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<nettime> Venezuela digest [Brozefsky, yacub, kozaitis] |
["Domhnall" <>] First Hand Account of Truth from Venezuala Craig Brozefsky <> Re: <nettime> Venezuela: STRATFOR Evaluation ernie yacub <> Venezuela -- BREAKING NEWS ------------------------------ Date: 17 Apr 2002 09:20:35 -0500 From: Craig Brozefsky <> Subject: ["Domhnall" <>] First Hand Account of Truth from Venezuala From: "Domhnall" <> To: "Marxism" <> Subject: First Hand Account of Truth from Venezuala Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:55:04 +0100 Message-ID: <> A Chairde, I am sorry but this will have to be short - I am tied up just now. An Irish film maker was making a documentary about Hugo Chavez during the day of the coup and filmed absolutely everything. Her name is Kim Bartley and the whole thing will be made for screening by the end of Summer as she remains in Venezuala for another month. The first-hand account of events she gave is as follows: She was with Chavez and doing interviews with all the main generals (including those who later revolted). The film crew was at the original Pro-Chavez marchers who met the large anti-Chavez crowd on Friday. She says that the snipers on the roofs WERE DEFINITELY FIRING INTO THE PRO-CHAVEZ CROWD - she had conducted interviews with two pro-Chavez people and then filmed them being killed in the gunfire on the steps of the palace. She says that the pro-Chavez crowd had guns and then started to fire back at the snipers in self-defence. She estimates that at least five of the dead were pro-Chavez people - she only limits it to this as she only saw five dead people. Following the street clashes, she retreated to the palace with Chavez and his supporters doing interviews in the hours of military siege and had to escape just after he was arrested. His supporters indicated that he never resigned and several were in tears as he was lead away. The crew were advised to lay low for some time as their lives were in danger - the film that they had taken was in direct contradiction to the 'official' story being touted widely. Pro-Chavez people were concerned for her safety and that the 'truth' come out. She was catching a flight to Cuba arranged by the Chavez people when the word came through about the massive rioting in the poor areas. She started filming this and the taking of the palace. She says that Chavez was held in five different locations, the second last of which was in a submarine base on the coast. Someone was sent to assassinate him there but friendly troops found out and moved him to the island. The fax which was sent which clarified that he had not resigned was sent from the submarine base. Paratroopers subsequently rescued him from the island. Clearly, this is a truth which needs to be spread. It almost demonstrates organisation by something like the CIA to an absolute degree of certainty. She understands the importance of getting the truth out as quickly as possible but wants to capture the events stemming from the failure of the coup. The film will be shown on RTE (Irish national television) as they funded her trip - I'm not sure about elsewhere. Perhaps someone else out there might be able to arrange something in the US? If you want I can try/attempt to get a contact number for her. Domhnall. - -- Craig Brozefsky <> Free Software Sociopath(tm) Ask me about Common Lisp Enterprise Eggplants at Red Bean! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:09:09 -0700 From: ernie yacub <> Subject: Re: <nettime> Venezuela: STRATFOR Evaluation An interesting analysis of the Stratfor spin...... Stratfor on the USA's Failed Venezuela Coup Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:33:12 -0500 (CDT) From: Stratfor on the USA's Failed Venezuela Coup Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit [Stratfor has been gunning for Chavez for many months, pulling out the "he's a madman" slur in its early anti-Chavez articles, an old propaganda tactic used against numerous leaders the United States wished to dispose of, most successfully Iran's Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. Now, of course, along with the rest of the imperialist disinformation industry, they need to save face. The NY Times says that US officials "met with" the coup plotters; here, Stratfor talks about "rumored" US involvement. -- NY Transfer] According to Stratfor, a lot of sources are saying that the restoration is going to be some of the worst news the US has had in some time. Chavez' return to power means he'll be able to investigate carefully who knew on April 10 about the "momentous events" - and pursue the leads that point to State, Central Intelligence and [FBI spy] Robert Hanssen's pals at Opus Dei. Given how pro-coup and anti-Chavez Stratfor's analysis has been in the months preceding the coup, the fact that they're running this story as a strong possibility rather than dismissing it as crazy conspiracy talk makes it sound like the blowback on this failed op is going to be coming thick and fast. We all need to be on our guard for the spinmeisters here. (And indeed, I'm surprised that Stratfor's running this story at all, except that they'd already run the leaks from Russia so for them to pretend this isn't developing would make them look very, very foolish.) -- Peter Bell The first article on what is currently (4/15/02) the second Venezuela page has as its teaser/lead paragraph: U.S. Taking Low-Key Stance on Venezuelan Instability - Apr 12 On April 10 there were clear indications outside both Venezuela and the United States that a momentous event would occur in Caracas. STRATFOR was alerted late April 10 by a source in Russia that developments in Venezuela "over the next 24 hours" might speed the collapse of President Hugo Chavez's government. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:52:41 -0400 From: Subject: Venezuela -- BREAKING NEWS for what it's worth.... CIA regroups covert forces in renewed bid to plan assassination of Venezuela's legitimate President Hugo Chavez Frias : Wednesday, April 17, 2002 -- According to next weekend's issue of The International Investor investment newsletter (edited and published by Bob Chapman) the overthrow Venezuelašs democratically-elected President Hugo Chavez came from the military assisted by businessman Pedro Carmona, who was prepared to set up a dictatorship. "Mr. Chavez was out of power for just 48 hours, leaving him more entrenched in power than ever. The CIA and elitists blew it this time. We now believe theyšll attempt to assassinate him. The public and military have formed solidly behind the president. He has rendered the bankers, despots and those elitists who have looted the country for centuries almost powerless." Forecaster: If you remember when Mr. Chavez raised taxes on oil companies we predicted a coup and perhaps murder. This time the attempted coup came first. Magnanimously Mr. Chavez has said he has "no thirst for revenge." He also wants to mend the rift with top executives and supervisors at PDVSA, the state run oil company. It's expected there will be no change in the new hydrocarbon law that raised royalty rates to 30% from 16.7% and requires that PDVSA hold a majority interest in all joint ventures with all foreign companies. The coup d'etat was another corporatist attempt to seat another dictatorial government formulated by world elitists and the CIA. Of great interest was that the IMF quickly announced that they would support this new illegitimate dictatorship. Cryptically that means we'll financially support this unholy alliance. If you notice there was no early comment by Washington or London. They are probably speechless having failed again. Eventually when the coup seemed complete the Bush administration rushed to recognize the criminals despite their illegal and unconstitutional creation. Part of this ensemble was army sharpshooters and the auxiliary police under the Mayor of Caracas, which fired on the National Guard and pro-Chavez demonstrators, as the National Guard was separating the pro and anti Chavez demonstrators. The violence was aimed at a full-scale civil war if that was what was necessary to retain power. We continue to hear that President Hugo Chavez is a Socialist and/or Marxist. We call him a populist. Whatever he is he is helping his people after centuries of poverty and bondage. Mr. Chavez is retarding globalizing in Venezuela and that is why the elitists will do everything and anything to stop him. Needless to say entrenched business interests want him out of office. Much to their chagrin economic decline has been arrested and the country is growing again instead of being looted. Growth was probably 2.8% last year. Not bad after having been handed an economic can of worms. Inflation has declined in spite of a recent devaluation and poverty is beginning to decline. He has revised his country's economic slide and fought attempts to privatize the successful PDVSA, the national oil company. He has also helped make OPEC successful again. They call his presidency the last revolution of the 20th century. He is supplying oil to small Central American countries and Cuba at cheaper oil prices. If you noticed the first thing the coup members did was to announce that Cuba would receive no more oil. As if this had anything to do with anti-communism. President Chavez has broken the elitists strangle hold on his country and perhaps for all of South America. If you want proof of that read what the Wall Street Journal, Barons, New York Times, Washington Post, the Economist and the Financial Times has to say about him ... he is Lucifer personified in their eyes. If these world corporatists want to stop Hugo Chavez they'll have to kill him ... and we promise you theyšll attempt to do so. - ------------------------------- Get Your Own Free Mailing List! ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: