Announcer on Fri, 12 Jul 2002 22:01:13 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [x12]

Table of Contents:

   International Bauhaus Award: Architecture and new media                         
     Lev Manovich <>                                        

     Simon Biggs <>                                            

   Let us prepare the Internet Fiesta 2003                                         
     "Internet Fiesta" <>                                         

   Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution... Thundergulch event Jul
     "Erin Donnelly" <EDonnelly@LMCC.NET>                                            

   new listserver [kinokultur]                                                     
     Joachim Polzer <>                                               

   Radiotopia - call for participation                                             
     Ars Electronica Center <>                                        

   teaching position, media design, PZI rotterdam                                  
     matthew fuller <>                                          

   TODAY > HOY > open_digi_latino_party > BRADYS of Brixton, LONDON             (atty)                                                         

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 44                                   
     Lloyd Dunn <>                                                    

   loungelab is looking for you!                                                   
     alexander klosch <>                                             

   (((NOMUSIC))) Open Call to Stream Players 3                                     
     "(((NOMUSIC)))" <>                                          

   +++SEEKING COLLABORATORS+++                                                     
     "spike hibberd" <>                                              


Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 14:44:12 -0700
From: Lev Manovich <>
Subject: International Bauhaus Award: Architecture and new media




The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation invites applications for the 2nd international
Bauhaus Award.

SUBJECT: Changes of urban space and public spheres through Information and
Communication Technology. Design of interfaces between "real worlds" and
"virtual worlds", between individuals or space and technology.

CATEGORIES: 1. Architecture and Urban Design. 2. Art and Design. 3.
Scientific and theoretical work.

PROJEKTS: realisations, designs, plans, publications, performances, essays,
researches, studies, concepts etc.

PRIZES: 1st prize 3000.- EUR. 2nd prize 1500.- EUR. 3rd prize 500.- EUR. In
addition, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation invites the main prize winners for a
4-week period of residence.

PARTICIPANTS: Designers and scholars born after Sept 1st, 1962 - younger
than 40 years (Individuals and groups)


CLOSING DATE: September 2nd, 2002

AWARD CEREMONY: October 26th, 2002

Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
International Bauhaus Award
Gropiusallee 38 
D-06846 Dessau
Fon +49 (0)340 6508 0 Fax +49 (0)340 6508 226

More about the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation: 


Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 09:52:18 +0100
From: Simon Biggs <>
Subject: studentship

At Sheffield Hallam University we are currently looking for suitable
applicants for a PhD studentship in Unencumbered Interactive Environments.
The studentship is  funded internally by the Digital Technology Research
Centre (fees paid, 400-500/year expenses, 8k bursary). Any student or
recent graduate, preferably with good programming and technical skills as
well as artistic experience, who might be interested in such a role should
contact Professor Simon Biggs or Dr Chris Roast. It is a jointly directed
PhD between Fine Art (lead school) and Computing (HCI).

Sheffield Hallam University School of Art and Design is one of the leading
UK art schools. Rated a 5 in the recent Research Assessment Exercise (one
of only a few such schools in the UK to attain this rating) and also rated
21/24 in the recent Teaching Quality Assessment, again one of the highest
ratings in the UK.

Simon Biggs

Research Professor
Art and Design Research Centre
Sheffield Hallam University, UK


Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 4:19:19 +0000
From: "Internet Fiesta" <>
Subject: Let us prepare the Internet Fiesta 2003

Internet Fiesta, 5th Edition 
from March 17th to 23rd 2003
Expatriation today 

HTLM version :

Since the beginning of the Internet adventure, the web has continued to be the favoured link between expatriated communities. Through forums, chat rooms and specialised web sites, communities have formed according to their cultural affinities. Today the world wide web is the main communication stream between members of these communities. The Internet allows individuals living abroad to stay in touch with their culture, their language and to recreate a cultural space in which puts a specific emphasis on their identity.

The International Fiesta Committee, still operating from Paris, France, has decided that the fifth edition of the Internet Fiesta will be dedicated to all those who live abroad and wish to keep in touch with their roots and with each other. The Internet Fiesta remains open naturally to all projects and proposed initiatives. 

The International Fiesta Committee wishes to thank all the weavers of the Internet Fiesta 2002 and of former editions, for their remarkable achievements. The committee have studied the results of 2002 and wish to pin point certain weaknesses that the event presented and to suggest some directives in order to correct them and to make sure that the Internet Fiesta 2003 will be an even more successful event than in the past:

Therefore, the committee encourages all the contributors to get in contact with all possible expatriated web communities, every where, all around the world, and to inform them or to propose to them to become our partners on every possible project being prepared. Furthermore, it appears that the most efficient way to work being if you keep forwarding information throughout your network. To insure the success of our Fiesta, one can never be too insistent.

The committee encourages you to engage in formal relations, as soon as possible, with institutions and officials in your town, region or nation in order to obtain official supports, grants, representations or accreditations for you project, your local committee or the International Fiesta Committee.

The committee keenly advises you to get in contact equally with a maximum of local, regional or national media and to associate them to your initiatives in order to give to the internet Fiesta the largest possible public notoriety.

We also invite you to actively look for sponsors and partners, not only for your own projects but also for your local committee or for the International Committee. Remember that the partners gain increased visibility, adapted to their very needs and only good partnerships will allow the Fiesta to keep existing. Please intensify your effort especially in the direction of IT and NTIC sectors. Weavers who would have found a sponsor or a partner for their local committee or for the International Committee will see their project entitled for a commission rewarding their action.

The committee would like every one involved in the Internet Fiesta 2003 to contact every possible N.G.O. in order to make them participate in a way or an other in the Fiesta and to make them use their network for our mutual benefit.

Finely, it appears particularly important that every weavers get in contact with schools and universities to inform them and to encourage them to participate in your project or to prepare their own but also in order to provide the entire Fiesta network with translation resources in a maximum of languages. 
In order to complete the Internet Fiesta 2002 report, the committee would like to ask every one to be kind enough to send us everything you have seen or heard or read about us in the media. We will gather all of it and install an on-line library on the new official web site of the Internet Fiesta.

Last but by no means least, we would appreciate if you could send as soon as possible, your suggestions and short overview of the initiative you may be preparing. The new official web site of the Internet Fiesta 2003 will be operational very soon, meanwhile we are ready to receive your mail on

Thank you and best regards

For the International Fiesta Committee
Philippe BOLAND

remove :


Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 09:29:53 -0400
From: "Erin Donnelly" <EDonnelly@LMCC.NET>
Subject: Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution... Thundergulch event July 16th

Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution

Tuesday, July 16th, 7:00pm --- FREE
Engine 27, 173 Franklin Street, between Hudson and Greenwich Streets

Curators Anne Barlow, Anne Ellegood, Anthony Huberman, and Michelle
Thursz discuss the challenges of organizing, displaying, and
distributing new media art within and outside institutional settings.
Panelists present compelling works from past and upcoming exhibits as a
basis for discussion of  emerging curatorial models, collaboration,
audience development, and criticism. 

Special thanks to Engine 27 for hosting this event.  Engine 27 is a
not-for-profit center dedicated to the development of multi-channel
sound works in coordination with other forms of contemporary media.
Engine 27 commissions new works, supports research, artist residencies,
education and public presentations.

Directions:  Take the 1/2 trains to Franklin Street, A/C/E trains to
Canal Street, or N/R trains to City Hall.

Reservations are not required, but for further information please
contact Wayne Ashley, Guest Curator, Thundergulch at (212)219-9401 x106,, or Erin Donnelly, Visual and Media Arts Program
Associate, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council at (212)219-9401 x107,

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
Support for Thundergulch audience development is provided by American
Express Company. Funding for Thundergulch is generously provided by
Cowles Charitable Trust, Experimental Television Center, the Greenwall
Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the May and Samuel Rudin
Family Foundation.  This project is made possible, in part, with public
funds from the Electronic Media and Film Program and the Media Arts
Technical Assistance Fund of the New York State Council on the Arts, a
State Agency. This program is supported, in part, by public funds from
the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
145 Hudson Street, Suite 801, New York, NY 10013
212-219-2058 fax

Liz Thompson, Executive Director
Moukhtar Kocache, Director of Visual & Media Arts
Erin Donnelly, Associate Director of Visual & Media Arts
Wayne Ashley, Guest Curator, Thundergulch


Date: Tue, 9 Jul 02 19:21:47 +0200
From: Joachim Polzer <>
Subject: new listserver [kinokultur]

Here just a brief information for the German speaking participants of the
<nettime> listserver that as of today we have opened the [kinokultur] 
mailing listserver as a
moderated german language forum on film and cinema history, future 
development of cinema, digital cinema, film preservation, media 
archiving, cinematic postproduction aspects, news about festivals, 
retrospectives, meetings, gatherings and congresses etc.

<nettime> members are welcome to join under

best regards,
Joachim Polzer


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 17:16:52 +0200
From: Ars Electronica Center <>
Subject: Radiotopia - call for participation

Call for participation/contributions

on line - on air - on site

Ars Electronica 2002 / Ö1 Kunstradio

Be part of the Radiotopia acoustic network and contribute sound work as a file, CD, tape, score etc. Mix incoming sounds or playback streams at your radio station, club or Internet café! "Liberté, fraternité, egalité"-carrying on this simple, old principle, we will set up a utopian sound network from September 8-12 -- Radiotopia.

It's open air for your contributions.

Raise your voice, record it, and send the sound file. There are no commercial or ideological goals; this is an artistic project commissioned by the 2002 Ars Electronica Festival and co-produced by ORF Kunstradio, Vienna.

A documentary CD, the websites created over the course of the project, as well as your personal work and recordings will remain after the Radiotopia performance is over to document what has transpired.
Radio, the Internet, electricity, as well as music, literature, the fine arts etc. are communication tools meant to be used by the people. Let's do it!

All kinds of sounds are welcome; however, to help create the unique sound-image of Radiotopia-radio as a worldwide medium for communication/exchange/dialogue supporting and amplifying the often-unheard multiplicity of voices-we propose a strong language or vocal element in your contributions. This diverse and regional vocabulary might also include the "voices" of specific landscapes, cityscapes, musical instruments and ecosystems around the world.

Send your sounds/poems/scores etc. (without a restriction on running time) in a prerecorded form via snail mail (on cassettes, CDs, MDs), Internet (live streams, files, images), telephone, and fax, or submit your texts/poems/statements (in all languages) in written form to:

ORF Kunstradio
c/o Radiotopia
Argentinierstr. 30a
A-1040 Vienna

Phone. ++43 732 7272 60
Fax: ++431 50101 18065


For detailed information, log onto our website:

The participants agree to grant the organizers the rights of use to their materials as a whole or in part, and the former expressly represent that they are using only that material from third parties (images, sound, text) for which they have obtained the necessary licenses.

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Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 13:40:56 +0100
From: matthew fuller <>
Subject: teaching position, media design, PZI rotterdam

<fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger>Teaching Position 

.4 Tutor, MA Media Design

Piet Zwart Institute

A practising designer in digital media with experience of work in
education is required, to start work this coming academic year.  The MA
Media Design, and its related programme of research, is a new
initiative.  A fundamental analysis and reinvention of digital media in
its broadest and most precise political, technological, social and
aesthetic sense is underway here - and we're looking for someone with
the right skills to be part of our teaching team.

Salary is a .4 fractional appointment on a full-time equivalent of
between 2238,- and 3804,- Euros gross p/m.

The Piet Zwart Institute is the postgraduate and research institute of
the Willem de Kooning Academy, Hogeschool Rotterdam.  (All teaching and
other work is carried out in English.)  For more about our work, please
go to:

For further information and a job description, please contact Femke
Snelting, (between 15-30 July only email 



Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 14:06:41 GMT Daylight Time
From: (atty)
Subject: TODAY > HOY > open_digi_latino_party > BRADYS of Brixton, LONDON

OLA nettime-l people,

HOY > TODAY > JULY 12 from 8.30pm till 3am (+?)
open_digi_party LATINO 
VENUE > BRADYS of Brixton, Electric Lane, London SW9, UK
MAIN virtual GUESTS >
Arcangel Constantini > http://www.UNOSUNOSYUNOSCEROS.COM virtually in control from Mexico City > (one infected CD to be won)
andres burbano > > Columbia
Brian Mackern > > Montevideo, Uruguay. tambien estos > cultivuum >
Rudy Rocha from Brazil with atty will take you on a trip up the AMAZON
Fernando Llnaos > with "mi video es su video" >, his video-email collection from Mexico
LA LUCHA > en el vídeo, Argentina 02/02 "Que se vayan todos", producion MASS, también vídeos de la lucha en Bolivia y en Ecuador
SOUNDS > selección de Señor Coconut y el collectivo nor-tec de Tijuana 

the 'open_digi' season at BRADYS of BRIXTON mixes live digital artists and activists working online and from other digital media, talking about and showing their work and ending with a digital jam session with visual projections and sounds mix.

the next scheduled open_digi_party on August 2nd (date to be confirmed) will feature live Londoner top bods over the internet from, and plus special guest from Amsterdam, N0 1 Pixel Jockey, elout de kok >

see you there (or soon anyway I hope)

open_digi_party is put on in association with the residents of BRADYS of Brixton, OFFLINE, and with the assistance of Warp Interactive > (

£1 donation on door towards cost of party things please


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 21:36:35 +0200
From: Lloyd Dunn <>
Subject: [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 44

#  If you no longer wish to recieve e-mail announcements from the
#  Photostatic Retrograde Archive, simply let us know and we will remove
#  your name from the mailing list.
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

now available for download, retrograde release no. 5, july 2002:

Retrofuturism 15


direct download:

Description. "The Photocopier as a Moral Dilemma." The Art Strike 
(1990-1993) continues to enjoy its long run as a potent topic for 
debate in this issue. Many in the Dialog section express distaste for 
the tiresome back and forth, but, running the series backward as we 
are, you, the new reader of this series, should expect and be 
prepared for more to come. Issue responds in part to the aftermath of 
the Persian Gulf War, among other issues. In this regard, the Bureau 
of Public Secrets offers up the essay The War and the Spectacle. 
Beyond that, a substantial portion of pagespace is given over to 
Netlinks: International Networking Year, a proposal by mailartists 
for a series of Decentralized Worldwide Networking Congresses to be 
held during the following calendar year. A variety of mailart 
luminaries weigh in with their opinions and thoughtful musings on the 
proposal. Other items include essays by Ben G Price ('The 
Epistemology of Eschatology'), Barney Rubble ('Confessions of a 
Posterist') and Eliza Blackweb ('A New York Experience'), among 
others. Not to mention the numerous reviews of cassettes and printed 
pieces, and contributed graphics that readers have come to expect.

Contributors include. Mark Rose, The Tape-beatles, Karen Eliot, 
Esteban Felix, Eliza Blackweb, Eleutheros Productions, Thomas Wiloch, 
Ben G Price, Musicmaster, Piotr Szyhalski, Harry Polkinhorn, 
Crackerjack Kid, Walter Alter, Stephen Perkins, ASCW-IA, H R Fricker, 
FaGaGaGa, John Held, Jr., Bureau of Public Secrets, Dadata, AR280, 
ASFi, Orworks, Vittore Baroni, Anton Viergever, Horizon Unlimited, 
Matthew Fuller, Ben Allen, Sensoria from Censorium, Ross Martin.

Project Overview: The Photostatic Retrograde Archive serves as a 
repository for a complete collection of Photostatic Magazine, 
Retrofuturism, and Psrf, (as well as related titles) in electronic 
form. We are posting issues in PDF format, at more or less regular 
intervals, in reverse chronological order to form a mirror image in 
time of the original series. When the first issue, dating from 1983, 
is finally posted in several year's time, then this electronic 
archive will be complete.

issue directory:

project URL:

- -- 

#  Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive :
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#  E-mail  |


Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 13:52:24 +0200
From: alexander klosch <>
Subject: loungelab is looking for you!

We'd like to invite you to make an entry to the backup.lounge|lab 2002
exhibition/laboratory project. 

While the backup.festival's issue is 'new media in film', .lounge|lab topic is to question traditional cinema dispositives.

This years exhibition will intensively deal with the transformation of the "open source"-theory/practice into "open art".
The .lounge|lab is no classic exhibition but a melange of an ever evolving laboratory and a recreating and communicative space.

Artists from all disciplines (i.e. filmmakers, video artists, sound
designers, architects, product designers, net and computer artists,
performers....) are invited to share a common "source code" and to act as an interdisciplinary collaborative artistic network. That means that the works will be created by multiple artists (we do not feature/present already finished works) and should symbolise their very different approaches towards the lab environment, media and their colleagues ideas and proposals. The integrity of the artists and their individual expression will both exist and diffuse when they access and trespass one another's ideas, material and media(tools). 

About the procedure/schedule of events: We will collect all entries until July 31st. After this we will "screen" all documented works and choose the artists to participate in the exhibition/lab project.
The artists will be chosen in a way to ensure a wide variety of different genres and hopes for the development of interaction/networking between the genres. 
Based on our conception of "open source -> open art) we then share all
information between those artists (room plans & videos of the exhibition/lab space, your former works' documentation, C.V.s = all understood as "open source code"). Beginning in the end of August the artists will be "linked" should start their collaborative work as a network (i.e. collective conception and preproduction of material needed) via the internet/mail/phone/whatever.
One week before the festival starts we will invite the artists from all over the world to join in the physical space at the lab in a workshop situation and assemble and install the works. During the exhibition the works should undergo a constant metamorphosis to again display the different approaches to the same "source code".

backup_festival will cover transportation (flight tickets, trains...) and accommodation in Weimar for the time of the workshop and the festival + pay workshop fees. Furthermore we are glad to be able to provide basic technology such as computers, projectors, sound systems, building material in a reasonable amount.

If you have any more questions please mail to us



Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 19:09:10 +0200
From: "(((NOMUSIC)))" <>
Subject: (((NOMUSIC))) Open Call to Stream Players 3

( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) )  TOURNAMENT 003
*  open   call   to   audio   stream   players  * 

- -< Audio live only via Network - No archiv - Free pass >-
- -< 24h Continuous Trans Audio (& Video) Distant Travel >-
- -< Connection only on >-
- -< Stream Live Audio Mp3 / Real Video >-

Stream start : 10th September 2002 (19h00 / 07:00pm)
 Stream end : 11th September 2002 (19h00 / 07:00pm)
[GMT+01:00 - CET - French Time]

[ADSL,ISDN,Cable min. needed for Audio+Video encoder relay]
[MODEM 56k Min. is needed for only Audio encoder relay]
[REAL / SHOUTCAST / OGG Stream technologies]

( ( ( SUBSCRIBE ) ) )  to Tournament 003 :

Please send NFO, Links & More to
(No sound via e-mail)

Join now the next World Audio Battle...


Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 17:42:54 -0500
From: "spike hibberd" <>

Hi Nettime members,

my name is Spike Hibberd and am currently studying Visualcommunication at Monash University in Australia. For my honours project I am exploring new forms of narrative = hypertext.

I am posting this message to find collaborators.

I have attached the brief -- which you'll probly need to print out.

The length of time you spend collaborating is up to.

To give an idea of the project: F[ri]ction has started with a core text which is compiled from various snipits of text from existing sources. Themes and topics vary from cyberculture to arts, cultural issues and politics. The collaborators are given a snipit of text
which they further explore, respond to, investigate, question and so forth.

These responses are used as the threads that will peel off the core text.

Instead of using the medium of web or cd-rom I am looking to create a non-linear hypertextural experience in the form of print.

If you are interested pls email me with 'yes' in the subject line asap.

Thanx spike 
- --

- -- 
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#  <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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#  more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
#  archive: contact: