Announcer on Mon, 13 May 2002 22:37:55 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> 11 Events

Table of Contents:

   Tele-Lectures Vortragsreihe                                                     
     "Redaktion" <>                 

   Last Hybrid Discourse Event                                                     
     Anya Lewin <>                                           

   squat artists of london                                                         
     matthew fuller <>                                          

   darko fritz . exhibition + p.sound performance + call for sound works                                                                       

   Media in Transition 2: globalization and convergence                            
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   METAPET _ LAUNCH _ 5.15.02                                                      
     "AIM III:  Luna Park" <>                                         

   FWD: CALF Show reminder                                                         
     "Synne Bull" <>                                          

   Third Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association                        
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   DCSB: John Quarterman; Network Monoculture -- Diversity,  Survivability, and the
     "R. A. Hettinga" <>                                           

   e-phos festival Athens Sept 2002 CALL FOR ENTRIES                               
     "ALAS" <>                                                   

   read_me 1.2 program                                                             
     Olga Goriunova <>                                             


Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 10:57:43 +0200
From: "Redaktion" <>
Subject: Tele-Lectures Vortragsreihe

Tele-Lectures: Iconic Turn* präsentiert Tele-Lectures: Iconic Turn - Das neue Bild
der Welt

Nie zuvor waren Bilder so präsent wie heute. Mit der Erfindung der
Fotografie, der Verbreitung der Massenmedien und der Entwicklung der
Computertechnologie hat sich zugleich der Wirkungsgrad des Bildlichen
auf Kultur, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft eminent vergrößert. Dieser
gewachsenen Bedeutung des Bildes widmet sich die interdisziplinäre
Vorlesungsreihe "Iconic Turn - Das neue Bild der Welt", die im
Sommersemester 2002 erstmals an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München stattfindet.

________________* überträgt einige der Vorträge in hoher Qualität über
Breitband-Netze in die Hörsäle einzelner Hochschulen. Im Anschluss daran
werden die Videoaufzeichnungen der Vorlesungen kostenlos der breiten
Öffentlichkeit online im Internet zur Verfügung gestellt: 

Nächste Vorlesung: Dienstag, 7. Mai 2002 um 19:00 Uhr

Imaging als Einheit von Künsten und Wissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Bazon Brock, Bergische Universität-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal

Unter den weiteren Vortragenden sind: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Brandt /
Philosoph, Philipps-Universität Marburg; Prof. Dr. Wolf Singer /
Direktor, Max Planck Institut für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt am Main;
Norman Foster / Architekt, London: Prof. Dr. Peter Sloterdijk /
Professor für Philosophie und Ästhetik, Staatliche Hochschule für
Gestaltung, Karlsruhe; Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp / Kunsthistoriker,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Das Programm finden Sie unter:

An folgenden Hochschulen laden Studenten auf ihre Initiative ihre
Kommilitonen ein, 
die Tele-Lectures live vor Ort zu verfolgen: 

Hochschule für Graphik und Buchkunst, Leipzig 
Wächterstraße 11, 
04107 Leipzig, Tel: 03 41/21 35-0

Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, Berlin 
Bühringstraße 20, 
13086 Berlin, Tel: 030 / 477 05 222

Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Design/Innenarchitektur, Wismar 
Philipp-Müller-Strasse 20, Haus 7, 
23966 Wismar, Tel: 03841/753212

Die Tele-Lectures sind eine Initiative von, der
Plattform für Medienkunst und Medienkultur in Deutschland. wurde entwickelt vom MARS Exploratory Media Lab des
Fraunhofer Institut für Medienkommunikation und wird vom
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert.

Veranstaltet wird die Iconic Turn Vorlesungsreihe von der Burda Akademie
zum Dritten Jahrtausend, einer Institution der Hubert Burda Stiftung, in
Zusammenarbeit mit dem Humanwissenschaftlichen Zentrum der
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.

Weitere Informationen zur Vorlesungsreihe finden Sie unter Iconic Turn

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie die Vorlesungsreihe bekannt geben und
auf die Möglichkeit der Abrufung der Vorträge im Videoarchiv* verweisen würden.

Für Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Gabriele Blome / Katja Heckes 
Redaktion MARS Exploratory Media Lab // 
MARS - Media Arts & Research Studies, Fraunhofer Institut für

* Die Plattform ist eine non-profit Internetplattform.
Sie dient der Kommunikation zwischen Medienkunst, Mediengestaltung,
Wissenschaft und Technologie. Initiiert und entwickelt wurde sie am MARS
Exploratory Media Lab des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Medienkommunikation.
Sie wird gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.


Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 13:02:37 +0100
From: Anya Lewin <>
Subject: Last Hybrid Discourse Event

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May 13th 6 - 8 PM (British Time)
Place: Sherwell Centre / University of Plymouth / Plymouth / UK
to listen to webcast of event or to join on-line discussion:

Hybrid Discourse is a series of events investigating current cultural
debates in the context of digital media. Focusing on key issues such as
relations between art and industry, emerging cultural, commercial and hybri=
practices as well as new models of institutional practices this program
seeks to re-address critical terms of Adorno and Horkheimer's original
concept of the culture industry in the current context.

Josephine Bosma will be examining how the developments in net art provoke a
new perspective on not only art itself but also on its context, most
specifically art criticism. Incorporating media theory and media criticism
with art criticisim, she will examine ways to contextualize, exhibit and
value art in a networked society.

Volker Grassmuck's lecture will consider how  the  the architecture and
ethos of the internet is being changed   by the Content or more precisely
the Rights Industry -- today's designation for the Culture Industry. It is
not neccesarily a problem that the Bertelsmanns and Beate Uhses are  coming
online but how it effects the non- and decidedly anti-capitalist cultures
like the free software movement is a concern.

Josephine Bosma writes on art and new media. Publications of her work have
been both offline and online in, amongst others, Mute (UK), Telepolis (D),
Metropolis M (NL), UHK (NO), Switch (USA), Ars Electronica '97 catalogue
(AT), the book cyberfeminizam edited by Igor Markovich (SI) and the book
netzkunst edited by Verena Kuni (D).In 1996 Josephine Bosma organised the
radio aspect of n5m2, and in 1999 she did so again for its successor n5m3.
In January 2001 Josephine Bosma initiated the newsletter for net art
criticism cream.

Volker Grassmuck is a media researcher & freelance writer. He has done
research on artificial intelligence, garbage, otaku, the Turing Galaxy,
the history of media and identity discourse in Japan, and on the knowledge
order of digital media. He is currently researching at the Helmholtz
Center for Cultural Technology of Humboldt University Berlin, curating the
event series The Wizards of OS, and networking media cultures as part
of the group mikro.

Hybrid Discourse is organised by Anya Lewin and Joasia Krysa with support
from the Institute of Digital Art and Technology (i-DAT), Dartington
Colleg= e of Arts, World of Work, Mute, and the European Social Fund. -


Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 20:47:12 +0100
From: matthew fuller <>
Subject: squat artists of london

temporary autonomous art
underground art in a squatted house

22-24 May 2002

call 07050 614 804 for venue info

weds 22nd: workshops and opening night
thurs 23rd: open access film night
friday 24th: live music and performance

cafe, record stall, second hand clothes, art 4 sale

if you would like to contribute call the artists line
07092 012 299 or email


Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 23:22:55 +0200
Subject: darko fritz . exhibition + p.sound performance + call for sound works

- ---------------------
1. exhibition 
- ---------------------
Darko Fritz
Galerija Karas . Praska 4 . Zagreb

opening Monday 13 . 05 . 19 - 21 h

14 . 05 - 03 . 06 . 2002
mon - fri . 11 - 19 h
sat . 10 - 14 h
free entrance

- ---------------------
2. sound performance
- ---------------------
Darko Fritz
p.sound Megamix live!

Tuesday . 14 . 05 . 2002 . 19 - 20 h CET
    . net.culture club [mama] . Preradoviceva 18 . Zagreb . free entrance
    . Radio student . wavefm . 100,5 MHz 
    . live audio stream . .

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. exhibition . p.sound+time=money=time=
+ time=money=time= . computer installation
+ time=money=time= . portfolio of prints . publisher Horetzky [Atelier Brane Horvata]

+ p.sound . sound installation
+ p.sound [remix] . audio CD p.sound [remix] vol. 01 . publisher Egoboo.bits

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. sound performance . p.sound Megamix live!

p.sound [remix] . network projekt

p.sound [remix] is network art project initiated by Darko Fritz as part of the XXX [body . technology . desire . porno] project.

:. g0 _ Initial sound samples were taken from the porno films sound library CD. 

:. g1 _  Multilayered and reprogrammed g0 sounds appear as new soundscape. Copyleft three minute version is ready to be used by other artists. 

:. g2 _ Make your remix and participate in the network art project! Feel free to join! Upload multimedia or sound work at

:. g3 _ Megamix live! performances by sound artists and DJ's using all works created withn this project.

Megamix live! performance by Darko Fritz
Tuesday . 14 . 05 . 2002 . 19 - 20 h CET
net.culture club [mama] Zagreb + net live stream + Radio student


p.sound [remix] vol. 01 audio CD is published in May 2002 by EGOBOO.bits.
featuring . Darko Fritz | Andrey Savitsky | piis | Markus Hafner | Parasew | OG Mass T.Lander | John Harford | Paul Jay
copyleft GNU GPL . audio CD available via [mama]


p.sound [remix]


XXX [body . technology . desire . porno] project




live stream powerd by

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Darko Fritz .

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 21:29:36 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Media in Transition 2: globalization and convergence

Media in Transition 2: globalization and convergence

May 10-12, 2002 at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

MiT2 conference organizing committee: Henry Jenkins, Shigeru
Miyagawa, David Thorburn, William Uricchio, Ingrid Volkmer and Jing

Terms such as "globalization" and "convergence" increasingly dominate
discussions of our media environment, yet their meanings remain vague
and context specific. Many factors make it difficult to make broad
statements about these trends: the uneven flow of cultural products
across national borders; the still nascent nature of the new media
environment; unpredictable patterns of use and meaning among media
consumers; diverse national histories of cultural exchange or isolation;
and an unstable business climate which alternately encourages and
discourages innovation and entrepreneurship.

Many core issues remain to be explored: Will globalization reduce or
expand the world's cultural diversity? Will new technologies empower
international media makers to enter the American marketplace or leave
them more exposed than ever before to U.S. cultural exports? How do we
reconcile the competing forces of media convergence and media
fragmentation that are shaping the current communications
infrastructure? What patterns can we discern among convergent content
and audiences across media forms and international borders? What are
the implications of media convergence not only at the corporate level, but
also at the grassroots level where users are in control of content, context,
and flow?

In 1999, MIT hosted the first Media in Transition conference, bringing
together an international array of scholars from many different disciplines
to examine the process and consequences of media change. In 2002, we
invite you back to MIT for the second Media in Transition conference. As in
the first conference, we encourage reflection across disciplinary
boundaries, and among theorists and practitioners-a citizenly discourse
makes core ideas accessible to a broad public.

This second conference will focus on North American, European and
Asian experiences, and will provide a platform for a historically and
culturally comparative analysis of our media past, present and future. As
in the first Media in Transition conference, presentations and multi-media
demonstrations will be framed by plenary "conversations" in which
distinguished panelists will speak briefly and then participate in extended
dialogue with the audience.

Themes include:

· Changing peri pheries and centers;
· World music-world media;
· News and information in the digital age;
· The Internet, policy and popular culture;
· Transnational political activism;
· Cultural disorder: regional censorship and transnational media;
· Unofficial cultures and cultures of resistance;
· Cultural authority/autonomy/markets;
· Historical precedents/precursors;
· Global media flows, local media meanings;
· Intellectual property: constructions, enforcements, implications;
· Cyber citizenry and the global public sphere;
· Digital culture: language and infrastructure;
· Convergence and fragmentation;
· Public service vs. the marketplace: traditions, histories and futures;
· Building a global base for local media production;
· Global fusion and cultural hybridity;
· "The Third Culture"-identity in an age of dislocation;
· The globalization of the media audience: re-examining "the global
· The transformation of television;
· Narrative forms and cultural change.


Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 11:01:38 -0700
From: "AIM III:  Luna Park" <>
Subject: METAPET _ LAUNCH _ 5.15.02



The Los Angeles public unveiling of Metapet, and launch party for the
world's first transgenic virtual pet game, @  the Museum of Contemporary
Art's PDC Gallery on Wednesday, May 15 from 6:00 PM until
9:00 PM.

What/Who: Metapet is a project by Natalie Bookchin with Jin Lee,
Cathy Davies and Mark Allen of Action Tank (
presented by Creative Time (www. in association
with Hamaca (

Metapet also features minigames by guest artists including:
Plagiarist, a.k.a. Amy Alexander, Davis & Davis, Carmin Karasic,
Jeff Knowlton, Anne-Marie Schleiner, Naomi Spellman, Karl Mihail
and Tran, T. Kim-Trang of the Gene Genies, and Paul Vanouse.

The LA Metapet Launch is organized by artist/professor Christiane
Robbins, AIM Executive Producer, sponsored by AIM III: Luna Park,
CalArts, located at MOCA, produced by Lisa Lee and Action
Tank,  with technical assistance by USC's Matrix Program for
Digital Media.

Please go to for in-depth info on this
project (also see links to press clips below)

Background: Natalie Bookchin and her collective Action Tank
( were commissioned by Creative Time
( to create on on-line game as part of
DNAid, Creative Time's ongoing series of commissions addressing
themes and issues related to genetics. The art project was
produced in association with Hamaca ( .


The Game:

Are you ready to manage the worker of the future? Biotech
innovation meets corporate creativity and gives birth to a new
class of virtual pet: the Metapet. - Your challenge: discover the
right balance between a firm hand and a gentle coax without ever
losing sight of the bottom line.  But here's a word of advice:
treat your Metapet with care. Heedless actions may come back to
haunt you when you least expect it!

Metapet, the world's first transgenic virtual pet game is a
strategy game set in a biotechnology company sometime in the near
future. The premise of the game is very simple: players choose
the company they want to be executives of and have to choose a
Metapet. These Matapets are a generation of humans that have been
genetically modified along the lines of the Nexus 6 in Blade
Runner. In this case, the genetic determinant consists of an
obedience gene from a trained dog, which has been designed to
create a new class of worker that is much more loyal and
productive then its precursor.

In Metapet, Action Tank playfully takes on three cultural
behemoths: the biotechnology industry, the electronic gaming
industry and corporate culture at large. Creative Time's launch
of Metapet marks a new phase in the evolution of artist-made
games and stakes out new territory for independent, creative


About the Producers of this Project:

Creative Time ( Creative Time, a
not-for-profit arts presenter, fosters artistic experimentation
in the public realm.

The organization commissions and presents adventurous art in the
public realm that challenges notions of what art is and can be.
Our work is site responsive and temporary; it encourages artists
to try something new; it considers the public in its realization;
it works in a diversity of sites; and, it supports artists in
approaching the public realm as a laboratory for experimentation.

For nearly 30 years, New York-based Creative Time, has
commissioned and presented adventurous public arts projects of
all disciplines. From the Brooklyn Bridge Anchorage, Grand
Central Terminal, and Times Square to milk cartons, the Internet,
and billboards, Creative Time has supported artists in
invigorating our urban landscape.

Hamaca ( HAMACA, a new net art platform from
Barcelona made up of a number of the cities art institutions
(MACBA - the Museum of Contemporary Art, The Tapias Foundation,
The Miro Foundation, Hangar, Museum of Contemporary art, Leida,
Metronom. specializing in production, dissemination and debate

 AIM III: Luna Park, in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art,
Los Angeles, and the USC School of Fine Art, is presenting a series of
critical inquiries into digital art practice and culture, the trajectories
of the idioms of "informatization" "globalization", and our fascination
with the spectacular.  It comprises a lecture series and symposium,
international invitational and open-entry online exhibitions, and related
events offering incisive responses to contemporary notions of the cultural
narratives and legacies of the world's first modern amusement park in
relationship to the advances of digital technologies.

AIM, itself,  was conceived in response to the outpouring of diverse
projects from cultural practitioners of all kinds, as they explored the
potential of an avalanche of new communications and digital technologies.
The significance of these technologies to the determination of our global
future, coupled with the overwhelming number, and increasingly hybridizing
nature of the explorations, demanded the development of a supportive
infrastructure - ranging from physical spaces in which to create and
exhibit, to public education programs, to forums for maintaining
alternative discourse in an increasingly homogenous global community.

Building on the success of its first two years AIM's continuing intent is
to contribute to the development of such an infrastructure by encouraging
innovative projects from different media bases, placing them together
within a specific theoretical frame, and facilitating the critical dialogue
necessary to sustain the development of such a dynamic emerging field of
cultural practice.


The Creators:

Action Tank Action Tank is an independent mobile network that
deploys high leverage technology as ammunition against the
current state of affairs. Action Tank was formed in 2000 by
Natalie Bookchin and Jin Lee.  As an open collaborative unit,
Action Tank currently includes Natalie Bookchin, Jin Lee, Cathy
Davies, Mark Allen, Jerry Hamby and Lem Jay Ignacio.

Natalie Bookchin, a 2001-2002 Guggenheim Fellow,
is an artist based in LA who teaches at CalArts. She shows her
work world wide online and off, including recently at PS1, Mass Moca,
the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona, the Generali Foundation,
Vienna, the Walker Art Center and the Shedhale in Zurich. In
1999-2000 Bookchin organized <>, an eight month series
of lectures and workshops on art, activism and the Internet at
CalArts, MOCA in LA, and Laboratorio Cinematek in Tijuana. From
1998 to 2000 she was a member of the collective ®TMark.  She is a
recent recipient of a California Arts Council Artist Fellowship,
A Creative Capital Grant, Jerome foundation/Walker Art Center
Grant and a Daniel Langlois Grant among others.



MetaPet is made possible, in part, with public funds from the New
York State Council on the Arts, a state agency; New York City
Department of Cultural Affairs; and New York City Council Member
Christine C. Quinn.

Financial assistance was provided by the Jerome Foundation, The
Greenwall Foundation, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual
Arts, The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and
Technology, and MECAD/Media Center for Art and Design in

MetaPet was produced in association with Hamaca.


Articles on Metapet:

The New York Times "Sit, Rollover, Work: An Employee Pet Game" by
Erik Baard. April 1, 2002

>>The Santa Clarita Daily News "New online game turns company
>>workers into pets " April 2, 2002
>>The San Diego Union-Tribune "Dog-eat-dog world " April 8, 2002
>>Die Welt " Tamagotchi fur Manager " April 22, 2002
>>Incentives Magazine, "Employee News May 1, 2002
>>For The Love of the Game, ArtByte Magazine, Nov/Dec 2001 (PDF
>>file) (Bookchin was asked to
>>moderate an animated discussion on artists' computer games.
>>Acting as an umpire, she assembled three teams of artists (each
>>with games set for 2002 release) to participate, via email--as if
>>playing a game.)

- - Exit Communication -

Christiane Robbins
Associate Professor / Director
Matrix Program for Digital Media
University of Southern California
Watt Hall 103, University Park Campus
Los Angeles, CA  90089-0292

Tel:   213.821.1539
Fax:  213.740.8938


Innovation makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old regime,
and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under
the new.      Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)


Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 22:11:34 GMT
From: "Synne Bull" <>
Subject: FWD: CALF Show reminder

From:	"Dale Hoyt" <>
Subject:	CALF Show reminder
Date:	Tue, 07 May 2002 06:03:35 +0000

The Bio Arts Gallery is proud to present "LET IT BREED, C.A.L.F.'s
Anniversary Exhibition"  Monday, May 13th through Saturday, June 28th,
an opening reception Saturday May 11, 6-9 

For the past five years C.A.L.F., the Coalition of Artists and Life Forms,
has led a dialog between the art world, the public and the biotechnology
industry through a series of screenings, symposiums, pranks and informal
conversations that sought to educate the art community on issues of
bio-tech. These discussions and investigations have lead to a substantial
body of work that both reflect an in informed and enlightened vision of
artists concerned with the most important issues of the day.

"LET IT BREED , C.A.L.F. 's Fifth Anniversary Exhibition" brings together
the work of many of C.A.L.F's original and most devoted members including
Linda Ford, Amy Hicks, Jo Jackson, David Lawrence, Malka Lehmann, Scott
MacLeod, Chicory Miles, Eva Strohmeier, Gabrielle Thormann, Steve
Thurston, and C.A.L.F. 's founder and Executive Director Dale Hoyt.

The exhibition features artist working in a wide range of mediums and
materials. Partner's in crime, Steve Thurston and Dale Hoyt's "Kitten
Kollaboration" drawing series envisions feline babies in various satirical
jeopardy and now include several unauthorized portraits of CC, the world's
first cloned cat. Chicory Miles' epic fountainary piece "Eternal
Generation" addresses in ambitious scale the objectification of progeny,
David Lawrence lovingly dwells on pet fetishism in his digital print work,
while Malka Lehmann's paintings call into question the public fight
between mortality and vanity. The show will also showcase the fleshy and
minimalist sculptures of Linda Ford that pay homage to biological chaos as
well as the storyboards of Amy Hicks' internationally screened video
"Hatching Beauty" and Gabrielle Thormann's canvases pictorializing cell

The BioArts Gallery is 80 LibertyShip Way, suite 22 in Sausalito(see
directions below). 10-5  weekdays by appointment only(415)621-4527. 

====================== Directions to the Bio Arts Gallery : Take GG Bridge
across to Marin and take the Alexander Ave. Exit and follow coast road
into downtown Sausalito by South Street right onto Second St., right onto
Richardson St., left onto Bridgeway and after about three miles look for
Marinship. Turn right onto Marinship and make another immediate right onto
LibertyShip Way. We're at #80, one of the white buildings with red trim,
Suite 22, second floor. ======================

BULL.MILETIC |775 POST #611 | SF | CA 94109 | 415 567 6457 


Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 17:17:43 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Third Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association

June 21-23, 2002
Hosted by the Communication Arts Department, Marymount Manhattan College

221 East 71st Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY  10021

- --Would you like to spend a coffee break debating the ideas of Marshall
McLuhan, Walter Ong, Lewis Mumford, Susanne Langer, George Herbert Mead,
or Neil Postman?

- --Is the history of technology and the culture of those who use it as
important to you as how it is currently being used?

- --Are you interested in exploring orality and literacy; print media,
television, and the Internet; language, culture, and consciousness, or
media ecology education and policy; technology and information systems?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider joining us for
the Third Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association at
Marymount Manhattan College.

Keynote speaker Elizabeth Eisenstein, author of The Printing Press as an
Agent of Change, will address "Old Media in the New Millennium."

Featured presentations by Leonard Shlain, author of The Alphabet Versus
the Goddess, and Donald Theall, author of The Virtual Marshall McLuhan.

Special film screening: McLuhan's Wake, by Kevin McMahon.


The Convention is open to 2002 MEA members only; 2002 membership dues
may be paid when registering.

Convention Fees:
US $30 Pre-Registration (before June 1, 2002*)
US $20 Student Pre-Registration (before June 1, 2002*)

If not already a member for 2002, please add:
US $40 2002 Membership (through December 31, 2002)
US $20 2002 Student Membership (through December 31, 2002; include
photocopy of full-time student ID)

*Registration after June 1, 2002 and on-site will be $40 for members and
$30 for student members.

A printable version of the pre-registration form is available online at
<>, where you can also find the Convention
schedule (updated periodically), as well as a list of hotels in
Manhattan and directions to the Marymount Manhattan campus.

Mail completed pre-registration form and check or money order payable to
Media Ecology Association to

Thom Gencarelli, MEA Treasurer
Department of Broadcasting
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ  07043-9987
973-655-7339   973-655-5432 (fax)

Questions? Contact the Convention Coordinators:
David Linton & Laura Tropp
Communication Arts Department
Marymount Manhattan College
221 East 71st Street
New York, NY  10021-4597, (alternate)



Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 02:00:27 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <>
Subject: DCSB: John Quarterman; Network Monoculture -- Diversity,  Survivability, and the Profitablity of Internet Commerce

- --- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 19:28:42 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <>
Subject: DCSB: John Quarterman; Network Monoculture -- Diversity,
 Survivability, and the Profitablity of Internet Commerce
Cc: John Quarterman <>,
        Donald Eastlake <>
Reply-To: "R. A. Hettinga" <>

Hash: SHA1

               The Digital Commerce Society of Boston


                          John S. Quarterman
                             Founder, CTO
                         Matrix NetSystems, Inc.

                          Network Monoculture:
                   Diversity, Survivability, and the
                     Profitablity of Internet Commerce

                      Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
                             12 - 2 PM
                 The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston
                    One Federal Street, Boston, MA

Monoculture is harmful for ecosystems or markets. This talk will
illustrate performance effects on the Internet caused by natural
(hurricane, earthquake) and unnatural (routing flap, cable cut,
building damage) disasters. Measuring performance of the Internet can
enable price differentiation, asset and liability management, and
speed Internet evolution by providing it a business model.

John S. Quarterman wrote The Matrix, a comprehensive book on the
history, technology, and people of computer networks worldwide, as
well as six other books. He is a founder and Chief Technology Officer
of Matrix NetSystems, which is the most experienced Internet analyst,
established as Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS) in
1990, and since 1998 an Internet startup with Internet performance
products. Quarterman published the first maps of the whole Internet;
conducted the first Internet Demographic Survey; and started the
first continuing series of performance data about the entire Internet
in 1993, on the web since 1995 in the Internet Weather Report, and
also visible as, plus comparisons of
ISPs visible as

This meeting of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston will be held
on Tuesday, June 4th, 2002, from 12pm - 2pm at the Downtown Branch of
the Harvard Club of Boston, on One Federal Street. Luncheon seats are
$49.00. The Harvard Club has relaxed its dress code, which is now
"business casual", meaning no sneakers or jeans. Fair warning: since
we purchase these luncheons in advance, we will be unable to refund
the price of your meal if the Club finds you in violation of what's
left of its dress code. In addition, since the "dot-bomb", the
suit-probability in the main dining room has been asymptotically
approaching unity, and we should probably dress accordingly. :-).

We need to receive a company check, or money order, (or, if we know
you, a personal check) payable to "The Harvard Club of Boston", by
Saturday, June 1st, or you won't be on the list for lunch. Checks
payable to anyone else but The Harvard Club of Boston will be

Checks should be sent to Robert Hettinga, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston,
Massachusetts, 02131. Again, they *must* be made payable to "The
Harvard Club of Boston", in the amount of $49.00. Please include your
e-mail address so that we can send you a confirmation

If anyone has questions, or has a problem with these arrangements
(we've had to work with glacial A/P departments more than once, for
instance), please let us know via e-mail, and we'll see if we can
work something out.

Upcoming speakers for DCSB are:

August 6     Donald Eastlake     XML Security

As you can see, we are actively searching for future speakers. If you
are in Boston on the first Tuesday of the month, are a principal in
digital commerce, and would like to make a presentation to the
Society, please send e-mail to the DCSB Program Committee, care of
Robert Hettinga, <mailto:>, and we'll send you a
call for speakers.

For more information about the Digital Commerce Society of Boston,
send "info dcsb" in the body of a message to <mailto:> . If you want to subscribe to the DCSB
e-mail list, send "subscribe dcsb" in the body of a message to
<mailto:> . We look forward to seeing you

Version: PGP 7.5


- -- 
- -----------------
R. A. Hettinga <mailto:>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to
"" with one line of text: "help".

- --- end forwarded text

- -- 
- -----------------
R. A. Hettinga <mailto:>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'


Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 15:09:19 +0300
From: "ALAS" <>
Subject: e-phos festival Athens Sept 2002 CALL FOR ENTRIES 


''e-phos 2002''
4th International Festival of Film and New Media

 2 4  -  30  September 2 0 0 2
Athens, Greece

 ''e-phos''  is an annual large scale festival dedicated to the exhibition
and promotion of digital arts and creative technology. Organized by the
Athens-based non profit cultural organization ALAS,  festival  ''e-phos''
is an interdisciplinary happening that aims to support a creative exchange
of experiences and contacts in the sphere of digital creation and to develop
the public´s understanding and appreciation of a new audiovisual language
that emerges through the fusion of different mediums and genres.

The festival is supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, General
Secretariat for Youth, Hellenic Ministry of Press, Hellenic Organization of
Tourism, Municipality of Athens, Municipality of Argyroupolis

- ---------------------------------------------------

p r o g r a m s   t o  a p p l y

1. digital cinema

2. computer animation

3. cd-roms, dvds, websites, artist presentations

4. documentaries on all arts

5. live music events

6. interactive perfomances

- ------------------------------------------------------------

see attached document

send entry form and material at
57 ARCHIMIDOUS GR-11636 Athens
attention: Yiannis Skourogiannis

tel: 003010-7520064-5 fax: 003010-7520064

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
also download complete form and regulations from
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 17:49:09 +0400
From: Olga Goriunova <>
Subject: read_me 1.2 program

International Software Art Festival read_me 1.2
software art / software art games


May 18-19. Moscow, DOM Cultural Center
Bolshoy Ovchinnikovsky per. 24-4 (nearest metro station: Novokuznetskaya). 
Tel. 953 7236, 953 7242

May 18, Saturday

16.00 Welcome.
Mikhail Shvydkoy, Minister of Culture.

16.15 Festival opening. Introduction lecture "How Artistic Software Will Save the World" by Olga Goriunova (media researcher, Russia) and Alexei Shulgin (media artist, Russia)

17.00 Presentation of the read_me 1.2 finalists' works.

18.00 "Pop Soft"
"bOtimatiOn" by UberGeek (Internet performance), "FULL",  "the gravity code" "retroYou trn nostalgia" and more by RetroYou (modified computer games).

20.00 "VinylVideo(TM)" Gebhard Sengmueller + Martin Diamant, Austria

21.00 Concert.
Retro Sex Galaxy (electronic noise music, Poland).

386 DX (cyberpunk-rock, Russia).

May 19, Sunday

16.00 Show-instrumentarium
(Dj & Vj tools, submitted to read_me 1.2).

17.00 "ASCII TV Theatre". Presentation of an open source installation.

17.30 Lecture: "Software Art. Language. Writing" by Florian Cramer (lecturer in Comparative Literature at Freie Universitaet Berlin. He is also a programmer and writer on digital culture).

18.30 Panel: "Media Active Element" with RTMark (anti-corporate corporation, USA-Europe) and Cue P. Doll (digital artist and programmer, USA). 

19.30 Award ceremony and presentation of the winners' works.

21.00 Concert. 
Game Boyzz Orchestra (electronic minimalism, Poland).

MicroMusic (low-tech music for high-tech people, Switzerland).


read_me 1.2 explores the meanings of "program," "programming," "media space," and other poorly understood concepts. What are new media art strategies? What does Open Source do? Work gets made: how?


Organized by: State Center for Museums and Exhibitions "ROSIZO", - 
Media Art Center "Macros-Center".
"Macros-center" was founded in autumn of the year 2001 in Moscow under State Center for Museums and Exhibitions "ROSIZO". It is an initiative intended to react to interesting and nontraditional phenomena in the sphere of media-art, in the area of intersection of arts, culture and new technologies. "Macros-center" is focused on art adequate to information society and new world order, on artistic and theoretic interpretation of the new reality. The activity of Media-art-center is directed toward creating the field of the working ideas on actual media-art, toward stimulating interest in new artistic strategies and projects, toward organizing space capable of supporting and initiating different artistic and critical media-activities.

Supported by:
Austrian Cultural Forum (Moscow), Embassy of Switzerland in Moscow, Pro Helvetia, DOM Cultural Center.


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