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<nettime> bush left china right digest [spornitz, nekvasil]

Re: <nettime> Bush, China, and The Left....
     Bill Spornitz <>
     Alexander Nekvasil <>

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Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 10:45:49 -0500
From: Bill Spornitz <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Bush, China, and The Left....

Stefan wrote:

>What should we do? That's always the question, isn't it? First start with what
>we can do. And clearly one thing we can do is to talk about what is happening
>NOW. And then figuring out what might be an appropriate course of action.

Perhaps the most important thing to do NOW would be to start 
organizing to make sure that your country doesn't embarrass itself 
again the next time you try to elect a president. Elections are won 
by the most organized team.

>We are only beginning to feel the impact of Bush's presidency. We best brace
>ourselves for a long 4 years. And we best be prepared to act swiftly 
>lest we be
>left wiping the trail of dust out of our eyes, wondering what happened.

This should be a lesson to y'all ( ;-> )  You must take control of 
this *democracy* that everybody's always going on about... Four years 
is not *so* long.


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Subject: Re: <nettime> Bush, China, and The Left....
From: Alexander Nekvasil <>
Date: 08 May 2001 20:02:41 +0200

Stefan Wray <> writes:

> But why another Cold War? Because it零 an easy game to
> play. It零 a game for half-wits. In the simplistic
> Cold War world, there are good guys and bad guys.
> It零 the us and them game. Easy to divide up the world
> that way rather than deal with subtle shades of gray
> and complexity.

The analysis needs to be pepped up with some economics
here, it seems to me.  What the US government is after
is to crack the Chinese economy open for the world
market, so it's really a revival of the Opium War.


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