00-01H00 Within the program much attention is given to media activism, but also to cinematic interesting films that seek a connection with the thematic threads of the festival. The American "Whispered Media" present We interrupt this Empire and Boom! The sound of Eviction. Also screened is The horribly Stupid Stunt. In this film the collective "The Yes Men" documents how one of them, as a fake delegate from WTO, is making an absurd speech at a congress of unsuspectingly lawyers. Craig Baldwin's Spectres of the Spectrum is a science fiction film based on found footage in which the history of media technology is interwoven with a distopical vision of the future. This diversity of short and long movies is presented in blocks with themes like Global Conflict, Political protest and Urban displacement. Some of the makers will be present at the festival. After 1h there will be a nightly cult program in the Melkweg. Media Library The Media Library will be a permanent space in the festival that hosts a collection of media productions with a specific social, cultural or political agenda. Media of crisis, criticism and opposition. Media that provide an antidote to the world as we see it represented in mainstream media and current geopolitics. Any festival participant can access the Media Library during the festival. Hybrid Media Studio As in previous editions, Next 5 Minutes is more than an event for presentation and debate about media, it is also an event where a lot of media-output is produced on site. The nerve centre of the media production during N5M4 will be the Hybrid Media Studio. The concept takes the fusion of different media-forms within a hybridised digital media network as its starting point. Radio, television, internet, wireless transmission, satellite and other forms of electronic media production continue to exist in their own right, but they are also more and more often combined into expanded media formats that involve two or more media at once. The Hybrid Media Studio brings these different media-forms together in one space, and connects them to all available media-infrastructures. Amsterdam offers unique possibilities for non-commercial free media programming on local TV and radio, as well as various web-casting facilities. From the Hybrid Media Studio continuous live programming will be fed to local media outlets, to international (satellite-) outlets, and to local media partners in other cities in the world. What makes the studio hybrid is its trans-genre approach, and its trans-local distribution. Open Space / Tactical Autonomous Zones (TAZ) An element first introduced in the third edition of Next 5 Minutes in 1999 that we wish to foreground more are the Tactical Autonomous Zones. These are un-programmed but fully equipped presentation spaces where participants can sign up themselves for a presentation. The idea is to create open zones in the festival for impromptu presentations and gatherings, spaces for contestation and difference. Registration for the TAZ is open to all festival participants and works on a first come first serve basis. The complete festival program can be found on the festival web site: # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: