Announcer on Fri, 1 Feb 2002 23:25:35 +0100 (CET) |
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Table of Contents: STEPPING FROM THE SHADOWS CLOSING PARTY Interface Cultures -- A discussion @jihui- Friday 25th, 2002 wolfgang suetzl en cenart. fran ilich <> Border Lines : Draft Program up Border Lines <> Class Composition in Cognitive Capitalism "emmanuel videcoq" <> FW: NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools! "Sasha Costanza-Chock" <> Artists & Cosmonauts (announcement) geert <> =?iso-8859-1?Q?Communiqu=E9_de_presse_/_Press_Release?= Dominique Fontaine <> Privacy Lecture Series - Ann Cavoukian, Feb. 11, 2002 Ana Viseu <> CfP NordiCHI 2002 Aesthetic Artefacts =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=F8ren_Pold?= <> Art Interface Device - announcement MK <> NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC - January 31-February "ricardo dominguez" <> FW: In The Aftermath of 9-11 - A public forum at the Unitarian Church of Staten <> info list arthur <> The IMC Radio Network is Bringing you another Global Broadcast: January 31st - F FW: Religion Protest and Hunger - Free Trade Solutions After September 11th..htm "John Bostrom" <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 23:08:28 -0800 From: Subject: STEPPING FROM THE SHADOWS CLOSING PARTY If you missed the opening party for the Independent Media Center gallery's most recent art show STEPPING FROM THE SHADOWS be sure to check out the closing party and pass this info on to your peeps! When? January 25th, 7pm -10pm Where? The Independent Media Center 1415 3rd Ave (downtown between Pike and Union) Guest DJs on the decks: D.J. M.I.A, D.J. Daybreak, and D-Tox And here's why you should check it.... The exhibition features works on canvas by National graffiti writers, and urban artists from California, Oregon, Washington, Baltimore and New York. The exhibition also includes found object, installation, sound and video work by emerging and professional National Artists. The Purpose of this exhibit is to feature these artists in a gallery setting and show how they are influenced and draw from their urban environments and the graffiti art that surrounds them. Not limited to graffiti and street art, these artists are stepping from the shadows, revealing their artwork on gallery walls. This exhibit will include works by J.D. Davis, Pars, M. Kelly, Nak, Katsu, Siloette, Mune, Anna Antic, Joker and Cause-B. Also, Baltimorian writer from Iran - exhibiting works in -Farsi- Amir Fallah and San Francisco writer Space Craft One. The Independent Media Center Gallery stimulates a diverse and real arts community that draws on the full potential of artists, reflects and responds to civic concerns and aspirations and educates and enriches the lives of all global community members. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:59:52 -0500 From: Subject: Interface Cultures -- A discussion @jihui- Friday 25th, 2002 "Interface Cultures" A discussion with Andruid Kerne ( Golan Levin moderated by Christiane Paul, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art Since the "digital revolution" of the 1990s, the interfaces with the virtual (as well as physical) world have become increasingly sophisticated and complex. The discussion will focus on the "state of the art" of today's interfaces as well as the requirements of information environments and shared social spaces. "Interfaces are the multidimensional border zones through which the interdependent relationships of people, activities, codes, components, and systems are constituted. Interface ecology investigates the dynamic interactions of media, cultures, and disciplines that flow through interfaces." - --Andruid Kerne @jihui Parsons Center for New Design Friday, Jan 25, 2002 7 PM 55 West 13th Street, 9th Fl. New York, NY 10011 Live Webcast @ starts 7pm EST. jihui (the meeting point) a self-regulated digital salon, invites all interested people to send ideas for discussion/performance/etc, jihui is where your voice is heard and your vision shared. jihui is sponsored by Digital Design Department and Center for New Design @ Parsons School of Design A project of NETART INITIATIVE ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 02:37:04 -0500 From: fran ilich <> Subject: wolfgang suetzl en cenart. Foro / centro multimedia De la serie Pensamiento Contemporáneo Imparte: Wolfgang Suetzl "El arte de la mascara. Orwell vs. Bakhtin en ciberespacio" Wolfgang Suetzl es académico y hacktivista austriaco. Realizó sus estudios en Viena (Austria), Bradford (Inglaterra), y Castellón (España). Investigador del proyecto de Public Netbase (Viena); filósofo y traductor. Imparte sus cátedras en varias universidades de Austria, España y México. Áreas de concentración: estética y emancipación, nuevas teorías del pacifismo, teoría de los medios de comunicación. Ha publicado sobre estética, sociedad de comunicación, derechos humanos, guerra y paz. Actualmente reside en Viena. Salón de usos múltiples (Biblioteca de las Artes) Centro Nacional de las Artes (Calzada de Tlalpán y Río Churubusco) Jueves 24 de enero de 2002 18:00 hrs. ENTRADA LIBRE _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 19:04:32 +1100 From: Border Lines <> Subject: Border Lines : Draft Program up The BorderLines event will explore the different modes of media making, and the boundaries and challenges that affect those who want to engage and communicate the complex stories of our world. BorderLines will be a set of forums, workshops and meetings to be held in Adelaide during March 2002. Check out the website - Use the automated invitation generator to get yourself an 'official' invite :-) Adelaide, AU - Forums on March 23-24 2002, followed by Workshops on March 25-26 2002. Brought to you by the Borderlines Team, SpaceStation Media Lab (Melb) and CIDE Limited Supported by Australian National Commission for UNESCO, Ngapartji Multimedia Centre and Australian Network for Art and Technology... After the BorderLines event, you can apply your skills and knowledge by going onwards to make media about Woomera ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 19:31:00 +0100 From: "emmanuel videcoq" <> Subject: Class Composition in Cognitive Capitalism London Dear "singularities" of the "multitude" >>>>Cari/e "singolarita'" della "multitudine" >>>>>>>>Chers/ères "singularités" de la "multitude" You are invited to offer a paper to a Seminar on >>>>Siete invitati/e a presentare una relazione a un Seminario su >>>>>>>>Vous êtes invités/ées à présenter une intervention à un Séminaire sur CLASS COMPOSITION IN COGNITIVE CAPITALISM >>>>COMPOSIZIONE DI CLASSE NEL CAPITALISMO COGNITIVO >>>>>>>>COMPOSITION DE CLASSE DANS LE CAPITALISME COGNITIF The details follow, in English: >>>>I dettagli seguono, in inglese: >>>>>>>>Les détails sont les suivants, en anglais: +++++++++++++++++++++++ You are invited to attend an International Seminar on CLASS COMPOSITION IN COGNITIVE CAPITALISM to be held on Friday 15th to Saturday 16th February 2002 in Lecture Room 6th Floor, Faculty of Economics, University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne 106/122 Boulevard de l'Hôpital, Paris (Metro: Campo Formio) A LIST OF CONFIRMED SPEAKERS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: [Titles are provisional] RICHARD BARBROOK: Title to be announced GIUSEPPE COCCO: "Capitalismo cognitivo e movimenti sociali in Brasile. Tra liberalismo e corporativismo, la mondializzazione come opzione" ANTONELLA CORSANI: "Sapere e Lavoro nel Capitalismo Cognitivo: l'impasse dell'economia politica." ALSO: "Donne, macchine di riproduzione e tempo della creazione" [progetto realizzato da Ludovic Burel e Luce Libera.] ED EMERY: "General Intellect and the Intifada: Israel's collocation within the global knowledge economy" NICK DYER-WITHEFORD: "The Class Composition of Interactive Gaming and the Contest for General Intellect" MAURIZIO LAZZARATO: "Invenzione et lavoro nella cooperazione tra cervelli" / "Invention et Travail dans la coopération entre cerveaux" YANN MOULIER-BOUTANG: "What about cast, gender, class and colour under cognitive capitalism? Some preliminary reflections" ABDUL-KARIM MUSTAPHA: "Philosophy of Flight: or, mutations of the reserve army" ++++++++++++ VENUE: The Sorbonne - The Faculty of Economics [Maison des Sciences Economiques] Lecture Room - Sixth Floor 106/122 Boulevard de l'Hôpital 75013 Paris The tube station is Campo Formio, one minute from the Faculty building. TIMES: Friday 15th February - from 2.00pm to 7.00pm Saturday 16th February - from 10.00am to 6.00pm. REGISTRATION: Admission is free, but PRIOR REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY. If you wish to attend the Seminar, or is you wish to present a Paper, please e-mail your details and your proposed topic to [Remove the ++, which is to prevent junk mailing] The languages for the Seminar are French, Italian and English. There will be NO simultaneous translation. The format for presentation of papers will be: One speaker for 20 minutes, another speaker for 20 minutes, then 20 minutes of discussion, followed by a break. Posted 1.i.02 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 06:56:23 +0000 From: "Sasha Costanza-Chock" <> Subject: FW: NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools! CALL FOR ACTION WORLDWIDE English/Spanish/Italian/French Plus A Zapatista Tale - "Another Apple, Another Politics." (After the Calls to Action) - ------------------- :: ENGLISH :: ------------------------ NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC, January 31-February 4, 2002 The WORLD ECONOMIC FOOLS, a who's-who of transnational corporate reps and CEOs, will be meeting from January 31 to February 4, 2002 in New York City to plan the continued erosion of human rights, environmental standards, sustainable development, and social justice, all in the name of ever-greater corporate profit margins. WE PITY THESE FOOLS who blindly believe that corporate globalization and the worldwide imposition of neoliberal economic policies can withstand the mounting tide of grassroots resistance. WE CALL ON YOU TO: JOIN Electronic Disturbance Theater and the Federation of Random Actionin a Netstrike against corporate globalization, DISTURB the electronic infrastructure of the WEF's corporate membership, in a collective demand that the FOOLS LISTEN UP when the people of Earth are speaking, MOVE YOUR DATA-BUTT and place your data-body alongside the REAL BUTTS of thousands who will be taking to the streets in NYC, and help advance an alternative vision where people are more important than profit. TO PARTICIPATE DOWNLOAD Your Virtual Sit-In Tool, visit any of the following URLs ON JANUARY 30th, 2002: Your DATA-BUTT can PARTICIPATE in two ways: One: Download The Intergalactic Screen Saver. (For PC Only). Let your Screen Saver do the Netstrike while YOU HIT THE STREETS! Two: Traditional Virtual Sit-In Tool. (For both PC and Mac). ACTION BEGINS: Thursday, January 31, 2002 Join your DATA-BUTT with protester's REAL-BUTTS in a Hybrid Virtual/Body ANTICORPORATE BOOGIE-OOGIE-OOOGIE! ACTION ENDS: Monday, February 4, 2002 LET'S LET THESE FOOLS KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! PEACE Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action Rtmark For more information about the e-action contact: Ricardo Dominguez: <<<<<<>>>>>> More Infomation about the WEF "Meet 'em and Greet 'em" Actions. <<<<<<>>>>> Reclaim The Streets NYC! a cordial invitation: Saturday, February 2nd, at 12 P.M. The Waldorf Astoria on Park Avenue will be hosting the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and you're invited! 11:30 A.M. at Columbus Circle (59th and Broadway) Dress UP! Make MUSIC!! TANGO till you drop!!! no R.S.V.P. required <<<<>>>> - ------------------- :: SPANISH :: ------------------------ CONVOCTORIA PARA ACCIONES EN TODAS PARTES DEL MUNDO Una acción en linea contra la reunion de los imbéciles de la Economia Mundial en Nueva York. 31 de enero - 4 de febrero, 2002 Los IMBECILES DE LA ECONOMIA MUNDIAL, un inventario de representantes de las corporaciones multinacionales, estarán reuniendose en Nueva York del 31 de enero hasta el 4 de febrero, 2002, para planear la continuación de la erosión de los derechos humanos y el medioambiente, el desarrollo económico sostenible, y la justicia social -- todo para generar majores ganancias. ESTOS IMBECILES NOS DAN PENA porque creen ciegamente que la globalización y la imposición de la política neoliberal en todas partes del mundo puede resistir la creciente ola de resistencia. LE LLAMAMOS A USTEDES PARA QUE: Se UNAN al Teatro de Perturbanción Electrónica y la Federación de Acción Aleatoria para una acción en linea en contra de la globalización, PERTURBEN la infraestructura electrónica del los miembres de la Federación Económica Mundial, en una petición que exigirá que NOS ESCUCHEN cuando la gente de esta tierra hablan, MUEVAN SUS CULOS-VIRTUALES y metan sus cuerpos digitales juntos a los cuerpos reales de miles de gentes que tomarán las calles de Nueva York, y ayuden a plantear una visión alternativa de un mundo en donde la gente valga más que la ganancia. PARA PARTICIPAR Y BAJAR el program para su manifestación virtual, visiten cualquier de los URLs siguientes el 30 de enero, 2002: Tu CULO-VIRTUAL puede participar de dos maneras: 1.Bajar el "Screen Saver" intergaláctica (solamente para PC) Así podrás dejar que tu "Screen Saver" haga la manifestación virtual mientras ¡TU TE VAYAS A LAS CALLES! 2.Programa tradicional para manifestaciones virtuales (para MacIntosh y PC) Ajunta tu CULO-VIRTUAL con los CULOS REALES de los manifestatantes callejeros, en una PACHANGA híbrida virtual/corporal Anti-Imbéciles de la Economia Mundial. ¡PA-CHAN-GA! LA ACCION TERMINA: lunes, 4 de diciembre, 2002 ¡HAREMOS QUE ESTOS IMBECILES SEPAN QUE HORAS SON! PAZ Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action rtmark <<<<<>>>>>> Actuando junto con el Foro Social Mundial en Porto Alegre, conferencias y manifestaciones masivas se estan organizando en Nueva York. <<<<<>>>>>> Para más información sobre las acciónes en donde se enfrentarán a los imbeciles de la Economia Mundial: <<<<<>>>>> - ------------------- :: ITALIAN :: ------------------------ NETSTRIKE contro la Follia Economica Mondiale (WEF) (english version at bottom of this message) APPELLO PER UNA AZIONE GLOBALE Netstrike contro l'incontro del 31 gennaio-4 febbraio 2002 a New York della Follia Economica Mondiale (WEF) Il WEF (World Economic Fools, Follia Economica Globale), un puot-pourri di direttori e amministratori delegati delle corporazioni multinazionali, si riunira' a New York dal 31 gennaio 2002 al 4 febbraio 2002, al fine di pianificare la continua erosione dei diritti umani, dell'ambiente, dello sviluppo sostenibile e della giustizia sociale, il tutto in nome di un sempre maggiore margine di profitto per le corporazioni. ABBIAMO PIETA' DI QUESTA FOLLIA che crede ciecamente che la globalizzazione corporativa e l'imposizione su scala mondiale di politiche economiche neoliberiste possa sopravvivere la crescente marea dell'opposizione dal basso a questo processo. FACCIAMO APPELLO A TUTT* PER: UNIRSI all' Electronic Disturbance Theater e alla Federation of Random Action per un Netstrike contro la globalizzazione corporativa, DISTURBARE l'infrastruttura elettronica dei membri corporativi del WEF con una richiesta collettiva di ASCOLTO DA PARTE DI QUESTI FOLLI della voce dei popoli della Terra, ALZARE IL VOSTRO CULO TELEMATICO e porre il vostro corpo telematico al fianco delle migliaia di corpi reali che scenderanno nelle strade di New York, per aiutare a sostenere una visione del mondo alternativa in cui le persone sono piu' importanti del profitto. PER PARTECIPARE visitate uno dei seguenti indirizzi web per maggiori informazioni: Il vostro CULO TELEMATICO puo' darsi una mossa in due modi: * Uno: Scaricate lo Screen Saver Intergalattico - Lasciate fare il netstrike al vostro screen saver mentre voi SIETE IN PIAZZA! * Due: Il tradizionale Virtual Sit-in Tool - L'AZIONE COMINCIA: giovedi' 31 gennaio 2002 Unite le vostre CHIAPPE DIGITALI con le CHIAPPE REALI dei manifestanti in un IBRIDO CARNALE/VIRTUALE BOOGIE ANTICORPORATIVO! L'AZIONE TERMINA: Lunedi' 4 febbraio 2002 FACCIAMO SENTIRE A QUESTI PAZZI LA NOSTRA VOCE! PACE Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action rtmark <<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Per maggiori informazioni su questa azione elettronica contattare Ricardo Dominguez : Per maggiori informazioni sulle azioni "di benvenuto al WEF": Per maggiori informazioni sui corsi autogestiti a NYC: Per maggiori informazioni sul Secondo Forum Sociale Mondiale, dal 31 gennaio 2002 al 5 febbaio 2002 a Puerto Alegre in Brasile: Per una copertura non corporativa minuto per minuto dell'incontro del WEF e delle azioni di protesta: <<<<<<>>>>>> - ------------------- :: FRENCH :: ------------------------ Le FORUM ECONOMIQUE MONDIAL (WEF), un who's-who de representants et de presidents de societes transnationales, tiennent une reunion du 31 Janvier au 4 Fevrier 2002 a New York pour preparer la suite de l'erosion des droits de l'Homme, des normes sur l'environnement, d'un developpement viable, et de la justice sociale, tout cela au nom des sempiternelles marges de profits des compagnies. Quel bande de tristes sires font-ils... NOUS AVONS PITIE DE CES FOUS qui croient aveuglement que la globalisation des compagnies et le fait d'imposer des politiques economiques neo-liberales peut resister a la vague de contestation croissante que leur oppose les petites gens. NOUS VOUS APPELONS A REJOINDRE le Theatre de la Perturbation Electronique (EDT) et la Federation des Reactions Aleatoires (FRA) dans un raid electronique contre le mouvement de globalisation des entreprises, DERANGEZ les infrastructures electroniques des compagnies membres du WEF, dans une demande collective que ces FOUS ECOUTENT lorsque les peuples de la Terre parlent. BOUGEZ VOTRE CUL ELECTRONIQUE et melez votre corps virtuel aux cotes des corps physiques des milliers de manifestants qui vont defiler dans les rues de New York, et aidez a faire progresser une vision alternative ou les gens sont plus imporant que le profit. POUR PARTICIPER TELECHARCHEZ nos OUTILS DE MANIFESTATION VIRTUELLE, visitez un des sites liste, a partir du 31 janvier 2002: votre CUL ELECTRONIQUE peut participer de deux manieres: 1- Telechargez l'economiseur d'ecran INTERGALACTIC. (Pour PC uniquement). LAissez votre economiseur travailer sur la manifestation virtuelle pendant que vous manifestez dans les rues !! 2- Les outils de manifestation virtuelle traditionnels. (Pour Mac et PC). L'ACTION COMMENCE LE JEUDI 31 JANVIER 2002 Joignez votre DERRIERE VIRTUEL aux derrieres charnels des manifestants dans un BOOGIE ANTIMULTINATIOANLES Hybride Virtuel/Charnel! FIN DE L'ACTION LE LUNDI 4 FEVRIER 2002 FAISONT SAVOIR A CES FOUS QUELS TEMPS SONT ARRIVES! Paix, Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action Rtmark Pour plus d'information sur la manif. electronique contactez: Ricardo Dominguez: <<<<<<>>>>>> Plus d'informations sur l'action "Meet 'em and Greet 'em" contre le G8, et sur le contre-sommet : <<<<<<>>>>>> - ------------------- :: Zapatista Tale :: ------------------------ Another Apple, Another Politics "Adam ate the apple of the virgin Eve. Newton was a second Adam of Science. The first knew beauty. The second a Pegasus weighed down with chains. And they were not to blame. The two apples were rosy and new, but bitter according to legend. Both the embarrassed breasts of the child innocence!" Frederico Garcia Lorca Scientists, political scientists, opinion leaders, chiefs of great and small political sects, all have gathered around Newton's fallen apple. All of them analyze, discuss, corroborate. Hours, days, weeks, months, entire years they take up. Finally they come to the irrefutable conclusion: the apple has fallen because the law of gravity so orders it. It is irremediable, the apple must fall, and, by doing so, it has done nothing other than to subject itself to the law of gravity. The political scientists congratulate each other and then begin great essays in order to show Newton's apple as an example of 'real-politik.' The chiefs of state talk of erecting a multiple monument in all the palaces of Power. But, among the persons gathered around the future monument to modern politics, there is a strange person. He seems to be a shadow, without face and without name. If they ask him who he is, the shadow would respond "zapatista," but no one asks him anything. Everyone is very busy with their calculations, plans and programs. But, while the scientists are making complicated calculations concerning velocity, trajectory, much weight, acceleration, wind resistance, impact and similar etceteras, and while the political scientists are re-writing Machiavelli and discussing prices with the modern princes, the zapatista approaches the apple, he looks at it, he smells it, he touches it, he listens to it... The zapatista understands what the apple is whispering in his ear. He understands the challenge demanded by its cry. The apple says that fate does not order it to fall to the ground, and, since it is a transgressor of the law who is listening to it, it is about breaking the law of gravity. The apple is an apple, but it is, above all, a lady. The zapatista is without face or name, but he is, above all, a gentleman. And the paper and pencil come out again, and the apple explains and the zapatista feels and agrees. This apple that Newton has chained to the ground has another destiny. The moon is an apple. The scales of history need two apples in order to be able to look out at the morning clearly. While managing to to work out the reverse flight of Newton's apple, the zapatista looks at the apple again, smells it, touches it, and, what else, gives it a tender bite. The political scientists continue repeating and repeating to each other the 'real-politik,' and the etceteras that already fill the magazines and newspapers and the radio and television air time. The zapatista continues making calculations. To fall upwards, that is the mystery whose solution has been proposed... >From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast Subcomandante insurgente Marcos Mexico, May of 1999.AASA ZAPATA VIVE!! EDT <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC, January 31-February 4, 2002 TO PARTICIPATE DOWNLOAD Your Virtual Sit-In Tool, visit any of the following URLs ON JANUARY 30th, 2002: _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 23:18:18 +1100 From: geert <> Subject: Artists & Cosmonauts (announcement) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C1A91B.3CA43490 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: "The Arts Catalyst" < <> > Subject: Artists & Cosmonauts Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:46:12 -0000 =20 The Arts Catalyst presents =20 ARTISTS & COSMONAUTS - The New Futurists <>=20 =20 Fri 1 March 2002 Sat 2 March 2002 Fri 19 April 2002 plus talk by Russian cosmonaut, Sergei Krikalev - date to be announced =20 Lilian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue London EC1, UK =20 In the last two years, an extraordinary mix of artists, dancers, scientists and=20 musicians have joined forces with Russia's space programme to create work in a=20 zero gravity world where there is no up or down: a modernist laboratory for making art=20 for the cosmos. =20 >From afro-futurism to oriental fantasies of flying carpets, datasuits = to dance movement analysis, the Arts Catalyst, the science-art agency, has rounded up the best projects for floating in air and transported them to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Star City, Russia, to turn dreams of flying into reality.=20 =20 Now London audiences have a chance to sample the art of weightlessness as practised in space conditions - not computer simulations, but in a = large jet aircraft converted into an artists' studio - diving at 25,000 feet. We can't take=20 audiences into space - yet - but coming to Sadlers Wells for our season of zero gravity work will give you an idea of the possibilities of the future. =20 Choreographer Kitsou Dubois, the first artist in zero gravity, and dancer Morag Wightman present dance in weightlessness, philosopher Mikhail Ryklin=20 reflects on Russian cosmism, the Zero Genies - artist-musicians Ansuman Biswas=20 and Jem Finer - show spectacular real flying carpet sequences, and = noted DJ/sampling=20 group Hallucinator play music for the long-distance cosmonaut. Russian media artists=20 Andrey and Julia Velikanov premiere their film of Arts Catalyst's 2001 expedition to=20 Star City, heart of the Russian space programme. Other zero gravity pioneers include=20 Kevin Fong, lecturer in medicine in extreme environments and advisor to NASA, and=20 film-maker Andrew Kotting, whose latest film Filthy Earth was recently released=20 to critical acclaim. =20 An additional event will be announced shortly. Arts Catalyst is bringing a true cosmonaut hero, Sergei Krikalev, to the UK to share his experiences on the Mir Space Station and the contrasts of the East and West's perspectives on space research. Krikalev was, famously, the = last Soviet citizen (stranded on the MIR Space Station during the coup against Gorbachev) and was recently a member of the first mission to = the new International Space Station.=20 =20 Take part in zero gravity workshops to gain a better understanding of gravity:=20 how it moulds our bodies and the cosmos. Experience moments of "zero gravity",=20 challenge your balance and orientation, and explore the history of gravity, with=20 zero gravity dancer Morag Wightman and performance artist Tim Millar. =20 Fri 1 March 2002 8 pm : BODIES IN SPACE The Zero Genies (Ansuman Biswas and Jem Finer), Masha Chuikova, Anthony Bull,=20 Kevin Fong, Morag Wightman, Louise K Wilson =20 Sat 2 March 2002 11 am to 4 pm : ZERO GRAVITY WORKSHOP led by Morag Wightman and Tim Millar. (Minimum = age - - 14 years) 8 pm : ARTISTS & COSMONAUTS Anna Alchuk, Alexei Blinov, Andrew Kotting, Marko Peljhan, philosopher Mikhail Ryklin,=20 Andrey & Julia Velikanov, music by Hallucinator =20 Fri 19 April 2002 8 pm: A DANCER IN WEIGHTLESSNESS Kitsou Dubois, Nick Davey and colleagues, Biodynamics Group, Imperial College =20 Join the new futurists, book all three Lilian Baylis events for=20 UK =A315 (UK =A312 concessions) or UK =A36 (UK =A35 concessions) each = night.=20 Sergei Krikalev talk - TO BE ANNOUNCED.=20 Zero gravity workshops UK =A3 8 (UK =A3 6) =20 Lilian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells, Rosebery Avenue London EC1, UK Box office tel: 020 7863 8000 Book on-line: <>=20 =20 The Arts Catalyst the science-art agency <>=20 =20 =20 - ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C1A91B.3CA43490 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV>From: "The Arts Catalyst" <<A=20 href=3D"";></A>><BR>S= ubject:=20 Artists & Cosmonauts<BR>Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:46:12 -0000</DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The Arts Catalyst = presents</FONT></DIV> <DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>ARTISTS & COSMONAUTS - The New=20 Futurists</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20 href=3D"";>www.artsca=</A></FONT></DIV> <DIV> </DIV></FONT></DIV></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Fri 1 March 2002<BR>Sat 2 March = 2002<BR>Fri 19=20 April 2002</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>plus talk by Russian cosmonaut, Sergei = Krikalev=20 - - date to be announced</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Lilian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells, = Rosebery=20 Avenue London EC1, UK</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>In the last two years, an = extraordinary mix of=20 artists, dancers, scientists and <BR>musicians have joined forces = with=20 Russia's space programme to create work in a <BR>zero gravity world = where there=20 is no up or down: a modernist laboratory for making art <BR>for the=20 cosmos.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>From afro-futurism to oriental = fantasies of flying=20 carpets, datasuits to<BR>dance movement analysis, the Arts Catalyst, = the=20 science-art agency, has rounded<BR>up the best projects for floating in = air and=20 transported them to the Yuri<BR>Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in = Star City,=20 Russia, to turn dreams of<BR>flying into reality. </FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Now London audiences have a chance to = sample the=20 art of weightlessness as<BR>practised in space conditions - not = computer=20 simulations, but in a large jet<BR>aircraft converted into an artists' = studio -=20 diving at 25,000 feet. We can't take <BR>audiences into space - = yet - but=20 coming to Sadlers Wells for our<BR>season of zero gravity work will = give you an=20 idea of the possibilities of<BR>the future.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Choreographer Kitsou Dubois, the first = artist in=20 zero gravity, and dancer<BR>Morag Wightman present dance in = weightlessness,=20 philosopher Mikhail Ryklin <BR>reflects on Russian cosmism, the Zero = Genies -=20 artist-musicians Ansuman Biswas <BR>and Jem Finer - show spectacular = real flying=20 carpet sequences, and noted DJ/sampling <BR>group Hallucinator play = music for=20 the long-distance cosmonaut. Russian media artists <BR>Andrey and Julia = Velikanov premiere their film of Arts Catalyst's 2001 expedition to = <BR>Star=20 City, heart of the Russian space programme. Other zero gravity pioneers = include=20 <BR>Kevin Fong, lecturer in medicine in extreme environments and = advisor to=20 NASA, and <BR>film-maker Andrew Kotting, whose latest film Filthy Earth = was=20 recently released <BR>to critical acclaim.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>An additional event will be announced=20 shortly. Arts Catalyst is bringing a true cosmonaut = hero, Sergei=20 Krikalev, to the UK to share his experiences on the Mir Space Station = and the=20 contrasts of the East and West's perspectives on space research. = Krikalev=20 was, famously, the last Soviet citizen (stranded on the MIR Space = Station=20 during the coup against Gorbachev) and was recently a member of the = first=20 mission to the new International Space Station. </FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Take part in zero gravity workshops to = gain a=20 better understanding of gravity: <BR>how it moulds our bodies and the = cosmos.=20 Experience moments of "zero gravity", <BR>challenge your balance and=20 orientation, and explore the history of gravity, with <BR>zero gravity = dancer=20 Morag Wightman and performance artist Tim Millar.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Fri 1 March 2002<BR>8 pm :<BR>BODIES = IN=20 SPACE<BR>The Zero Genies (Ansuman Biswas and Jem Finer), Masha = Chuikova, Anthony=20 Bull, <BR>Kevin Fong, Morag Wightman, Louise K Wilson</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Sat 2 March 2002<BR>11 am to 4 pm = :<BR>ZERO GRAVITY=20 WORKSHOP led by Morag Wightman and Tim Millar. (Minimum age - 14 = years)<BR>8 pm=20 :<BR>ARTISTS & COSMONAUTS<BR>Anna Alchuk, Alexei Blinov, Andrew = Kotting,=20 Marko Peljhan, philosopher Mikhail Ryklin, <BR>Andrey & Julia = Velikanov,=20 music by Hallucinator</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Fri 19 April 2002<BR>8 pm:<BR>A DANCER = IN=20 WEIGHTLESSNESS<BR>Kitsou Dubois, Nick Davey and colleagues, Biodynamics = Group,=20 Imperial College</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Join the new futurists, book all three = Lilian=20 Baylis events for <BR>UK =A315 (UK =A312 concessions) or UK =A36 (UK = =A35 concessions)=20 each night. <BR>Sergei Krikalev talk - TO BE ANNOUNCED. <BR>Zero = gravity=20 workshops UK =A3 8 (UK =A3 6)</FONT></DIV></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Lilian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells, = Rosebery=20 Avenue London EC1, UK</FONT></DIV> <DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Box office tel: 020 7863 8000<BR>Book = on-line: <A=20 href=3D"";></A></FONT></DI= V> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The Arts Catalyst<BR>the science-art = agency<BR><A=20 href=3D"";></A></FONT></DI= V> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT> </DIV></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> - ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C1A91B.3CA43490-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 11:36:38 -0500 From: Dominique Fontaine <> Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Communiqu=E9_de_presse_/_Press_Release?= (english version follows) - ------------------------------------------ La fondation Daniel Langlois est heureuse d'annoncer les deux premiers chercheurs en résidence : MM. Gerald O'Grady et Jeff Rothenberg Montréal, 30 janvier 2002 - La fondation Daniel Langlois pour l'art, la science et la technologie a le plaisir de présenter les deux chercheurs choisis lors d'un concours international tenu cette année pour la première fois dans le cadre de son Programme de bourses destinées aux chercheurs résidents. Pour 2002, il s'agit de MM. Gerald O'Grady et Jeff Rothenberg. M. Gerald O'Grady, D. Ph., poursuivra ses travaux dans le Fonds Steina et Woody Vasulka, acquis par la fondation en 2000 et conservé au Centre de recherche et de documentation (CR+D). Dans le cadre de sa recherche, M. O'Grady se consacrera à un projet provisoirement intitulé Early History of Electronic and Digital Art in New York State (Les débuts de l'art électronique et numérique dans l'État de New York), qui place l'oeuvre des Vasulka dans un contexte historique. À titre d'universitaire, M. O'Grady a contribué activement aux débuts de l'art électronique, en fondant plusieurs départements d'études médiatiques, en particulier à la State University of New York at Buffalo. Le corps professoral de SUNY Buffalo comprenait d'éminents artistes tels que les Vasulka, Hollis Frampton, Paul Sharits, Tony Conrad, Peter Weibel et James Blue. M. O'Grady a enseigné dans diverses universités américaines, parmi lesquelles la Columbia University, New York et la New School for Social Research. Plus récemment, il a été nommé fellow du W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research et membre du Département d'études afro-américaines à Harvard, où il a dirigé des recherches portant sur les films du Mouvement des droits civiques. Aujourd'hui à la retraite, M. O'Grady a récemment été le premier professeur invité (Gastwissenschaftler) du Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie à Karlsruhe, Allemagne, où il a prononcé des conférences sur le travail de Marshall McLuhan, à propos de qui il rédige un ouvrage. Depuis 1979, M. O'Grady a édité, publié à compte d'auteur et contribué des essais à plus de 30 catalogues dans le cadre de rétrospectives ou de séries de films, dont The Films of the Civil Rights; Remembering Malcom X; et Czech Filmaking, 1963-1990 pour The Public Theater de Joseph Papp; des essais sur le réalisateur brésilien Nelson Pereiros dos Santos pour la Film Society of Lincoln Center; sur Theo Angelopoulos pour le Museum of Modern Art de New York; sur Dziga Vertov pour le Collective for Living Cinema (NY); sur Dusan Mizoguchi pour la Cinématheque Ontario (Toronto); sur David MacDougall pour Media Study/Buffalo; et Articulate Energy: The Emergence of the Abstract Film in America pour la Harvard University and Anthropology Film Archives. À titre de chercheur résident, M. Jeff Rothenberg travaillera à l'élaboration d'un projet pilote visant la préservation d'oeuvres d'art faisant appel aux technologies numériques. Il concevra également des stratégies pour la tenue de tels essais. Aux fins de cette recherche, il définira des paramètres pour la sélection d'oeuvres tout en tenant compte du résultat voulu, soit de mieux anticiper les problèmes de la conservation des oeuvres numériques. Informaticien principal à la RAND Corporation à Santa Monica, Californie, M. Rothenberg est spécialiste en conservation des archives et dossiers numériques et conseiller auprès de nombreuses archives nationales, dont celles des Pays-Bas. Il agira comme chercheur principal pour le projet et préparera le projet pilote dans le cadre de Variable Media Network, une collaboration entre la fondation Daniel Langlois et le Musée Guggenheim de New York. Le concours international de la fondation a pris fin le 31 août. Les projets choisis cette année répondent à deux grands objectifs : favoriser la recherche fondée sur notre documentation et nos collections d'archives ainsi que la recherche avancée sur la conservation des oeuvres d'art faisant appel aux technologies numériques. La fondation estime que ces deux projets contribueront de manière essentielle et exceptionnelle à la recherche dans le domaine des arts et des nouvelles technologies. Le site Web de la fondation, <>, affichera, au cours des prochains mois, des mises à jour concernant ces projets et leurs résultats. Jean Gagnon, Directeur des programmes Audrey Navarre, adjointe à la Direction des programmes (514) 987-7177 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------- The Daniel Langlois Foundation Is Proud to Announce the First Two Researchers in Residence: Gerald O'Grady and Jeff Rothenberg Montreal, January 30, 2002 - The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology is pleased to present the two researchers selected in the international competition held this year for the first time within the Program of Grants for Researchers in Residence. The two researchers in residence for 2002 are Gerald O'Grady and Jeff Rothenberg. Gerald O'Grady, Ph.D., will continue his work on the Steina and Woody Vasulka Archives, which were added to the Foundation's collection in 2000 and are kept at the Centre for Research and Documentation (CR+D). In exploring these archives, Dr. O'Grady will focus on a research project tentatively titled Early History of Electronic and Digital Art in New York State, which places the Vasulkas' work in its proper historical context. As an academic, Dr. O'Grady was actively involved in the early years of electronic art, founding several departments of media studies, particularly at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The faculty at SUNY Buffalo included such eminent artists as the Vasulkas, Hollis Frampton, Paul Sharits, Tony Conrad, Peter Weibel and James Blue. Dr. O'Grady has taught at several U.S. universities, including New York, Columbia and the New School for Social Research. Most recently, he was a fellow of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research and a member of the Department of Afro-American Studies at Harvard University, where he conducted research on the films of the Civil Rights Movement. Now retired, Dr. O'Grady was recently the first guest professor (Gastwissenschaftler) invited by the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe, Germany, where he gave a series of lectures on the work of Marshall McLuhan, on whom he is writing a book. Since 1979, Dr. O'Grady has edited, independently published and contributed essays to over 30 catalogues for film retrospectives or series including The Films of the Civil Rights; Remembering Malcom X; and Czech Filmaking, 1963-1990 for Joseph Papp's The Public Theater; on the Brazilian filmmaker Nelson Pereiros dos Santos for the Film Society of the Lincoln Center; on Theo Angelopoulos for the Museum of Modern Art in New York; on Dziga Vertov for the Collective for Living Cinema (NY); on Dusan Mizoguchi for the Cinématheque Ontario (Toronto); on David MacDougall for Media Study/Buffalo; and Articulate Energy: The Emergence of the Abstract Film in America for Harvard University and Anthropology Film Archives. As a researcher in residence, Jeff Rothenberg will work to set up a test case for the preservation of artworks that use digital technology. He will also develop strategies for conducting such a test. As part of this research, he will define parameters for selecting the artwork while keeping in mind the desired outcome, which is to better anticipate the problems of preserving digital works. Mr. Rothenberg serves as a senior computer scientist for the RAND corporation in Santa Monica, California. He has gained expertise in preserving digital archives and records and advises many national archives including the National Archives of the Netherlands. Mr. Rothenberg will act as senior researcher in the project and prepare our emulation test case as part of the Variable Media Network, a collaboration between the Daniel Langlois Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The international competition held by the Foundation closed on August 31. The projects selected this year meet two basic goals: to favour research that makes use of our documentation and archive collections and to conduct advanced research into preserving artworks that rely on digital technologies. The Foundation believes that these two projects will make an essential and exceptional contribution to research in the field of arts and new technologies. Over the coming months, our Web site, <>, will post updates on the two projects and their findings. - - 30 - Jean Gagnon, Director of Programs Audrey Navarre, Assistant Director of Programs (514) 987-7177 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 18:58:49 -0500 From: Ana Viseu <> Subject: Privacy Lecture Series - Ann Cavoukian, Feb. 11, 2002 [I am very pleased to announce that our next speaker will be Ann Cavoukian, Ontario's Privacy Commissioner and one Canada's most widely respected privacy advocates. Over the years Ann has argued for a privacy policy that is based on the balance between privacy and other rights, rather than on absolutism, and that favours working solutions rather than unattainable goals. The theme of the lecture is "Building Privacy Into Technolog". The lecture will be held from 4pm to 5,30pm. I am sure this will be an interesting, informative and thought provoking lecture. Best. Ana] PRIVACY LECTURE SERIES <> ANN CAVOUKIAN BUILDING PRIVACY INTO TECHNOLOGY Monday, February 11, 2002 4pm-5,30:00PM 140 St. George, Room 728 Faculty of Information Studies (building adjacent to Robarts Library) University of Toronto The lectures are free of charge and you do NOT have to register. Abstract In her talk Ann Cavoukian, Ontario's Privacy Commissioner, will discuss the tragic events of September 11 and how that has affected many people's perspective on privacy. She will discuss the need for balance between the demands of public safety and need to respect the privacy of rights of citizens. The talk will also discuss the implications of recent anti-terrorism legislation in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere. The presentation will define "privacy", discuss the basis of privacy, which is fair information practices, and illustrate where these practices have been codified into law around the world. The presentation will then discuss the hype and reality of e-commerce and examine reasons why it has fallen short of expectations. The last section of the presentation examines the role that technology can play in protecting privacy. Bio Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as a leading authority on privacy and data protection. She was appointed Information and Privacy Commissioner in May of 1997. As Commissioner, Ann oversees the operations of Ontario's freedom of information and privacy laws, which apply to both provincial and municipal governments. She serves as an officer of the legislature, independent of the government of the day. Ann joined the Information and Privacy Commission in 1987, during its start- up phase, as its first Director of Compliance. She was appointed Assistant Commissioner in 1990. Prior to her work at the Commission, Ann headed the Research Services Branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General, where she was responsible for conducting research on the administration of civil and criminal law. Ann received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Toronto, where she specialized in criminology and law, and lectured on psychology and the criminal justice system. Ann sits on a number of committees involved in privacy and technology, including the W3C's committee of experts working on P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences). She also served as a member of the American Task Force on Privacy, Technology and Criminal Justice Information. Ann is particularly interested in advancing privacy protection through the pursuit of privacy-enhancing technologies. To register for the Privacy Lecture Series announcement email list please go to: <> The Privacy Lecture Series is organized by Ana Viseu, a researcher currently working at the University of Toronto on her Ph.D. dissertation which focuses on the development and implementation of wearable computers. Her research interests include questions of privacy, social dimensions of technology, and the mutual adaptation processes between individuals and technology. Ana holds a Master's Degree in Interactive Communication from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. <> The Privacy Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) <> and the Information Policy Research Program (IPRP) <>. For more info contact Ana Viseu <> [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] Tudo vale a pena se a alma não é pequena. [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:42:20 +0100 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=F8ren_Pold?= <> Subject: CfP NordiCHI 2002 Aesthetic Artefacts This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_023A_01C1AA4C.57454B40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Please read and redistribute:=20 Call for submissions to NordiCHI 2002 in the new category of:=20 Aesthetic artefacts =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D NordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new submission = category for experiments into how artistic expression and praxis affect = perspectives on interfaces, contexts and design. The computer interface has developed from merely supporting work into a broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing the book, = the gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism fails in relation to many new applications. At the same time, traditional application areas may benefit from the inspiration from how digital = forms are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, digital arts = challenge the way we understand the computer, and the relation between form and contents at the interface. Examples of possible artefacts are (not limited to) interactive = artworks, computer games, interactive installations, netart, software art, = artistic interfaces, aesthetic experiments with HCI-related issues. An important part of an aesthetic artefact submission is a short paper that = thoroughly reflects on CHI related issues affected by the artefact. Accepted = aesthetic artefacts will be exhibited at the conference in conjunction with the = demo session. An aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts - - A short paper, conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines, describing the artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the HCI discourse. - - An exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to exhibited, including spatial requirements (one page). - - (Optional) a representation of the artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS = is not accepted), CD-ROM or DVD. The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be submitted by ordinary mail in three copies. Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee supplemented by = an aesthetic artefacts special committee of artists and aesthetics = scholars. Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment of contribution to the = ongoing understanding of human-computer interaction are taken into account. Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary = for the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses will be available. Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts to = Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic artefacts: March 1, 2002 = (late breaking results: August 1, 2002). General Anoncement: =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Second announcement and call for papers (upcoming deadline March 1, 2002) The Second Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Aarhus, Denmark, October 19-23, 2002 NordiCHI 2002 Tradition and Transcendence =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D NordiCHI is the main Nordic forum for human-computer interaction = research. NordiCHI is the meeting place for researchers from academia and = industry, designers, practitioners, educators and others from a broad range of traditions and communities; therefore the conference takes HCI in the non-limited sense of research and practice addressing the design and use = of interactive technology. NordiCHI is biannual. The first conference, NordiCHI 2000, was organised = by STIMDI, and took place in Stockholm, Sweden, October 2000. The = conference is a joint effort supported by the Nordic HCI organisations as well as international partners. NordiCHI 2002 is hosted by Centre for = Human-Machine Interaction, University of Aarhus, Denmark, in cooperation with = The backbone of the conference is the technical programme in which a limited number of quality papers, meeting international standards, will = be accepted. NordiCHI 2002 also invites good quality short papers (for interactive presentations, see below), to generate and sustain = interactive cooperation among the conference participants, and to stimulate dissemination of new results. Traditionally, Nordic perspectives on HCI emphasise topics such as: technology in use, integration of design and use, exploratory design activities, and inter-disciplinary approaches to HCI. This tradition originates in the Nordic openness to new approaches and divergent ideas = in the development of new concepts and practices for the future. = Architecture, pedagogy, political action, fine arts, industrial design, dada; the potential list is endless and ought to be growing when information technology is diversified and pervades still wider parts of our lives. NordiCHI is the meeting place for tradition and new directions. Conference topics include but are not limited to: * Co-operative design. * Information technology in everyday life. * Design and innovation. * New interaction techniques and devices. * Visualisation. * Ubiquitous, pervasive and mobile interfaces. * End-user programming. * Studies of design-oriented knowledge production. * Artistic approaches. * Cooperative activities mediated by technology. * The aesthetics of HCI. * Design Cases. * Studies of work and technology. * Accessibility. Important dates =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D March 1, 2002: Deadline for submission of papers, workshop, tutorials, panels, short papers, demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts. May 1, 2002: Deadline for doctoral colloquium application August 1, 2002: Deadline for late breaking submission of short papers, demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts. (Notification of acceptance of = late breaking results will not be ready before the early registration = deadline) August, 15, 2002: Early registration deadline October 19-20, 2002: Workshops, tutorials, and Doctoral colloquium in = Aarhus October 21-23, 2002: Paper presentations, panels, Interactive presentations, interactive artefacts, and aesthetic artefacts, in = Aarhus. Papers =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D NordiCHI 2002 invites innovative and exploratory papers meeting the = highest international standards. We welcome papers attempting to move the field forward, promoting new techniques, methods, tools and theories. NordiCHI aims to be multidisciplinary, combining and truly integrating the = social, the technical, the aesthetic, etc. Papers describing original work on HCI related topics are solicited. = Papers should make clear the novel aspects of the work they present and their contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the = field(s). Empirical studies of work should stress their relevance to design. Applications papers should stress their contribution to concepts and theories in HCI. Papers addressing novel techniques and technologies = should clearly identify the relevance and importance to HCI. Full papers report original work, which has not been previously = published. The contribution should be made clear in the paper and in its abstract. Papers making one clear, significant contribution are more likely to be accepted than papers making several lesser contributions. The paper must identify and cite published work relevant to the paper topic. It should explain how the presented work has built on previous contributions, and should indicate where and why novel approaches have been adopted. NordiCHI 2002 is an international conference and contributions are = welcomed from all parts of the world. However, the official written and spoken language of the conference is English. All submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of HCI = experts. Submissions must be complete. Papers may be up to 10 pages formatted according to the ACM template (as available at Submission should be made electronically in PDF format through the = web-site. Electronic submission deadline for papers: March 1, 2002. Panels/sessions =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D The NordiCHI 2002 conference welcomes suggestions for panels and other plenary sessions contributing to the further development of HCI as a specifically Nordic field of research and practice. email suggestions to Deadline for panel/session proposals: March 1, 2002. Workshops =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Workshops offer an informal environment for focused group discussion = around work in progress or new areas of research and practice. NordiCHI 2002 invites workshop proposals in old and new topics related to HCI. If you are interested in organising a full or half-day workshop, please email a short proposal (up to 1000 words) to The proposal should detail: - - Title and duration - - Expected number, balance and selection of participants - - Workshop theme and goals - - Outcomes of the workshop - - Relevance to the field - - Intended audience - - Description of activities planned - - Needed facilities - - Organisers' names and backgrounds For further information, please contact the workshops chair Deadline for workshop proposals: March 1, 2002. Tutorials =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Tutorials offer a small number of participants the opportunity to learn about specific concepts, methods and techniques from recognised experts. Tutorials may be for half-day or full day sessions. NordiCHI 2002 = invites tutorials experimenting with new forms of instruction, innovative perspectives and the use of new disciplines in a HCI context. Proposals for full or half-day tutorials should detail - - Title and duration - - Intended audience - - Theme and goals - - Description of activities planned - - Prior experiences and evaluations of the tutorial. - - Needed facilities - - Organisers' names and backgrounds In general, NordiCHI 2002 will cover reasonable travel and housing = expenses and registration fee one instructor per tutorial; provided that enough participants sign up. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Deadline for tutorial proposals: March 1, 2002. Short papers =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Short papers may address any of the areas identified in the conference topics. Submissions should report original work which has not been published previously. Authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in progress and late-breaking research results that show the latest = innovative ideas. Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Summaries of wider findings or reduced versions of longer papers are not suitable for the short paper submission category. A short paper is an ideal format for conveying industrial and practical experience to the community. Accordingly, we invite experiences from specific design cases, reports on how specific methods are applied and modified in practice, etc. We also invite presentation of ongoing work = and preliminary results, by experienced academics as well as young = researchers. Short papers are presented by means of interactive posters during the conference. NordiCHI 2002's emphasis on direct interaction and = networking makes this the general presentations format for design processes, = products and other experiences, organisational overviews, and late breaking = results. Within this basic form, we encourage experimentation e.g. posters = evolving as the audience interact with them. All submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of HCI = experts. Submissions must be complete. Short papers may be up to 4 pages = formatted according to the ACM template (as available at Submission should be made electronically in PDF format through the = web-site. Electronic submission deadline for short papers: March 1, 2002 (late breaking results: August 1, 2002). Demos =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Demonstrations gives participants the possibility of showing and viewing new, interesting, and novel ideas in human-computer interaction concepts and technology. Submitters of papers presenting interactive artefacts are particularly encouraged to also submit a demonstration proposal. We also encourage = the presentation of novel commercial products. A demonstration proposal is composed of three parts - - A short description of the system, max 2 pages, conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper format. To be printed in the proceedings if accepted. - - A one page exhibition plan, describing how the working system is going = to be demonstrated at the conference, including spatial and other requirements. - - (Optionally) a video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS is not accepted), CD-ROM or DVD, presenting the working system. The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be submitted by ordinary mail in two copies. Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee. Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary = for the exhibition. Limited Internet access will be available. The working system will be presented during the demo session at the conference and the short description of the interactive artefact will be published in the conference proceedings. Submission deadline for demonstrations: March 1, 2002 (late breaking results: August 1, 2002). Aesthetic artefacts =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D NordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new submission = category for experiments into how artistic expression and praxis affect = perspectives on interfaces, contexts and design. The computer interface has developed from merely supporting work into a broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing the book, = the gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism fails in relation to many new applications. At the same time, traditional application areas may benefit from the inspiration from how digital = forms are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, digital arts = challenge the way we understand the computer, and the relation between form and contents at the interface. Examples of possible artefacts are (not limited to) interactive = artworks, computer games, interactive installations, netart, software art, = artistic interfaces, aesthetic experiments with HCI-related issues. An important part of an aesthetic artefact submission is a short paper that = thoroughly reflects on CHI related issues affected by the artefact. Accepted = aesthetic artefacts will be exhibited at the conference in conjunction with the = demo session. An aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts - - A short paper, conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines, describing the artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the HCI discourse. - - An exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to exhibited, including spatial requirements (one page). - - (Optional) a representation of the artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS = is not accepted), CD-ROM or DVD. The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be submitted by ordinary mail in three copies. Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee supplemented by = an aesthetic artefacts special committee of artists and aesthetics = scholars. Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment of contribution to the = ongoing understanding of human-computer interaction are taken into account. Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary = for the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses will be available. Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts to = Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic artefacts: March 1, 2002 = (late breaking results: August 1, 2002). Late breaking results =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Short papers, demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts, reporting late breaking results may be submitted by august 1, 2002. Please note that = late submissions should be camera ready, and that notification of acceptance = may not be given before the deadline for early registration. Proceedings =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Printed proceedings (ACM press) will be available at the conference to ensure optimal interaction around the presented works. The proceedings will be included in the ACM digital library to ensure optimal distribution of the accepted papers. Electronic submission and Format =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D All submissions of papers, short papers, demos and aesthetic artefacts should be made electronically through the web-site. The submissions = should be formatted according to the ACM SIG template (as available at Doctoral Colloquium (October 20, 2002) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Graduate students within different areas of human-computer interaction = are invited to take part in the Doctoral Colloquium at NordiCHI 2002. This = will be the place where lively and useful discussions enable students to = receive suggestions about their on-going research and allow more experienced participants to encounter some fresh ideas and view some of the new = trends in the field. The Doctoral Colloquium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to discuss their research both with other students and with leading experts within the field. The colloquium will take the form of a workshop where established HCI scholars take active part as discussants. The purpose is for students to receive constructive feedback on their thesis work so = far, get advice about future developments, and share ideas and experiences = with students in related areas. Participants should have advanced beyond the introductory stage in their thesis work, and be actively engaged in the exploration of an HCI topic. The research areas covered by the DC are the same as the NordiCHI conference generally. Students may come from different academic subjects = or disciplines, such as interaction design, computer science, cognitive science, and sociology. To apply, please submit a proposal of at most 3 pages, including = abstract and references. Also, a short biographical note describing the = applicant's background should be enclosed. The proposal should include a description = of the research problem, the theoretical background and approach chosen, = and the work performed so far. The proposals will be evaluated by a review committee. Approximately 8 participants will be selected to give a = short presentation of their research topic, followed by a discussion within = the group of students and experts. Submissions should be sent by email to Kerstin Severinson Eklundh (, preferably in PDF format. Deadline for applications: May 1, 2002. Updates on the expert panel on Student Volunteers =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Being a student volunteer is a great way for young researchers to = establish a network. Further information on how to sign up to be a student = volunteer will be available at by March 2002. Programme committee =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Anders M=F8rch, University of Oslo, Norway. Ann Lantz, Royal Institote of Tachnology, Sweden. Annelise Mark-Peitersen, Ris=F8 National Laboratory, Denmark. Barbara Wasson, University of Bergen, Norway. Bo Helgesen, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Dag Svanes, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy. Ebba Thora Hvannberg, University of Iceland, Iceland. Eija Suikola, Teamware Group, Finland. Frieder Nake, University of Bremen, Germany. Gillian Crampton-Schmith, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy. Horst Oberquelle, University of Hamburg, Germany. Jan Gulliksen, Uppsala University, Sweden. Jannie Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research, USA. J=F6rn Mesetter, Malm=F6 University College, Sweden. Kaj Gr=F8nb=E6k, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Kari Hamnes, Telenor R&D, Norway. Kari Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland. Kari-Jouko R=E4ih=E4, University of Tampere, Finland. Konrad Morgan, University of Bergen, Norway. Kristina H=F6=F6k, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden. Lars-Erik Holmquist, Victoria Institute, Sweden. Lars-Erik Janlert, Ume=E5 University, Sweden. Liam Bannon, University of Limerick, Ireland. Marta Krist=EDn L=E1rusd=F3tt=EDr, Reykjavik University, Iceland. Michael Herczeg, Medizinische Universit=E4t zu L=FCbeck, Germany. Morten Borup Harning, Dialogical, Denmark. Peter B=F8gh Andersen, Aalborg University, Denmark. Peter Carstensen, IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Roope Raisamo, University of Tampere, Finland. Susanne B=F8dker, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Svein Arne Arnesen, EDB4tel AS, Norway. Timo Jokela, University of Oulu, Finland. Wendy Mackay, I.N.R.I.A., France. Conference committee (as of January 2002) =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D * General chair: Olav W. Bertelsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Program co-chairs: Susanne B=F8dker, University of Aarhus, Denmark & = Kari Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland. * Tutorials chair: Anders M=F8rch, Intermedia, University of Oslo, = Norway. * Workshop chair: Jakob Buur, University of Southern Denmark. * Demo chair: Klaus Marius Hansen, University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Poster chair: Michael Thomsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Aesthetic artefacts co-chairs: Morten Breinbjerg & S=F8ren Pold, = University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Treasurer: Michael Thomsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Electronic submissions chair: Niels Olof Bouvin, University of Aarhus, Denmark. * Student volunteers chair: Christina Nielsen, University of Aarhus, = Denmark. * Doctoral consortium chair: Kerstin Severinson Eklundh, NADA, KTH, = Sweden. * Emeritus NordiCHI 2000 co-chairs: Jan Gulliksen & Ann Lantz, STIMDI. Call for sponsors =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D The success of NordiCHI 2002 is highly dependent on the support of local and international sponsors. A sponsorship is an excellent opportunity to expose your company or organisation as a leading name in HCI and IT. In addition to general sponsorships NordiCHI 2002 has a limited number of slots for hospitality receptions and sponsored events. Companies and organisations interested in sponsoring NordiCHI 2002 are invited to contact the conference chair ( Sponsors =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D SIGCHI/ACM, IFIP TC13 and the Nordic HCI organisations (all pending). By January 2002, Centre for Human-Machine Interaction, Denmark; STIMDI, Sweden; and have stated their financial support of NordiCHI = 2002. Conjoined Events =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Symposium on theory and method in HCI research marking the conclusion of Centre for Human Machine Interaction is held back to back with NordiCHI, October 24-25, 2002 Industry day. A one day event, October 24, 2002, focusing on strategic = use of HCI in private enterprise is organised by the Alexandra institute. Further information will be available at Mailing List =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D To receive updates about the NordiCHI conference subscribe to the conference mailing list, by sending a message containing only the word "subscribe" (no quotes) to Contact Information =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D NordiCHI 2002 IT-parken, Aabogade 34 DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. - ------=_NextPart_000_023A_01C1AA4C.57454B40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><SPAN lang=3DEN-GB=20 style=3D"mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Please = read and=20 redistribute: </FONT></SPAN></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><SPAN lang=3DEN-GB=20 style=3D"mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"><FONT face=3DArial=20 size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><SPAN lang=3DEN-GB=20 style=3D"mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"><FONT face=3DArial=20 size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><SPAN lang=3DEN-GB=20 style=3D"mso-ansi-language: EN-GB">Call for submissions to NordiCHI 2002 = in the=20 new category of: <?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =3D=20 "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"=20 /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P></FONT></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2></FONT></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2></FONT></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3>Aesthetic=20 artefacts<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR= >NordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic=20 artefacts" as a new submission category<BR>for experiments into how = artistic=20 expression and praxis affect perspectives<BR>on interfaces, contexts and = design.<BR><BR>The computer interface has developed from merely = supporting work=20 into a<BR>broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing = the book,=20 the<BR>gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism = fails=20 in<BR>relation to many new applications. At the same time,=20 traditional<BR>application areas may benefit from the inspiration from = how=20 digital forms<BR>are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, = digital=20 arts challenge<BR>the way we understand the computer, and the relation = between=20 form and<BR>contents at the interface.<BR><BR>Examples of possible = artefacts are=20 (not limited to) interactive artworks,<BR>computer games, interactive=20 installations, netart, software art, artistic<BR>interfaces, aesthetic=20 experiments with HCI-related issues. An important<BR>part of an = aesthetic=20 artefact submission is a short paper that thoroughly<BR>reflects on CHI = related=20 issues affected by the artefact. Accepted aesthetic<BR>artefacts will be = exhibited at the conference in conjunction with the = demo<BR>session.<BR><BR>An=20 aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts<BR><BR>- A = short paper,=20 conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines,<BR>describing = the=20 artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the = HCI<BR>discourse.<BR><BR>- An=20 exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to = exhibited,<BR>including=20 spatial requirements (one page).<BR><BR>- (Optional) a representation of = the=20 artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS is<BR>not accepted), CD-ROM or = DVD.<BR><BR>The=20 short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via = the<BR>conference=20 web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be<BR>submitted by = ordinary=20 mail in three copies.<BR><BR>Submissions will be reviewed by the = programme=20 committee supplemented by an<BR>aesthetic artefacts special committee of = artists=20 and aesthetics scholars.<BR>Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment = of=20 contribution to the ongoing<BR>understanding of human-computer = interaction are=20 taken into account.<BR><BR>Please observe that the presenters must = supply all=20 equipment necessary for<BR>the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses = will be=20 available.<BR><BR>Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts = to <A=20 href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3>.<BR><BR>Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic = artefacts: March 1,=20 2002 (late<BR>breaking results: August 1,=20 2002).<BR><BR><BR></DIV></FONT></FONT></FONT> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2></FONT></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>General=20 Anoncement:</FONT></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2></FONT></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D<BR>Second announcement=20 and call for papers<BR>(upcoming deadline March 1, 2002)<BR><BR>The = Second=20 Nordic Conference on<BR>Human-Computer Interaction<BR>Aarhus, Denmark, = October=20 19-23, 2002<BR><BR>NordiCHI 2002<BR><BR>Tradition and=20 Transcendence<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D<BR><BR>NordiCHI=20 is the main Nordic forum for human-computer interaction = research.<BR>NordiCHI is=20 the meeting place for researchers from academia and = industry,<BR>designers,=20 practitioners, educators and others from a broad range of<BR>traditions = and=20 communities; therefore the conference takes HCI in the<BR>non-limited = sense of=20 research and practice addressing the design and use of<BR>interactive=20 technology.<BR><BR>NordiCHI is biannual. The first conference, NordiCHI = 2000,=20 was organised by<BR>STIMDI, and took place in Stockholm, Sweden, October = 2000.=20 The conference<BR>is a joint effort supported by the Nordic HCI = organisations as=20 well as<BR>international partners. NordiCHI 2002 is hosted by Centre for = Human-Machine<BR>Interaction, University of Aarhus, Denmark, in = cooperation with=20<BR><BR>The backbone of the conference is the technical = programme in=20 which a<BR>limited number of quality papers, meeting international = standards,=20 will be<BR>accepted. NordiCHI 2002 also invites good quality short = papers=20 (for<BR>interactive presentations, see below), to generate and sustain=20 interactive<BR>cooperation among the conference participants, and to=20 stimulate<BR>dissemination of new results.<BR><BR>Traditionally, Nordic=20 perspectives on HCI emphasise topics such as:<BR>technology in use, = integration=20 of design and use, exploratory design<BR>activities, and = inter-disciplinary=20 approaches to HCI. This tradition<BR>originates in the Nordic openness = to new=20 approaches and divergent ideas in<BR>the development of new concepts and = practices for the future. Architecture,<BR>pedagogy, political action, = fine=20 arts, industrial design, dada; the<BR>potential list is endless and = ought to be=20 growing when information<BR>technology is diversified and pervades still = wider=20 parts of our lives.<BR>NordiCHI is the meeting place for tradition and = new=20 directions.<BR><BR>Conference topics include but are not limited=20 to:<BR><BR> * Co-operative design.<BR> * = Information=20 technology in everyday life.<BR> * Design and=20 innovation.<BR> * New interaction techniques and=20 devices.<BR> * Visualisation.<BR> * Ubiquitous,=20 pervasive and mobile interfaces.<BR> * End-user=20 programming.<BR> * Studies of design-oriented knowledge=20 production.<BR> * Artistic approaches.<BR> * = Cooperative=20 activities mediated by technology.<BR> * The aesthetics of=20 HCI.<BR> * Design Cases.<BR> * Studies of work = and=20 technology.<BR> * Accessibility.<BR><BR>Important=20 dates<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>March 1, 2002: = Deadline for submission of papers,=20 workshop, tutorials,<BR>panels, short papers, demonstrations and = aesthetic=20 artefacts.<BR><BR>May 1, 2002: Deadline for doctoral colloquium=20 application<BR><BR>August 1, 2002: Deadline for late breaking submission = of=20 short papers,<BR>demonstrations and aesthetic artefacts. (Notification = of=20 acceptance of late<BR>breaking results will not be ready before the = early=20 registration deadline)<BR><BR>August, 15, 2002: Early registration=20 deadline<BR><BR>October 19-20, 2002: Workshops, tutorials, and Doctoral=20 colloquium in Aarhus<BR><BR>October 21-23, 2002: Paper presentations, = panels,=20 Interactive<BR>presentations, interactive artefacts, and aesthetic = artefacts, in=20 Aarhus.<BR><BR><BR>Papers<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>NordiCHI 2002 invites = innovative and=20 exploratory papers meeting the highest<BR>international standards. We = welcome=20 papers attempting to move the field<BR>forward, promoting new = techniques,=20 methods, tools and theories. NordiCHI<BR>aims to be multidisciplinary, = combining=20 and truly integrating the social,<BR>the technical, the aesthetic,=20 etc.<BR><BR>Papers describing original work on HCI related topics are = solicited.=20 Papers<BR>should make clear the novel aspects of the work they present = and=20 their<BR>contribution to the development of the theory and practice of = the=20 field(s).<BR><BR>Empirical studies of work should stress their relevance = to=20 design.<BR>Applications papers should stress their contribution to = concepts=20 and<BR>theories in HCI. Papers addressing novel techniques and = technologies=20 should<BR>clearly identify the relevance and importance to = HCI.<BR><BR>Full=20 papers report original work, which has not been previously = published.<BR>The=20 contribution should be made clear in the paper and in its = abstract.<BR>Papers=20 making one clear, significant contribution are more likely to = be<BR>accepted=20 than papers making several lesser contributions. The paper = must<BR>identify and=20 cite published work relevant to the paper topic. It should<BR>explain = how the=20 presented work has built on previous contributions, and<BR>should = indicate=20 where and why novel approaches have been adopted.<BR><BR>NordiCHI = 2002 is=20 an international conference and contributions are welcomed<BR>from all = parts of=20 the world. However, the official written and spoken<BR>language of the=20 conference is English.<BR><BR>All submissions will be reviewed by an=20 international panel of HCI experts.<BR><BR>Submissions must be complete. = Papers=20 may be up to 10 pages formatted<BR>according to the ACM template (as = available=20 at </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New = Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT face=3D"Times New = Roman"=20 size=3D3>).<BR>Submission should be made electronically in PDF format = through the=20 web-site.<BR><BR>Electronic submission deadline for papers: March 1,=20 2002.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Panels/sessions<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>The NordiCHI 2002=20 conference welcomes suggestions for panels and other<BR>plenary sessions = contributing to the further development of HCI as a<BR>specifically = Nordic field=20 of research and practice.<BR><BR>email suggestions to </FONT><A=20 href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face=3D"Times = New Roman"=20 size=3D3>Deadline for panel/session proposals: March 1,=20 2002.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Workshops<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Workshop= s offer an informal=20 environment for focused group discussion around<BR>work in progress or = new areas=20 of research and practice. NordiCHI 2002<BR>invites workshop proposals in = old and=20 new topics related to HCI.<BR><BR>If you are interested in organising a = full or=20 half-day workshop, please<BR>email a short proposal (up to 1000 words) = to=20 </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New = Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3>.<BR><BR>The proposal should detail:<BR><BR>- Title and = duration<BR>-=20 Expected number, balance and selection of participants<BR>- Workshop = theme and=20 goals<BR>- Outcomes of the workshop<BR>- Relevance to the field<BR>- = Intended=20 audience<BR>- Description of activities planned<BR>- Needed = facilities<BR>-=20 Organisers' names and backgrounds<BR><BR>For further information, please = contact=20 the workshops chair<BR></FONT><A = href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT = face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>.<BR><BR>Deadline for workshop = proposals: March 1,=20 2002.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Tutorials<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Tutorial= s offer a small number of=20 participants the opportunity to learn<BR>about specific concepts, = methods and=20 techniques from recognised experts.<BR>Tutorials may be for half-day or = full day=20 sessions. NordiCHI 2002 invites<BR>tutorials experimenting with new = forms of=20 instruction, innovative<BR>perspectives and the use of new disciplines = in a HCI=20 context.<BR><BR>Proposals for full or half-day tutorials should = detail<BR><BR>-=20 Title and duration<BR>- Intended audience<BR>- Theme and goals<BR>- = Description=20 of activities planned<BR>- Prior experiences and evaluations of the=20 tutorial.<BR>- Needed facilities<BR>- Organisers' names and=20 backgrounds<BR><BR>In general, NordiCHI 2002 will cover reasonable = travel and=20 housing expenses<BR>and registration fee one instructor per tutorial; = provided=20 that enough<BR>participants sign up.<BR><BR>Tutorial proposals should be = emailed=20 to </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times = New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face=3D"Times = New Roman"=20 size=3D3>Deadline for tutorial proposals: March 1, = 2002.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Short=20 papers<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Short papers may = address any of the areas identified=20 in the conference<BR>topics. Submissions should report original work = which has=20 not been<BR>published previously. Authors are encouraged to demonstrate = work=20 in<BR>progress and late-breaking research results that show the latest=20 innovative<BR>ideas.<BR><BR>Full literature searches are not expected, = although=20 relevant citations<BR>should be included. Summaries of wider findings or = reduced=20 versions of<BR>longer papers are not suitable for the short paper = submission=20 category.<BR><BR>A short paper is an ideal format for conveying = industrial and=20 practical<BR>experience to the community. Accordingly, we invite = experiences=20 from<BR>specific design cases, reports on how specific methods are = applied=20 and<BR>modified in practice, etc. We also invite presentation of ongoing = work=20 and<BR>preliminary results, by experienced academics as well as young=20 researchers.<BR><BR>Short papers are presented by means of interactive = posters=20 during the<BR>conference. NordiCHI 2002's emphasis on direct interaction = and=20 networking<BR>makes this the general presentations format for design = processes,=20 products<BR>and other experiences, organisational overviews, and late = breaking=20 results.<BR>Within this basic form, we encourage experimentation e.g. = posters=20 evolving<BR>as the audience interact with them.<BR><BR>All submissions = will be=20 reviewed by an international panel of HCI experts.<BR><BR>Submissions = must be=20 complete. Short papers may be up to 4 pages formatted<BR>according to = the ACM=20 template (as available at </FONT><A = href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>).<BR>Submission should be made = electronically in=20 PDF format through the web-site.<BR><BR>Electronic submission deadline = for short=20 papers: March 1, 2002 (late<BR>breaking results: August 1,=20 2002).<BR><BR><BR>Demos<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Demonstrations gives = participants the=20 possibility of showing and viewing<BR>new, interesting, and novel ideas = in=20 human-computer interaction concepts<BR>and technology.<BR><BR>Submitters = of=20 papers presenting interactive artefacts are particularly<BR>encouraged = to also=20 submit a demonstration proposal. We also encourage the<BR>presentation = of novel=20 commercial products.<BR><BR>A demonstration proposal is composed of = three=20 parts<BR><BR>- A short description of the system, max 2 pages, = conforming to=20 the<BR>NordiCHI 2002 short paper format. To be printed in the = proceedings=20 if<BR>accepted.<BR><BR>- A one page exhibition plan, describing how the = working=20 system is going to<BR>be demonstrated at the conference, including = spatial and=20 other<BR>requirements.<BR><BR>- (Optionally) a video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS is = not=20 accepted), CD-ROM or DVD,<BR>presenting the working system.<BR><BR>The = short=20 paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the<BR>conference = web=20 site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be<BR>submitted by = ordinary=20 mail in two copies.<BR><BR>Submissions will be reviewed by the programme = committee.<BR><BR>Please observe that the presenters must supply all = equipment=20 necessary for<BR>the exhibition. Limited Internet access will be=20 available.<BR><BR>The working system will be presented during the demo = session=20 at the<BR>conference and the short description of the interactive = artefact will=20 be<BR>published in the conference proceedings.<BR><BR>Submission = deadline for=20 demonstrations: March 1, 2002 (late breaking<BR>results: August 1,=20 2002).<BR><BR><BR>Aesthetic = artefacts<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR= >NordiCHI 2002=20 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new submission category<BR>for = experiments=20 into how artistic expression and praxis affect perspectives<BR>on = interfaces,=20 contexts and design.<BR><BR>The computer interface has developed from = merely=20 supporting work into a<BR>broader cultural interface competing with and = even=20 replacing the book, the<BR>gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. = Traditional=20 functionalism fails in<BR>relation to many new applications. At the same = time,=20 traditional<BR>application areas may benefit from the inspiration from = how=20 digital forms<BR>are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, = digital=20 arts challenge<BR>the way we understand the computer, and the relation = between=20 form and<BR>contents at the interface.<BR><BR>Examples of possible = artefacts are=20 (not limited to) interactive artworks,<BR>computer games, interactive=20 installations, netart, software art, artistic<BR>interfaces, aesthetic=20 experiments with HCI-related issues. An important<BR>part of an = aesthetic=20 artefact submission is a short paper that thoroughly<BR>reflects on CHI = related=20 issues affected by the artefact. Accepted aesthetic<BR>artefacts will be = exhibited at the conference in conjunction with the = demo<BR>session.<BR><BR>An=20 aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts<BR><BR>- A = short paper,=20 conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines,<BR>describing = the=20 artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the = HCI<BR>discourse.<BR><BR>- An=20 exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to = exhibited,<BR>including=20 spatial requirements (one page).<BR><BR>- (Optional) a representation of = the=20 artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS is<BR>not accepted), CD-ROM or = DVD.<BR><BR>The=20 short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via = the<BR>conference=20 web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be<BR>submitted by = ordinary=20 mail in three copies.<BR><BR>Submissions will be reviewed by the = programme=20 committee supplemented by an<BR>aesthetic artefacts special committee of = artists=20 and aesthetics scholars.<BR>Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment = of=20 contribution to the ongoing<BR>understanding of human-computer = interaction are=20 taken into account.<BR><BR>Please observe that the presenters must = supply all=20 equipment necessary for<BR>the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses = will be=20 available.<BR><BR>Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts = to=20 </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New = Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3>.<BR><BR>Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic = artefacts: March 1,=20 2002 (late<BR>breaking results: August 1, 2002).<BR><BR><BR>Late = breaking=20 results<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= <BR>Short papers, demonstrations and aesthetic=20 artefacts, reporting late<BR>breaking results may be submitted by august = 1,=20 2002. Please note that late<BR>submissions should be camera ready, and = that=20 notification of acceptance may<BR>not be given before the deadline for = early=20 registration.<BR><BR><BR>Proceedings<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= <BR>Printed proceedings (ACM=20 press) will be available at the conference to<BR>ensure optimal = interaction=20 around the presented works.<BR><BR>The proceedings will be included in = the ACM=20 digital library to ensure<BR>optimal distribution of the accepted=20 papers.<BR><BR><BR>Electronic submission and=20 Format<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>All submissions of papers, short=20 papers, demos and aesthetic artefacts<BR>should be made electronically = through=20 the web-site. The submissions should<BR>be formatted according to the = ACM SIG=20 template (as available at<BR></FONT><A = href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>).<BR><BR><BR>Doctoral Colloquium = (October 20,=20 2002)<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Gra= duate students within different areas of=20 human-computer interaction are<BR>invited to take part in the Doctoral=20 Colloquium at NordiCHI 2002. This will<BR>be the place where lively and = useful=20 discussions enable students to receive<BR>suggestions about their = on-going=20 research and allow more experienced<BR>participants to encounter some = fresh=20 ideas and view some of the new trends<BR>in the field.<BR><BR>The = Doctoral=20 Colloquium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to<BR>discuss = their=20 research both with other students and with leading experts<BR>within the = field.=20 The colloquium will take the form of a workshop where<BR>established HCI = scholars take active part as discussants. The purpose is<BR>for students = to=20 receive constructive feedback on their thesis work so far,<BR>get advice = about=20 future developments, and share ideas and experiences with<BR>students in = related=20 areas.<BR><BR>Participants should have advanced beyond the introductory = stage in=20 their<BR>thesis work, and be actively engaged in the exploration of an = HCI=20 topic.<BR>The research areas covered by the DC are the same as the=20 NordiCHI<BR>conference generally. Students may come from different = academic=20 subjects or<BR>disciplines, such as interaction design, computer = science,=20 cognitive<BR>science, and sociology.<BR><BR>To apply, please submit a = proposal=20 of at most 3 pages, including abstract<BR>and references. Also, a short=20 biographical note describing the applicant's<BR>background should be = enclosed.=20 The proposal should include a description of<BR>the research problem, = the=20 theoretical background and approach chosen, and<BR>the work performed so = far.=20 The proposals will be evaluated by a review<BR>committee. = Approximately 8=20 participants will be selected to give a short<BR>presentation of their = research=20 topic, followed by a discussion within the<BR>group of students and=20 experts.<BR><BR>Submissions should be sent by email to Kerstin = Severinson=20 Eklundh<BR>(</FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>), preferably in PDF = format.<BR><BR>Deadline for=20 applications: May 1, 2002.<BR><BR>Updates on the expert panel on = </FONT><A=20 href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>Student = Volunteers<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>B= eing=20 a student volunteer is a great way for young researchers to = establish<BR>a=20 network. Further information on how to sign up to be a student = volunteer<BR>will=20 be available at </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3> by March 2002.<BR><BR><BR>Programme=20 committee<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR= >Anders M=F8rch, University of Oslo,=20 Norway.<BR>Ann Lantz, Royal Institote of Tachnology, Sweden.<BR>Annelise = Mark-Peitersen, Ris=F8 National Laboratory, Denmark.<BR>Barbara Wasson, = University=20 of Bergen, Norway.<BR>Bo Helgesen, Blekinge Institute of = Technology.<BR>Dag=20 Svanes, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy.<BR>Ebba Thora = Hvannberg,=20 University of Iceland, Iceland.<BR>Eija Suikola, Teamware Group,=20 Finland.<BR>Frieder Nake, University of Bremen, Germany.<BR>Gillian=20 Crampton-Schmith, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy.<BR>Horst=20 Oberquelle, University of Hamburg, Germany.<BR>Jan Gulliksen, Uppsala=20 University, Sweden.<BR>Jannie Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School,=20 Denmark.<BR>Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research, USA.<BR>J=F6rn = Mesetter, Malm=F6=20 University College, Sweden.<BR>Kaj Gr=F8nb=E6k, University of Aarhus,=20 Denmark.<BR>Kari Hamnes, Telenor R&D, Norway.<BR>Kari Kuutti, = University of=20 Oulu, Finland.<BR>Kari-Jouko R=E4ih=E4, University of Tampere, = Finland.<BR>Konrad=20 Morgan, University of Bergen, Norway.<BR>Kristina H=F6=F6k, Swedish = Institute of=20 Computer Science, Sweden.<BR>Lars-Erik Holmquist, Victoria Institute,=20 Sweden.<BR>Lars-Erik Janlert, Ume=E5 University, Sweden.<BR>Liam Bannon, = University of Limerick, Ireland.<BR>Marta Krist=EDn L=E1rusd=F3tt=EDr, = Reykjavik=20 University, Iceland.<BR>Michael Herczeg, Medizinische Universit=E4t zu = L=FCbeck,=20 Germany.<BR>Morten Borup Harning, Dialogical, Denmark.<BR>Peter B=F8gh = Andersen,=20 Aalborg University, Denmark.<BR>Peter Carstensen, IT-University of = Copenhagen,=20 Denmark.<BR>Roope Raisamo, University of Tampere, Finland.<BR>Susanne = B=F8dker,=20 University of Aarhus, Denmark.<BR>Svein Arne Arnesen, EDB4tel AS,=20 Norway.<BR>Timo Jokela, University of Oulu, Finland.<BR>Wendy Mackay,=20 I.N.R.I.A., France.<BR><BR><BR>Conference committee (as of January=20 2002)<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>= * General chair: Olav W. Bertelsen, University=20 of Aarhus, Denmark.<BR>* Program co-chairs: Susanne B=F8dker, University = of=20 Aarhus, Denmark & Kari<BR>Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland.<BR>*=20 Tutorials chair: Anders M=F8rch, Intermedia, University of Oslo, = Norway.<BR>*=20 Workshop chair: Jakob Buur, University of Southern Denmark.<BR>* Demo = chair:=20 Klaus Marius Hansen, University of Aarhus, Denmark.<BR>* Poster chair: = Michael=20 Thomsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark.<BR>* Aesthetic artefacts = co-chairs:=20 Morten Breinbjerg & S=F8ren Pold, University<BR>of Aarhus, = Denmark.<BR>*=20 Treasurer: Michael Thomsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark.<BR>* = Electronic=20 submissions chair: Niels Olof Bouvin, University of = Aarhus,<BR>Denmark.<BR>*=20 Student volunteers chair: Christina Nielsen, University of Aarhus, = Denmark.<BR>*=20 Doctoral consortium chair: Kerstin Severinson Eklundh, NADA, KTH, = Sweden.<BR>*=20 Emeritus NordiCHI 2000 co-chairs: Jan Gulliksen & Ann Lantz,=20 STIMDI.<BR><BR><BR>Call for = sponsors<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>The = success of=20 NordiCHI 2002 is highly dependent on the support of local<BR>and = international=20 sponsors. A sponsorship is an excellent opportunity to<BR>expose your = company or=20 organisation as a leading name in HCI and IT. In<BR>addition to general=20 sponsorships NordiCHI 2002 has a limited number of<BR>slots for = hospitality=20 receptions and sponsored events.<BR><BR>Companies and organisations = interested=20 in sponsoring NordiCHI 2002 are<BR>invited to contact the conference = chair=20 (</FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New = Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3>).<BR><BR><BR>Sponsors<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>SIGCHI/ACM= , IFIP TC13 and the=20 Nordic HCI organisations (all pending).<BR><BR>By January 2002, Centre = for=20 Human-Machine Interaction, Denmark; STIMDI,<BR>Sweden; and = have stated=20 their financial support of NordiCHI 2002.<BR><BR>Conjoined=20 Events<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>Symposium = on theory and method in HCI research=20 marking the conclusion of<BR>Centre for Human Machine Interaction is = held back=20 to back with NordiCHI,<BR>October 24-25, 2002<BR><BR>Industry day. A one = day=20 event, October 24, 2002, focusing on strategic use<BR>of HCI in private=20 enterprise is organised by the Alexandra institute.<BR>Further = information will=20 be available at </FONT><A href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" = size=3D3></FONT></A><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>.<BR><BR><BR>Mailing = List<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<BR>To=20 receive updates about the NordiCHI conference subscribe to = the<BR>conference=20 mailing list, by sending a message containing only the = word<BR>"subscribe" (no=20 quotes) to </FONT><A=20 href=3D"";><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><BR><B= R><FONT=20 face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3>Contact=20 Information<BR>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<= BR>NordiCHI 2002<BR>IT-parken,<BR>Aabogade=20 34<BR>DK-8200 Aarhus N,<BR>Denmark.<BR><BR></FONT><A=20 href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><A=20 href=3D"";><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20 size=3D3></FONT></A><BR><BR><BR><BR></FONT></FONT>= </DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML> - ------=_NextPart_000_023A_01C1AA4C.57454B40-- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:20:40 -0500 From: MK <> Subject: Art Interface Device - announcement Calling all artists, educators, engineers and copyleft interventionists: The Art Interface Device (AID) is a microprocessor platform for building electronic installation art. It is a device that allows artists to process a variety of inputs and outputs for use in interactive installation and performance artworks. All are invited to attend the an information session about the Art Interface Device on Thursday, January 24 2002 at 7 PM, EST. The meeting will be held at InterAccess, which is located at 401 Richmond St. W, Suite 444, Toronto, Canada. We are very interested in having remote participants involved in this project. You can join our meeting via the iVisit conferencing software. Get the set-up and timezone details at: The associated AID web site will serve as a library of "worked" solutions to common electronic sensing, control and interfacing requirements. From this site the AID user community can download and contribute instructions, parts lists, circuit diagrams and other information relevant to the creation of electronic art. The AID system will be distributed under the General Public License and developed by the AID user community - that means you! This information session will present the AID concept, recruit people interested in creating, developing, and using this tool, and initiate the projects production cycle. More detailed information is available at AID is a project of InterAccess - electronic media arts centre, and is funded by the Canada Council. - -- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:15:09 -0500 From: "ricardo dominguez" <> Subject: NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC - January 31-February 4, 2002 CALL FOR ACTION WORLDWIDE English/Spanish/Italian Plus a Zapatista Tale - "Another Apple, Another Politics." (After the Calls to Action) NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC, January 31-February 4, 2002 The WORLD ECONOMIC FOOLS, a who's-who of transnational corporate reps and CEOs, will be meeting from January 31 to February 4, 2002 in New York City to plan the continued erosion of human rights, environmental standards, sustainable development, and social justice, all in the name of ever-greater corporate profit margins. WE PITY THESE FOOLS who blindly believe that corporate globalization and the worldwide imposition of neoliberal economic policies can withstand the mounting tide of grassroots resistance. WE CALL ON YOU TO: JOIN Electronic Disturbance Theater and the Federation of Random Actionin a Netstrike against corporate globalization, DISTURB the electronic infrastructure of the WEF's corporate membership, in a collective demand that the FOOLS LISTEN UP when the people of Earth are speaking, MOVE YOUR DATA-BUTT and place your data-body alongside the REAL BUTTS of thousands who will be taking to the streets in NYC, and help advance an alternative vision where people are more important than profit. TO PARTICIPATE DOWNLOAD Your Virtual Sit-In Tool, visit any of the following URLs ON JANUARY 30th, 2002: Your DATA-BUTT can PARTICIPATE in two ways: One: Download The Intergalactic Screen Saver. (For PC Only). Let your Screen Saver do the Netstrike while YOU HIT THE STREETS! Two: Traditional Virtual Sit-In Tool. (For both PC and Mac). ACTION BEGINS: Thursday, January 31, 2002 Join your DATA-BUTT with protester's REAL-BUTTS in a Hybrid Virtual/Body ANTICORPORATE BOOGIE-OOGIE-OOOGIE! ACTION ENDS: Monday, February 4, 2002 LET'S LET THESE FOOLS KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! PEACE Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action Rtmark For more information about the e-action contact: Ricardo Dominguez: <<<<<<>>>>>> More Infomation about the WEF "Meet 'em and Greet 'em" Actions. <<<<<<>>>>> Reclaim The Streets NYC! a cordial invitation: Saturday, February 2nd, at 12 P.M. The Waldorf Astoria on Park Avenue will be hosting the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and you're invited! 11:30 A.M. at Columbus Circle (59th and Broadway) Dress UP! Make MUSIC!! TANGO till you drop!!! no R.S.V.P. required <<<<>>>> CONVOCTORIA PARA ACCIONES EN TODAS PARTES DEL MUNDO Una acción en linea contra la reunion de los imbéciles de la Economia Mundial en Nueva York. 31 de enero - 4 de febrero, 2002 Los IMBECILES DE LA ECONOMIA MUNDIAL, un inventario de representantes de las corporaciones multinacionales, estarán reuniendose en Nueva York del 31 de enero hasta el 4 de febrero, 2002, para planear la continuación de la erosión de los derechos humanos y el medioambiente, el desarrollo económico sostenible, y la justicia social -- todo para generar majores ganancias. ESTOS IMBECILES NOS DAN PENA porque creen ciegamente que la globalización y la imposición de la política neoliberal en todas partes del mundo puede resistir la creciente ola de resistencia. LE LLAMAMOS A USTEDES PARA QUE: Se UNAN al Teatro de Perturbanción Electrónica y la Federación de Acción Aleatoria para una acción en linea en contra de la globalización, PERTURBEN la infraestructura electrónica del los miembres de la Federación Económica Mundial, en una petición que exigirá que NOS ESCUCHEN cuando la gente de esta tierra hablan, MUEVAN SUS CULOS-VIRTUALES y metan sus cuerpos digitales juntos a los cuerpos reales de miles de gentes que tomarán las calles de Nueva York, y ayuden a plantear una visión alternativa de un mundo en donde la gente valga más que la ganancia. PARA PARTICIPAR Y BAJAR el program para su manifestación virtual, visiten cualquier de los URLs siguientes el 30 de enero, 2002: Tu CULO-VIRTUAL puede participar de dos maneras: 1.Bajar el "Screen Saver" intergaláctica (solamente para PC) Así podrás dejar que tu "Screen Saver" haga la manifestación virtual mientras ¡TU TE VAYAS A LAS CALLES! 2.Programa tradicional para manifestaciones virtuales (para MacIntosh y PC) Ajunta tu CULO-VIRTUAL con los CULOS REALES de los manifestatantes callejeros, en una PACHANGA híbrida virtual/corporal Anti-Imbéciles de la Economia Mundial. ¡PA-CHAN-GA! LA ACCION TERMINA: lunes, 4 de diciembre, 2002 ¡HAREMOS QUE ESTOS IMBECILES SEPAN QUE HORAS SON! PAZ Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action rtmark <<<<<>>>>>> Actuando junto con el Foro Social Mundial en Porto Alegre, conferencias y manifestaciones masivas se estan organizando en Nueva York. <<<<<>>>>>> Para más información sobre las acciónes en donde se enfrentarán a los imbeciles de la Economia Mundial: <<<<<>>>>> NETSTRIKE contro la Follia Economica Mondiale (WEF) (english version at bottom of this message) APPELLO PER UNA AZIONE GLOBALE Netstrike contro l'incontro del 31 gennaio-4 febbraio 2002 a New York della Follia Economica Mondiale (WEF) Il WEF (World Economic Fools, Follia Economica Globale), un puot-pourri di direttori e amministratori delegati delle corporazioni multinazionali, si riunira' a New York dal 31 gennaio 2002 al 4 febbraio 2002, al fine di pianificare la continua erosione dei diritti umani, dell'ambiente, dello sviluppo sostenibile e della giustizia sociale, il tutto in nome di un sempre maggiore margine di profitto per le corporazioni. ABBIAMO PIETA' DI QUESTA FOLLIA che crede ciecamente che la globalizzazione corporativa e l'imposizione su scala mondiale di politiche economiche neoliberiste possa sopravvivere la crescente marea dell'opposizione dal basso a questo processo. FACCIAMO APPELLO A TUTT* PER: UNIRSI all' Electronic Disturbance Theater e alla Federation of Random Action per un Netstrike contro la globalizzazione corporativa, DISTURBARE l'infrastruttura elettronica dei membri corporativi del WEF con una richiesta collettiva di ASCOLTO DA PARTE DI QUESTI FOLLI della voce dei popoli della Terra, ALZARE IL VOSTRO CULO TELEMATICO e porre il vostro corpo telematico al fianco delle migliaia di corpi reali che scenderanno nelle strade di New York, per aiutare a sostenere una visione del mondo alternativa in cui le persone sono piu' importanti del profitto. PER PARTECIPARE visitate uno dei seguenti indirizzi web per maggiori informazioni: Il vostro CULO TELEMATICO puo' darsi una mossa in due modi: * Uno: Scaricate lo Screen Saver Intergalattico - Lasciate fare il netstrike al vostro screen saver mentre voi SIETE IN PIAZZA! * Due: Il tradizionale Virtual Sit-in Tool - L'AZIONE COMINCIA: giovedi' 31 gennaio 2002 Unite le vostre CHIAPPE DIGITALI con le CHIAPPE REALI dei manifestanti in un IBRIDO CARNALE/VIRTUALE BOOGIE ANTICORPORATIVO! L'AZIONE TERMINA: Lunedi' 4 febbraio 2002 FACCIAMO SENTIRE A QUESTI PAZZI LA NOSTRA VOCE! PACE Electronic Disturbance Theater Federation of Random Action rtmark <<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Per maggiori informazioni su questa azione elettronica contattare Ricardo Dominguez : Per maggiori informazioni sulle azioni "di benvenuto al WEF": Per maggiori informazioni sui corsi autogestiti a NYC: Per maggiori informazioni sul Secondo Forum Sociale Mondiale, dal 31 gennaio 2002 al 5 febbaio 2002 a Puerto Alegre in Brasile: Per una copertura non corporativa minuto per minuto dell'incontro del WEF e delle azioni di protesta: <<<<<<>>>>>> Another Apple, Another Politics "Adam ate the apple of the virgin Eve. Newton was a second Adam of Science. The first knew beauty. The second a Pegasus weighed down with chains. And they were not to blame. The two apples were rosy and new, but bitter according to legend. Both the embarrassed breasts of the child innocence!" Frederico Garcia Lorca Scientists, political scientists, opinion leaders, chiefs of great and small political sects, all have gathered around Newton's fallen apple. All of them analyze, discuss, corroborate. Hours, days, weeks, months, entire years they take up. Finally they come to the irrefutable conclusion: the apple has fallen because the law of gravity so orders it. It is irremediable, the apple must fall, and, by doing so, it has done nothing other than to subject itself to the law of gravity. The political scientists congratulate each other and then begin great essays in order to show Newton's apple as an example of 'real-politik.' The chiefs of state talk of erecting a multiple monument in all the palaces of Power. But, among the persons gathered around the future monument to modern politics, there is a strange person. He seems to be a shadow, without face and without name. If they ask him who he is, the shadow would respond "zapatista," but no one asks him anything. Everyone is very busy with their calculations, plans and programs. But, while the scientists are making complicated calculations concerning velocity, trajectory, much weight, acceleration, wind resistance, impact and similar etceteras, and while the political scientists are re-writing Machiavelli and discussing prices with the modern princes, the zapatista approaches the apple, he looks at it, he smells it, he touches it, he listens to it... The zapatista understands what the apple is whispering in his ear. He understands the challenge demanded by its cry. The apple says that fate does not order it to fall to the ground, and, since it is a transgressor of the law who is listening to it, it is about breaking the law of gravity. The apple is an apple, but it is, above all, a lady. The zapatista is without face or name, but he is, above all, a gentleman. And the paper and pencil come out again, and the apple explains and the zapatista feels and agrees. This apple that Newton has chained to the ground has another destiny. The moon is an apple. The scales of history need two apples in order to be able to look out at the morning clearly. While managing to to work out the reverse flight of Newton's apple, the zapatista looks at the apple again, smells it, touches it, and, what else, gives it a tender bite. The political scientists continue repeating and repeating to each other the 'real-politik,' and the etceteras that already fill the magazines and newspapers and the radio and television air time. The zapatista continues making calculations. To fall upwards, that is the mystery whose solution has been proposed... >From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast Subcomandante insurgente Marcos Mexico, May of 1999.AASA ZAPATA VIVE!! EDT <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> NETSTRIKE against the World Economic Fools meeting in NYC, January 31-February 4, 2002 TO PARTICIPATE DOWNLOAD Your Virtual Sit-In Tool, visit any of the following URLs ON JANUARY 30th, 2002: <<<<<<<>>>>>> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 00:12:46 -0500 From: <> Subject: FW: In The Aftermath of 9-11 - A public forum at the Unitarian Church of Staten Isl In The Aftermath of 9/11 - A public forum at the Unitarian Church of Staten IslandFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (maximize e-mail window for best viewing) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- IN THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11 A Public Forum Series Directions to Church via Staten Island Ferry via Verrazzano Bridge Unitarian Church of Staten Island 312 Fillmore Street, Staten Island NY Statement on 9/11 Thursday January 31 2002, 7:00 PM RELIGION, PROTEST, AND HUNGER: FREE TRADE SOLUTIONS AFTER SEPTEMBER 11TH A Special Evening with the World Trade Organization Herri Baatasuna, LL.D. Agriculture, International Relations, & Public Relations Counselor Percival Fress, M.D. Agriculture, Pharmaceutics, & Public Relations Counselor Both WTO speakers will be in New York City to attend the World Economic Forum, Jan 31- Feb 4. Previously, the WEF has been hosted in Davos, Switzerland. This is the first time it has been held in New York City, and a significant number of anti-globalization protests are expected. Drs. Baatasuna and Fress intend both to explain the program of the WTO and to address the concerns of opposing viewpoints. A lively though civilized debate is expected at this first Public Forum of the series. Herri Baatasuna has served as a legal counsel to the World Trade Organization for the past five years, where he has been directing a new program which aims to understand and address faith-based opposition to free trade. He holds an LL.D. from Stanford Law School, and he previously worked for the AS Agency for International Development in Nepal and in Washington, DC. Percival Fress is a specialist in the relationship of international trade to human health. He has been with the press office of the World Trade Organization for the past three years, fulfilling a mandate from the WTO to address the relationships of social needs to global trade. Dr. Fress has an M.D. from Columbia University, and has held previous posts with Novartis, Cargill-Dow, and Monsanto. Following the program, coffee and sandwiches will be served in the Parish Hall. Planning to attend this event? Please RSVP so we can estimate attendance. Additional Forums in this Series U.S.FOREIGN POLICY BEFORE AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 11TH Sunday February 10, 2002 1:00 PM Phyllis Bennis Author, editor, journalist, and Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, DC.. Ms. Bennis has covered Middle East and United Nations issues for 25 years. She led the first US congressional staff delegation to Iraq to investigate the impact of US-led sanctions on the civilian population. She has written and and edited numerous books on Palestine, Iraq and the New World Order, The topic of her presentation comes from the title of her new book, due to be published in March or April. AFGHANISTAN TODAY AND TOMORROW: AN EYE-WITNESS REPORT TBA, probably Sunday February 17, 1:00 PM Sarah Zaidi, Research Director, or Roger Normand, Director, Center for Economic and Social Justice. Established in 1993, the Center for Economic and Social Rights is one of the first organizations to challenge economic injustice as a violation of international human rights law. Through its projects abroad and in the United States, CESR has developed an effective strategy that combines research, advocacy, collaboration, and education. CESR believes that economic and social rights -- legally binding on all nations -- can provide a universally accepted framework for strengthening social justice activism. Roger Normand and Sarah Zaidi have been visiting Afghanistan firsthand for some time before September 11th. Their first-hand reports are certain to be very informative. THE WAR AND THE MEDIA ` Sunday February 24, 1:00 PM Stanley Aronowitz Director, Center for Cultural Studies, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. A leading American social critic, Professor Aronowitz has for decades focused on the relationships between science, technology, education, labor, art, and culture. Among his books: False Promises (1973); Science as Power (1988); The Politics of Identity (1992); Education Under Siege (1993); Roll Over Beethoven (1993); Dead Artists, Live Theories (1994); The Death and Rebirth of American Radicalism, (1996); (with William DiFazio) The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work (1995); (editor, with Michael Menser and Barbara Martinsons) Technoscience and Cyberculture (1996); The Knowledge Factory (2000.) In this presentation Dr. Aronowitz will focus on the relationship between the media and the government and how this has shaped public perception of the War on Terrorism. PATRIOTISM, PROPHECY, AND PEACE Sunday March 3, 2002 1:00 PM Rev. Daniel Berrigan Poet, author, activist, beater of swords into plowshares, jailbird for peace and justice. In 1968 Rev. Berrigan traveled to Hanoi with professor Howard Zinn of Boston University to assist in obtaining the release of three American pilots. Later that year, with his brother Philip Berrigan, he destroyed draft registration files in Catonsville, MD. For this act of civil disobedience he was sentenced to three years in prison in 1970. He went underground for several months until federal authorities arrested him on Block Island. After serving 18 months in prison, he was paroled in 1972. But he was not silenced. In 1980 he participated with his brother in the first Plowshares Action (1980), a protest at the General Electric Plant at King of Prussia, PA. Living among Jesuits, writing and conducting retreats, and "speaking truth to power," he has been arrested regularly for his protest actions at weapons manufacturers and other sites. Rev. Berrigan has written over 50 books and appeared in at least four films. SAME OLD WORLD ORDER: STARVING MILLIONS TBA Oliver Ulich Director, United Nations Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Mr. Ulich is one of the most knowledgeable sources in the world on humanitarian relief efforts, not only in Afghanistan but across the globe. All Forum presentations will be approximately one hour in length, will include a period of audience questions and participation, and will be followed by coffee and sandwiches in the Parish Hall. If the links at the top of this message do not work, use these interet browser addresses: Directions to the Church: Church Statement on 9/11 and its Aftermath: RSVP to Event: with "RSVP WTO" as subject and # attending in the body. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 23:27:12 +0100 From: arthur <> Subject: info list dear ____________ if you are in austria, please drop in to see the performance and see the installation and also to see the projections. everyone welcomed. see info below for more. kind regards, art clay forgive cross postings, please. - ------------------------ ________ | | | | |_____ __| warm@home, art clay installation+performance+vprojection museum fuer angewandte kunst, (mak) vienna, austria 12 febuary 2002 8 until 12 oclock pm warm@home embraces a new family type of life one might remember as having or having lost or having found or having wish(ed). makes (it) use of human existence, as incorporated by j. beuys, as extreme warmth. all concluding and in regarding to that the temperature of humanity must be somewhere above zero degrees. an attempt (for you my reader) at persuasion of this: close eyes: dream or/and remember: first touch?/ first kiss?/ first belief? etc.etc.etc. open eyes: answer please, your spiritual temperature is/was? the installation (title: home) regards human warmth as in need of kindle/ firewood/ lovegas/ ignition (and eventual space travel). the performance (title: @) regards human contact as in need of bodytouch/ eyetouch/ mindtouch and attempts (we+you) this. the video (title: warm) regards human growth as to be fed by warmed thoughts/ warmed goods and even extreme cases in/of lov(ly)ing. the following words have high human heat value insulated by each other simultaneously and/or adjacently: soft, lovely, glowing. these examples describing three letter aspect combinations of the human alphabet. that we inherit at birthing. please include (in) the personal pronouns such as: you, me, us, them, him, her. also remember movement and contact is/are essential to human (our) development. the following words have low human heat values: bomb, bombed, bombing etc.etc.etc. please come, visit, be touched by me/it/us. we are your gues(t)s? artclaybaselberlin yearsandsomanydaysafterthebomb(ing)(ed) - ------------- art clay biography self taught irregardless of the possession of diplomas for music and languages. educators attempts were often disregarded as only financially self serving. respect remaining for master flutist teacher john h. solum + one or ones. determined goals reached through indeterminate means, or as necessary or forced. due to contact with the works or persons on the following list, hopelessly bond to the twentieth and twentieth first centuries: leonardo da vinci, buckminster fuller, sun ra, john cage, marcel duchamp, billy name. works concerning the use of modern media including various genre for sound and image such as video, photography, music and performance. performance x-perience (in all media of own and not own compositions) here and there, worldly, international and @ home. instrumental virtuosity obtained on: flute, computer and the german language. has a home page: just one klick+klick away: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 08:16:12 +0100 From: Subject: The IMC Radio Network is Bringing you another Global Broadcast: January 31st - February 4th! Indymedia's Radio Group - D.R.O.P. project will Produce a Live Internet Broadcast: Thursday January 31st - Monday February 4th. For Immediate release, Monday, January 28th, 2002 Contact: 1. The World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil 2. The World Economic Forum and protests in New York City 3. The Munich Conference on Security Policy protests in Munich 4. Additional Programming from India, the UK, San Francisco and Seattle, among others. The World Economic Forum Some very important people are missing from the headlines and the stories of the world's most influential economic institutions like the InternationalMonetary Fund, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The real players--corporate representatives--meet for the World Economic Forum (WEF) this year in New York City with minimal remote press access. Teach-ins and protests planned in New York City get to the heart of corporate globalization and US economic power. The World Social Forum Also missing from the headlines are the alternatives devised by grassroots organizations and the world's non-elites. Set to happen at the same time as the WEF is the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, a conference exploring such alternatives to an increasingly standard corporate agenda. The Munich Conference on Security Policy This annual meeting brings together the government officials and the military of NATO and the EU. Much of the coalition behind the military coalitions that brought us the wars in Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Iraq are forged in conferences like this security conference. The last few months have seen military coalition involvement from Japan and Germany unprecedented since WWII. European activists are planning to bring their message held by most of the world: not to expand the "War on Terrorism" to more countries. During our broadcast, Stations can: 1. Stream the live broadcast any time 2. Download audio highlights from the live stream for broadcast; or 3. Download produced MP3 programs giving background, updates, headlines, stories and wrap-ups. The live internet stream will begin on January 31st and last through February 4th from stations in Seattle, San Francisco, Vermont, New York, Munich, Porto Alegre, and India. To View a Schedule of the Broadcast please go to http://www.Protest.Net/drop/ To broadcast or listen to the Stream link to one of the following url's: - 24kbps -24kbps - 24kbps - 24kbps - 24kbps - 24 kbps - 16kbps For archived mp3's of the broadcast go to + Some portions of the stream may be in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or German. If you have any questions about playing the broadcast, please email For more details, go to: - ------------------------------------------ Since the WTO protests in Seattle, 1999, the Independent Media Center (IMC) has been covering the voices of those critiquing these global institutions and their impact on democratic structures, then streaming it over the internet. Likewise, the IMC will produce live breaking coverage of the forums and protests in Brazil, New York, and Munich. Hundreds of media activists will be calling in reports, conducting phone interviews and collecting audio on the front lines, in workshops, and at teach-ins. For more about the IMC, go to: See also for more information about live web streaming: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:03:01 -0500 From: "John Bostrom" <> Subject: FW: Religion Protest and Hunger - Free Trade Solutions After September 11th..htm This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C1A8BC.E6FC58A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Religion Protest and Hunger - Free Trade Solutions After September 11th.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Yes, Men, this Thursday night "WTO" event is more likely to turn hilarious than violent. Press: Link to 1.28.2002 Staten Island Advance article: l?/base/news/10122273072680827.xml" maximize e-mail window for best viewing - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- RELIGION, PROTEST, AND HUNGER: FREE TRADE SOLUTIONS AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 Thursday January 31 2002, 7:00 PM at the Unitarian Church of Staten Island A Very Special Evening with the World Trade Organization* Herri Baatasuna, LL.D. Agriculture, International Relations, & Public Relations Counselor* Percival Fress, M.D. Agriculture, Pharmaceutics, & Public Relations Counselor* The spectre of violent confrontation haunts Manhattan. New York's Finest have been gearing up with special training and crowd-control equipment in anticipation of anti-globalization protests near the Waldorf Astoria, the site of this year's World Economic Forum, beginning this Thursday, January 31. Meanwhile, on the other side of New York Bay, a milder, more civilized confrontration between the forces of globalization and their opponents has been scheduled. No helmets, batons, mace, water cannons or arrests - this battle will be fought with ideas amd humor. The Unitarian Church of Staten Island has arranged for two special speakers connected with the World Trade Organization,* who will hold forth on the merits of globalization as a solution to world hunger, making the case, with economic logic and visual aids, that "faith-based opposition to free trade" is - well, misguided. The speakers' main qualifications, and the foundation of their connection with the WTO, is based on their membership in the internationally renowned political prank and satire group, the Yes Men. As well as operating the web site, the Yes Men have delighted audiences across the globe with their unique ability to explain visually the economic and cultural essence of globalization, leading to recent coverage in Harpers and Fortune and on CNBC Europe and National Public Radio. Following the slide presentation by the speakers, a session of questions and discussion from the audience will be moderated by Professor Richard Currie of the College of Staten Island, Chairman of the Church's Social Concerns Committee, which is sponsoring the event. The debate is expected to be lively though civilized, and probably hilarious. Admission is free. Coffee and sandwiches will be served in the Parish Hall after the event (about 8:00 PM.) This event kicks off in the Church's Publc Forum Series titled In the Aftermath of 9/11. Future events will be held on Sundays at 1;00 PM beginning February 10 and continuing through March. Future speakers include Rev. Daniel Berrigan, Phyllis Bennis, Stanley Aronowitz, Norman Siegel, and others. Herri Baatasuna has served as a Yes Man and legal counsel to the World Trade Organization* for the past five years, where he has been directing a new program which aims to understand and address faith-based opposition to free trade. He holds an LL.D. from Stanford Law School, and he previously worked for the AS Agency for International Development in Nepal and in Washington, DC. Percival Fress is a specialist in the relationship of international trade to human health. As a Yes Man, he has been with the press office of the World Trade Organization* for the past three years, fulfilling a mandate from the WTO* to address the relationships of social needs to global trade. Dr. Fress has an M.D. from Columbia University, and has held previous posts with Novartis, Cargill-Dow, and Monsanto. * This representation of the "World Trade Organization" is a work of political theatre and satire. For further information on The Yes Men, visit Seating limited to 200. Admission free. Please RSVP. Directions to the Church: Church Statement on 9/11 and its Aftermath: RSVP to Event: (718) 447-2004 or with "RSVP WTO" as subject and # attending in the body. Article from Monday's Staten Island Advance: Unitarian Programs to Examine Issues Related to Sept. 11 Further information: IN THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11: A Public Forum Series Unitarian Church of Staten Island 312 Fillmore Street, Staten Island NY - ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C1A8BC.E6FC58A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Religion Protest and Hunger - Free Trade Solutions After = September 11th.</TITLE> <BASE=20 href=3D> <STYLE type=3Dtext/css> <!-- BODY {background: #efffff font: bold 10 pt Arial; color: #0FF; = leftmargin:0 topmargin:0} A:LINK, A:VISITED {color:black; font:bold 10pt = Arial;text-align=3Dcenter;text-decoration:none} A:HOVER {color:#006600;text-decoration:none} --> =09 .60red {font: 60pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .48red {font: 44pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .36red {font: 36pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .24red {font: 24pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .14red {font: 14pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .12red {font: 12pt Vixar ASCI; color:#cc3300;} .10red {font: 10pt Arial; color:#cc3300;} .36 {font: 36pt Vixar ASCI; color:black} .24 {font: 24pt Vixar ASCI; color:black} .18 {font: 18pt Vixar ASCI; color:black} =20 .14 {font: 14pt Arial; color:black;} .12 {font: 12pt Arial; color:black;} .10 {font: 10pt ARIAL; color:black;} .8 {font: 8pt Vixar ASCI; color:black;} P {font:10pt Vixar ASCI; color: black; text-align:left;} H2 {font: 18pt Arial; color:black;} H3 {font: 12pt Arial; color: #O40;} H4 {font: 10pt Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; color:#060;} H5 {font: 8pt Arial; color: #O60;} H6 {Font: 6pt Arial; color:"#CCC"} --> </STYLE> <META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4912.300" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY leftMargin=3D0 topMargin=3D0> <DIV><SPAN class=3D780205116-29012002><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 = size=3D2><STRONG><EM>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: </EM>Yes, Men, this Thursday = night=20 "WTO" event is more likely to turn hilarious than=20 violent.</STRONG></FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D780205116-29012002><STRONG><FONT face=3DArial = color=3D#000000=20 size=3D2>Press: Link to 1.28.2002 <EM>Staten Island Advance=20 </EM>article:</FONT></STRONG></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D780205116-29012002><STRONG><FONT face=3DArial = color=3D#000000=20 size=3D2><EM> </EM><A=20 href=3D" standard.xsl?/base/news/10122273072680827.xml"><EM> news/advance/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/news/101222= 73072680827.xml</EM></A><EM>"</EM></FONT></STRONG></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D780205116-29012002><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 = size=3D2><EM> = &= nbsp; <STRONG> =20 maximize e-mail window for best = viewing</STRONG></EM></FONT></SPAN></DIV> <HR> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 width=3D"98%" align=3Dcenter = bgColor=3D#efffff=20 border=3D0 valign=3D"top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=3D60red align=3Dmiddle><B>RELIGION, PROTEST, AND = HUNGER:</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D48red align=3Dmiddle><B>FREE TRADE SOLUTIONS AFTER = SEPTEMBER=20 11</B></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"98%" align=3Dcenter = bgColor=3D#efffff=20 border=3D0 valign=3D"top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=3Dleft width=3D"30%" rowSpan=3D6><IMG alt=3D""=20 src=3D""; = width=3D195=20 border=3D0 NOSEND=3D"1"></TD> <TR> <TD class=3D36 align=3Dleft width=3D"70%"><B>Thursday January 31 = 2002, 7:00=20 PM</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D24 align=3Dleft width=3D"70%"><B>at the Unitarian Church = of Staten=20 Island</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D36red align=3Dleft width=3D"70%">A <SPAN=20 class=3D780205116-29012002>Very </SPAN>Special Evening = with the<SPAN=20 class=3D780205116-29012002></SPAN><BR><B>World Trade = Organization*</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D18 width=3D"70%"><B>Herri Baatasuna, = LL.D.</B><BR>Agriculture,=20 International Relations, & Public Relations Counselor* = <BR><B>Percival=20 Fress, M.D.</B><BR>Agriculture, Pharmaceutics, & Public = Relations=20 Counselor*</I></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D12 width=3D"70%"><FONT size=3D2> The = spectre of=20 violent confrontation haunts Manhattan. New York's Finest have = been=20 gearing up with special training and crowd-control equipment in=20 anticipation of anti-globalization protests near the Waldorf = Astoria, the=20 site of this year's <I>World Economic Forum, </I>beginning this = Thursday,=20 January 31. <BR> Meanwhile, on the other = side of=20 New York Bay, a milder, more civilized confrontration between the = forces=20 of globalization and their opponents has been scheduled. No = helmets,=20 batons, mace, water cannons or arrests - this battle will be = fought with=20 ideas amd humor.<BR> The Unitarian Church = of=20 Staten Island has arranged for two special speakers connected with = the=20 World Trade Organization,* who will hold forth on the merits of=20 globalization as a solution to world hunger, making the case, with = economic logic and visual aids, that "faith-based opposition to = free=20 trade" is <SPAN class=3D780205116-29012002>- well, = </SPAN>misguided.=20 </FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"98%" align=3Dcenter = bgColor=3D#efffff=20 border=3D0 valign=3D"top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=3D12 width=3D"70%"><FONT = size=3D2> The=20 speakers' main qualifications, and the foundation of their = connection with=20 the WTO, is based on their membership in the internationally = renowned=20 political prank and satire group, the <B>Yes Men.</B> As well as = operating=20 the web site <B><I>,</I></B> the Yes Men have = delighted=20 audiences across the globe with their unique ability to explain = visually=20 the economic and cultural essence of globalization, leading to = recent=20 coverage in <B>Harpers<B> and </B>Fortune</B> and on <B>CNBC = Europe=20 </B>and <B>National Public = Radio.</B><BR> Following=20 the slide presentation by the speakers, a session of questions and = discussion from the audience will be moderated by Professor = Richard Currie=20 of the College of Staten Island, Chairman of the Church's Social = Concerns=20 Committee, which is sponsoring the event. The debate is expected = to be=20 lively though civilized, and probably=20 hilarious.<BR> Admission is free. Coffee = and=20 sandwiches will be served in the Parish Hall after the event = (about 8:00=20 PM.)<BR> This event kicks off in the = Church's Publc=20 Forum Series titled <B>In the Aftermath of 9/11.</B> Future events = will be=20 held on Sundays at 1;00 PM beginning February 10 and continuing = through=20 March. Future speakers include <B>Rev. Daniel Berrigan, Phyllis = Bennis,=20 Stanley Aronowitz, Norman Siegel,</B> and others.</FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D10> <BR> <B>Herri Baatasuna = </B>has=20 served as a Yes Man and legal counsel to the World Trade = Organization* for=20 the past five years, where he has been directing a new program = which aims=20 to understand and address faith-based opposition to free trade. He = holds=20 an LL.D. from Stanford Law School, and he previously worked for = the AS=20 Agency for International Development in Nepal and in Washington,=20 DC.<BR> <B>Percival Fress </B>is a = specialist in=20 the relationship of international trade to human health. As a Yes = Man, he=20 has been with the press office of the World Trade Organization* = for the=20 past three years, fulfilling a mandate from the WTO* to address = the=20 relationships of social needs to global trade. Dr. Fress has an = M.D. from=20 Columbia University, and has held previous posts with Novartis,=20 Cargill-Dow, and Monsanto.<BR> <BR><I>* This representation = of the=20 "World Trade Organization" is a work of political theatre and=20 satire.<BR>For further information on The Yes Men, visit <A=20 = href=3D"";><I></I></A></I>= </TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D10red align=3Dmiddle> <DIV><I><BR><B>Seating limited to 200. Admission free. Please <A=20 = href=3D" people%20attending%20WTO%20Forum:">RSVP</A>.=20 </B></I></DIV> = <DIV><STRONG><EM></EM></STRONG> </DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 width=3D"98%" align=3Dcenter = bgColor=3D#efffff=20 border=3D0 valign=3D"top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=3D10red align=3Dleft> <B>Directions = to the=20 Church:</B> <A title=3D"by Ferry " name=3D"by Ferry" = target=3D"resource window"=20 = href=3D"directions.htm"><I> htm</I></A><BR> <B>Church=20 Statement on 9/11 and its Aftermath:</B> <A=20 title=3D"Statement on 9/11 and its Aftermath"=20 name=3D"Statement on 9/11 and its Aftermath" target=3Dnew=20 = href=3D"UUPosition.htm"><I> htm</I></A><BR> <B>RSVP=20 to Event: (718) 447-2004 or </B><A=20 = href=3D" people%20attending%20WTO%20Forum:"></A>=20 <CLASS=3D10><I>with "RSVP WTO" as subject and # attending in the=20 body.</B></I> <BR> <B>Article from Monday's = <I><B>Staten Island Advance:</I> <A=20 = href=3D" standard.xsl?/base/news/10122273072680827.xml">Unitarian=20 Programs to Examine Issues Related to Sept. 11=20 </A><BR> <B>Further information:</B> <A=20 = href=3D"";></A></I></I></B></B>= </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 width=3D"98%" align=3Dcenter = bgColor=3D#efffff=20 border=3D0 valign=3D"top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=3D60red align=3Dright><B>IN THE AFTERMATH OF = 9/11:</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D48red align=3Dright><B>A Public Forum = Series</B></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=3D36red align=3Dright>Unitarian Church of Staten = Island<BR>312=20 Fillmore Street, Staten Island NY = </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></BODY></HTML> - ------=_NextPart_000_005C_01C1A8BC.E6FC58A0-- ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: