Karl-Erik Tallmo on Thu, 26 Apr 2001 23:00:39 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Dental mercury law suits

Have you seen this? Could be the beginning of a huge law suit series 
that make the tobacco trials seem lame.

/Karl-Erik Tallmo
Stockholm, Sweden


Brockovitch Attorney Announces Massive Class Action Lawsuit Against Dentists

Maine Decides Today Whether To Ban the Use of "Silver Fillings"

April 25, 2001
For Immediate Release

One day after a News Conference in Washington D.C., where a massive 
class action lawsuit against dentists in the U.S. was announced, 
hearings are taking place in Maine to decide as to whether or not to 
ban the use of mercury dental fillings in that state.

States Alan Sigel, the attorney who gained national notoriety for his 
role in the 'Erin Brockovitch case, " Our lawsuit could change the 
face of dentistry in America. There is absolutely no reason that this 
poison should be used in peoples mouths. I applaud the efforts in 
Maine to ban the use of mercury. Mercury is poisoning our environment 
and our citizens."

A news article in the April 20 edition of the Globe and Mail, 
Canada's national newspaper,  stated that,  "dentists could be 
responsible for as much as 80% of the mercury in sewage."

Two individual recent scientific studies conducted by the University 
of Kentucky and the University of Calgary tied mercury poisoning to 
Alzheimer's Disease.

The Class Action lawsuit announced by Mr. Sigel, will have far 
reaching impact. Many more suits are expected to follow.

Media Inquiries:
Wayne Obie
Media & Public Relations
Talk International
for American against Mercury
1 (800) 540-0192


    KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, lecturer

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