nettime's foreign correspondent on Fri, 28 Jun 2002 22:55:06 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Chavez's Venezuela [4x]

Table of Contents:

   Re: <nettime> Le Monde Diplomatic: Chavez´s personal conspiracy                 
     =?iso-8859-1?q?Benjamin=20Geer?= <>                         

   Political Blackmail                                                             
     "Ricardo Bello" <>                                               

   Re: Re: <nettime> Le Monde Diplomatic: =?iso-8859-1?q?Chavez=B4s=20personal?= co
     ernie yacub <>                                              

   Chavez´s Political Blackmail                                                    
     "Ricardo Bello" <>                                               


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:34:25 +0100 (BST)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Benjamin=20Geer?= <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Le Monde Diplomatic: Chavez´s personal conspiracy

On Friday 21 June 2002 6:43 pm, Ricardo Bello wrote:
>      I can´t get out of an state of amazement after reading an
> article signed by Ignacio Ramonet at Le MondeDiplomatic. My
> only conclusion is that Ramonet truly is a Chavez´s agent!, but
> as I do not trust myself, at least in this affair, we have to
> admit there are at least two powerful paranoias working against
> each other.

Or perhaps that there's another, valid interpretation of the Chavez
affair, quite different from your own.  For more detail, see:



Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 09:26:26 -0700
From: "Ricardo Bello" <>
Subject: Political Blackmail

Political parties and CTV withdrew its support from Carmona ´s interim
government because of its antidemocratic behavior. That has been said
again and again, to no avail. Chavez strategy is to denounce all
opposition as fascist and there are fascists, extreme right elements and
savage reactionaries among the opposition, that´s completely true. But
large sectors of Venezuelan society become guilty of fascist behaviour in
government´s eyes, just because they denounced corruption in high military
ranks, or the lack of sound economic policies. That´s a political
blackmail. If you are political correct, then you must belong to the
Chavez´s side; otherwise, you are a fascist. This argument closes all
roads leading to institutional change. Stand by my side -he says-, leave
me alone or I will unleash hell, I will let open the doors of civil war.


Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:57:55 -0700
From: ernie yacub <>
Subject: Re: Re: <nettime> Le Monde Diplomatic: =?iso-8859-1?q?Chavez=B4s=20personal?= conspiracy

On Monday 24 June 2002 17:53, Ricardo Bello wrote:
> Wait and see public response when IMF implements
> economic measures in Venezuela, measures that should not have
> been necessary if Chavez had been a competent and honest administrator.

We have seen the IMF prescription wreak havoc in many countries, with and
without competent administration.  Can you give us an example of the
mythical realm that has been immune to their nostrums?

Of course people will blame Chavez for being unable to prevent the looting
and raping of Venezuela.  Isn't that the purpose of the tnc's and their US
military machine?

ernie yacub


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 06:48:31 -0700
From: "Ricardo Bello" <>
Subject: Chavez´s Political Blackmail

Chavez strategy is to denounce all opposition as fascist and there are
fascists, extreme right elements and savage reactionaries among the
opposition, that´s completely true. Another kind of extremists are
supporting the President but that´s not the issue with this post.

Democratic opposition is guilty of fascist behaviour in government´s eyes,
just because they denounced corruption in high military ranks, or the lack
of sound economic policies. That´s a political blackmail. If you are
political correct, then you must belong to the Chavez´s side; otherwise,
you are a fascist. This argument closes all roads leading to institutional
change. Stand by my side -he says-, leave me alone or I will unleash hell:
civil war.


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