Announcer on Wed, 25 Apr 2001 05:42:59 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [15]

Table of Contents:

   KILL YOUR TV!                                                                   
     molly hankwitz <>                                        

   James Boyle: Announcing Fellowship Program/New Course                           
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

     Anne Schreiber <>                            

   For those who fear intimacy, for those who fear loneliness                      
     "Garrett Lynch" <>                                        

   Battery Operated NZ/OZ tour                                                     
     "battery operated" <>                                  

   Virtual Sit in Begins Now                                                       
     Frank Guerrero <>                                               

   Canceling the project                                                                                                                   

   CyberCity@LIC Digital Moving Image Festival                                     
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   sustainable propaganda                                                          
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   Interview Yourself - Latest Interviews 4/21/01!                                 
     Amy Alexander <>                                         

   NO COMPRESSION festival, syracuse, ny        
     "tim jaeger" <>                                          

   CUCKOO CUCKOO CUCKOO                                                            
     Cuckoo <>                                                   

   Cultural Usability seminar site open                                            
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   How to make your privacy fears go away (almost!) - Privacy Lecture Series - Apri
     Ana Viseu <>                                                llhs                                                       
     m e t a <>                                                          


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:49:33 +1100
From: molly hankwitz <>
Subject: KILL YOUR TV!

                             Kill Your TV!!
     International TV Turn off Week 22nd April -28th April 2001.

                   Escape the Escape - Enjoy Reality

            Come and join in the fun at REALITY FEST as part of
                            TV Turn off WEEK

                  Follow the links for more information:
            for more info

: ' )

Molly Hankwitz
archimedia/leonardo electronic almanac
Studio Instructor
Lecturer in Digital Identities
GU - School of Visual Arts
mob: 0438 050759


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:57:11 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: James Boyle: Announcing Fellowship Program/New Course

From: "James Boyle" <>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 12:24 AM
Subject: Announcing Fellowship Program/New Course

> I am delighted to announce that we have secured extremely generous
> funding from the Ford Foundation (  ) and the
> Center for the Public Domain ( )  to create a
> Fellowship program in Intellectual Property and the Public Domain at
> Duke Law School.  The Fellowship Program will bring outstanding scholars
> and lawyers to Duke for a one year stay to work on a series of projects
> related to the public interest, the public domain and intellectual
> property policy.  
> New Seminar
> Each semester, the Fellows (and I) will teach a 2 credit seminar called
> "Intellectual Property, the Public Domain & Free Speech." We have made
> agreements with a number of public interest groups who work on internet
> policy, free speech, and intellectual property issues. These groups
> include the Electronic Privacy and Information Center --
> -- and the Consumer Project on Technology
> .  
> Students in the seminar will work with the public interest
> organizations, under the supervision of the Fellows, doing research and
> writing on selected current topics in the field. (For example, a student
> might be asked to analyze the constitutionality of the Database
> Protection Bill, or the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital
> Millennium Copyright Act, or to research the impact on consumers of
> "business method patents,"  and would then prepare a memo for the
> lawyers litigating the issue or testifying in front of Congress.) The
> projects will be centered around Internet, copyright and trademark
> issues, but may also include some work on telecommunications,
> international intellectual property agreements and pharmaceutical
> patents. 
> The seminar will discuss the overall theoretical and practical themes
> revealed by the various research projects. The Fellowship Program will
> also organise conferences for the participants in the class, both here
> and in Washington DC, on the intersection between intellectual property
> and communications issues and public interest and civil rights practice.
> Through these conferences, and their experiences working with the
> various public interest and digital civil liberties groups, students
> will get exposure to another side of legal practice, as well as to the
> connection between academic theory and practical legal work.
> Spaces in the seminar will be limited;  normally students should
> already have taken at least one intellectual property class but this
> prerequisite may be waived with the permission of the instructors.  
>          The Fellows will also be working on a policy paper series and
> several other scholarly projects and will be helping us to organise
> conferences on these subjects.  
> I am pleased to say that we have just completed the selection of the
> first two Fellows, who were picked out of a truly extraordinary field of
> applicants.  
> William J. Friedman is  Senior Legal Advisor to FCC Commissioner,
> Gloria Tristani.  Mr. Friedman has extensive trial and appellate
> litigation experience,  and has worked in private practice, as well as
> in both Federal and State Government (as the Counsel to the New Mexico
> Senate Judiciary Committee).   At the FCC, Mr. Friedman has focused
> particularly on issues of communications "convergence."   His interests
> include  privacy and free speech issues, digital intellectual property
> questions, bit stream copyright protection, set top box parameters as
> well as questions of code-based regulation and system architecture.   He
> is also interested in the impact of "network economics" on the pursuit
> of the public interest in communications policy.  Mr. Friedman is a
> graduate of the University of New Mexico Law School and St. John's
> College.
> Daphne Keller is a graduate of Brown College, where she majored in
> History and in Media and Cultural Studies, and of the Yale Law School
> where she was Executive Editor of Yale Human Rights and Development Law
> Journal.  Ms. Keller has worked as  a Lecturer and a Research Associate
> at the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Wolfson College
> Oxford and as a Visiting Professor at Cardozo Law School, where she
> taught an intensive mini-class on digital intellectual property. She is
> the author of "Metainformation, Technical Devices, and Self-Regulation:
> Parental Control in a Converged World," (with Stefaan Verhulst) and is
> currently clerking on the Alaska Supreme Court.  She is working on an
> article about digital music called "Producing Information: Sampling,
> Semiotics, and Copyright Law."
> Both Mr. Friedman and Ms. Keller will be arriving in the Fall.  
> _____________________________
> James Boyle
> Professor of Law
> Duke University Law School
> Science Drive & Towerview 
> Box 90360
> Durham, NC 27708-0360
> 919 613-7287 ph.
> Home Page & Essays


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:19:13 +0200
From: Anne Schreiber <>
Subject: vernissage

- ---------------- e i n l a d u n g --------------
- ------------------------------------------------ < bin ich drin?> 
...auf der suche nach der verlorenen kunst -----------------
- --------eine ausstellung über kunst mit dem internet ---------------

kleine humboldt galerie im rechenzentrum der humboldt universität 
- -------- unter den linden 6 10099 berlin -----------------------------
- -------25.04.01 - 21.06.01 --- mo - fr 12-18 uhr 

 v e r n i s s a g e   2 4 . 0 4 . 0 1      1 9 u h r  

- ----- p r o g r a m m ------------------------ 

a p r i l   0 4 . 0 1

24.04.01 um 19 uhr 		
zur vernissage wird walter van der cruijsen über seine erfahrung,
position und vorgehensweise als kurator der net_condition sprechen
- -----------------------------------------------

26.04.01 um 19.30 uhr ---------------- 
tilman baumgärtel: netzkunst: formalismus und aktivismus  

m a i   0 5 . 0 1                                                

externe verlinkung zu beiträgen von künstlern, kuratoren und kritikern
in der berliner gazette [ ] 

j u n i   0 6 . 0 1 

gisela müller []	 >das ganze web eine bühne?!<
holger friese [] >fragen zu antworten - antworten zu fragen<

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!achtung! der server von kulturserver war die letzten tage unten, 
daher adresse noch nicht funktionstüchtig -


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 18:35:46 +0200
From: "Garrett Lynch" <>
Subject: For those who fear intimacy, for those who fear loneliness


"For those who fear intimacy, for those who fear loneliness"
is a piece underway for my masters.  It deals with relationships and self 
intimacy via the use of worn electronic objects, the networking of ones body 
and emotional / sensation results of this.  For further reading see the site 

The site documents all that I am in the process of constructing and 
organising for my masters and it exists in English and French.

If you have ideas, suggestions or comments on the site you can contact me at 
the email address below.

Garrett Lynch

- ----------------------------------------------------------------


"For those who fear intimacy, for those who fear loneliness"
est un travail qui je suis en train de fait pour mon post-diplome.  Son but 
est a explique le results de rapports et l'individu-intimité cree par un 
dispositif electronique qui est porte par moi. Pour plusiers renseignements 
voir le site a....

Le site document tout qui je suis en train de fait pour mon post-diplome et 
il existe en version Anglais et version Francais.

Si vous avez des suggestions, ideas ou commentaire sur mon project, vous 
pouvez contacte moi a le email addresse en bas.

Garrett Lynch

- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 02:00:16 -0700
From: "battery operated" <>
Subject: Battery Operated NZ/OZ tour


Battery Operated		Chases Through Non-Place

2001 	New Zealand / Australian Tour
Electro-acoustic surround sound and video performance

April 22 		Dunedin : The Dunedin Public Art Gallery
The Octagon. 8pm. (+ Sandoz Lab Technicians). 
Tel: 474 3240

April 28		Christchurch : The Physics Room 
209 Tuam Street. 8pm. 
Tel: 03 379 5583

April 29		Christchurch :	Rotate												
RDU 98.3FM. 9-11pm. Live radio set

May  2 		Wellington : The Adam Art Gallery
Kelburn Parade, Gate 3. 7pm. 
Tel: 04 463 5229

May  3 		Hamilton : The Waikato Museum of Art and History
Cnr. Victoria&Hood St. 8pm. 
Tel: 07 838 6606

May  4,5,6		Auckland : The Interdigitate Festival
Call The Moving Image Centre for location. 
Tel: 09 360 2502

May  8		Wanganui : The Sarjeant Gallery
Queens Park. 7.30pm. 
Tel: 06 349 0506


May 11		Melbourne : Alliance Francaise
8pm (+Lazy and Michael Graeve). 
Tel: (03) 9525 3463

The Chases Through Non-Place album is available through Mixer Records under license from Cocosolidciti.
More info :

Battery Operated are a group who consist of musicians, video producers and web designers.  Their first album - Chases Through Non-Place was released on MIXER Records (under license from C0C0S0L1DC1T1) in 2000 to much critical acclaim through web/print/radio based mediums. They performed live sound and video difussions of Chases Through Non-Place  at a huge range of venues from The Knitting Factory in New York City to Media festivals such as the Montreal New Media festival, The Seoul Computer Music Festical to Warehouse events  such as Hardware in Australia and all over Europe and the USA at galleries and media spaces such as Blasthaus in San Francisco. More information about Battery Operated can be found on their animotion web site at -

C0C0S0L1DC1T1 is a record/video/web label that specializes in cross medium work. Digitally dirty and culturally cutting, the projects that encompass sound, video and web elements are the sugarushes that give us our shit eating grins. Our web site at gives a more extensive overview of our more solid plans. The citi we are constructing is a mobile structure for soundworks, videoworks, media installation and web works to be attached to. 
We release CD's, web projects and videoworks as well as installation work by groups such as Battery Operated. With offices in Laguna Beach (USA), Paris (France) and Montreal (Canada) C0C0S0L1DC1T1 are constructing an international network of sweet toothed types. For all those who appreciate the cracked and dubbed out, broken beated, hyper linked, cut up and concreted over districts that make modern living the sweet  fuck up it is.

Montreal Office- 7510 De Gaspe, Montreal, Quebec, CA, H2R 2A2. E-mail -
Paris Office - 5bis Avenue de l'ile d'amour, 94170 Le Perreux sur Marne, France. Mob : (33) 6 12 90 43 43
E-mail -
MobileOffice -

Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:00:48 -0500
From: Frank Guerrero <>
Subject: Virtual Sit in Begins Now

Participate now in the virtual sit-in against Starbucks.

Early this week, the website of anti-corporate crusader Reverend 
Billy was shut down after their ISP received threats from Starbucks 

Today at high noon (Friday 4/20) has returned to the 
net, and with the support of the Electronic Disturbance Theater is 
calling for a 24 hour virtual sit-in against the Starbucks "Evil 
Empire." To participate, please go to


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 16:01:58 +0200
Subject: Canceling the project

Dear Madame/Sir,

Inspite our sincere wishes and serious intents to continue with 
producing the weekly briefings, to provide you with information 
about the current situation in our country, we have to cancel the 
realization of this idea, due to the very low number of interested 
clients, which makes our project non-feasible.
We deeply apologize for this inconvenience and we hope that you 
will stay open for co-operation on any other projects that may 
occur in future.
Thank you for your support and being with us throw the crisis in our 

With kindest regards,
Euro-Balkan Staff  


Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 10:17:46 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: CyberCity@LIC Digital Moving Image Festival

From: "Elissa Jane Mastel" <>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 11:13 PM
Subject: CyberCity@LIC Digital Moving Image Festival

ArtFrenzy 2001
CyberCity@LIC  Digital Moving Image Festival:
A Showcase for Moving Images Generated, Inspired and Cultivated from
May 18th - 20th, 2001, LIC, NYC

CyberCity@LIC  Digital Moving Image Festival ( ) will
showcase works created as Flash Animation, Digital Video, Streaming
Technology, and the many varied uses of technology that create moving
imagery.  Any moving image created, inspired, and produced by technology
and/or emerging technologies may be entered for possible placement in the

CyberCity@LIC  Digital Moving Image Festival is part of the ArtFrenzy 2001
( weekend taking place in Long Island City, Astoria and
Sunnyside, Queens from May 17th - 20th, 2001.  The ArtFrenzy 2001 will bring
together the visual, performance and technological arts in what promises to
be New York's largest arts and technology event in 2001.

During the three-day festival, selected digital image works will be featured
throughout the day in the 2nd floor gallery of the Clocktower@LIC building,
a budding hub for technology companies and artists.  This will be the second
stop on the free shuttle bus circling the ArtLoop throughout the festival.


Friday Night
Downstairs Gallery, 7pm - 11pm
Opening Night VIP viewing and Reception
Saturday, 11am - 6pm
Room A - Feature Program
Room B - Short Subject Program
Exhibitions Running
6pm - 9pm Awards Reception
Sunday, 11am - 6pm
Room A - Feature Program
Room B - Short Subject Program
Exhibitions Running

Entry Fees:

$20 for all formats if received by April 25th, 2001; $30 if received by May
10th.  Entry Fees must be in US funds only.  Checks or money orders should
be made out to LICBDC (Long Island City Business Development Corp).  Entries
must include Entry Form.

Entry Forms and Guidelines can be acquired from or by
contacting EjM pr at 646.452.1300 or

CyberCity@LIC  Digital Moving Image Festival will present awards to
features, shorts, blocks of animation, and other creative content at a
ceremony on Saturday Evening, May 19th, 2001.  Award categories will
include, but will not be limited to; Best Feature, Best Short, Best Flash
Animation, Best Content for the Web and Most Creative Use of Technology.

Invited guests and participants include tastemakers from the film, design,
web production, emerging tech, Internet, B2B and entertainment communities.

Maximum exposure for the  CyberCity@LIC  Digital Moving Image Festival and
all of its participants will be established through a number of media
outlets including strategic partnerships with the IFP (Independent Feature
Project, and other online audio, visual, and information
publications and associations.
Sponsorship and branding opportunities are still available. ÝFor additional
information visit, or contact EjM pr at 646.452.1300

About the CyberCity@LIC :

CyberCity@LIC  - The New Media Hub in the Heart of NYC, a proud participant
in the New York City Economic Development Corporationís Digital NYC: Wired
to the World(SM) program offering affordable, Internet-ready office space
and other business incentives.  For more information visit

About EjM pr:

EjM pr is producing, coordinating, and marketing the CyberCity@LIC  Digital
Moving Image Festival in an effort to showcase the growing convergence of
emerging technology. EjM PR is an integrated marketing solutions purveyor,
with a seasoned tech & entertainment savvy team.  EjM PR creates dynamic
customized strategies that elevate brand visibility with a forthcoming
approach.  EjM pr's capable talent extends to a myriad of services,
including; Public Relations, Events Planning, Online Marketing, Promotions,
Media Planning, Branding, Interactive Design Consultation, Contest
Development, Sponsorship Opportunities, Strategic Alliances, Conference
Presence, and Creative Services.

The EjM PR team has a proven track record leading successful campaigns in a
number of verticals such as entertainment, business, music, publishing, art,
lifestyle, technology and advertising.

For more information about EjM pr's services or for more information on the
CyberCity@LIC Digital Moving Image Festival, please contact:

Elissa Jane Mastel
EjM pr
70 Washington Street, #700
DUMBO, NY 11201
646 452 1300


Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 14:19:14 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: sustainable propaganda

>Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 12:06:53 +1100
via molly hankwitz <>

The publication "Nachhaltige Propaganda - Sustainable Propaganda" is now
available at

"Nachhaltige Propaganda - Sustainable Propaganda" is the publication of
an exhibition-project by Oliver Ressler, which confronts "sustainable
development", the main theme of the Expo 2000 during the world fair. In
the exhibitions in Nuremberg, Berlin, Frankfurt and Vienna documented in
the publication it was tried to analyze the hegemonic sustainable
future-models displayed in the Expo theme parks and to present
alternative models of thought and action.
Text: Justin Hoffmann

Oliver Ressler, Nachhaltige Propaganda - Sustainable Propaganda, edition
selene, 2000 (English/German) ISBN: 3-85266-154-4

Further publications by Oliver Ressler available at are:
The global 500, edition selene, 1999 (English/German)
geGen-Welten, edition selene, 1998 (German)


Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 01:47:25 -0700
From: Amy Alexander <>
Subject: Interview Yourself - Latest Interviews 4/21/01! is pleased to announce the latest additions
to the Interview Yourself Condensed Reader: 

Michael Daines - as interviewed by Michael Daines 
Terrence Kosick - as interviewed by Terrence Kosick 
Perry D Collins - as interviewed by Perry D Collins 
Tomi Knuutila - as interviewed by Tomi Knuutila 
Mark River - as interviewed by Mark River 
no_response  - as interviewed by no_response
Mary Jo Walters  - as interviewed by Mary Jo Walters
Bunjap Bunjapi - as interviewed by Bunjap Bunjapi 
Amy Alexander finally gets around to interviewing Amy Alexander

Remember, Interviews are accepted on a rolling basis at

Join the Web Celebs at Interview Yourself... Celebrity interviews just
like Warhol used to do 'em.... only cheaper.

....IY-IY-IY-IY-IY-IY...Interview Yourself Interview Yourself Interview

- -plagiarist


Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 15:18:52 -0400
From: "tim jaeger" <>
Subject: NO COMPRESSION festival, syracuse, ny

No Compression,
April 28, 2001,
9 pm-2 am,
220 South Warren St.,
Syracuse, NY.

"Plug in, reboot, filter through, file around, go between"

is the catch phrase of this event that sprung up over the course of about a 
month and 2 emails out to the 
listserv. A local arts-organization group called ThINC became involved and 
the city of Syracuse donated a 10,000 sq foot abandoned bank for the 
happening, which combines (micro)-sound collage, video projection, and 
architecture-based installation in the form of a temporary "crash community" 
both online and off. A LISTBOT archive marks the flurry of correspondence 
between artists/musicians in New York City, Vienna, San Francisco, Florida, 
etc. Participants have releases out on Underconstructing, Technoh, Werkzeug, 
Fallt, have performed with Dat Politics, Pluramon, etc.and have been 
screened internationally. Catered w/ bar.

coordinated by tim jaeger (ex- /

More information:


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 21:53:06 +1200
From: Cuckoo <>

Once again, back is the incredible
The art animal 
The incredible, CUCKOO

- ----------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------

The third Cuckoo nesting is at the AUT Pilot Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa.
The autumn line up: Three fresh shows held over three brisk weeks, starting

The first opening will be on Wednesday 25 April at 6pm.
Pilot is 28 St Paul Street. Look for the sandwich board on the street
outside a building labelled 'G Block' and head up the stairs.

By remote control from her new London residence
A.D. Schierning presents:


with an accompanying Teststrip Micrograph by Sione Crawford, Charlotte Craw
and drawings by Alie McPherson.

The gallery will be open from 11am-5pm on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday
following the opening.

Please remember that all Cuckoo openings are BYO.

- -----------------------------------------------------
Coming soon: 

Lauren Winstone   "o v l o v"


Graeme McFelin " 7 psi"


Xanadu performing rock music
- -----------------------------------------------------

In case you don't already know, Cuckoo is an ongoing itinerant project
working gratis with artists and the contemporary art community: We put on
shows in other people's galleries.

Follow for now, power to the people
Cuckoo is back, all in, we're gonna win
Check it out, yeah y'all, here we go again!

- -----------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------

For more details, check our website at Send us
your address and get on the e-mailing list now for updates

- ---------------------------
Cuckoo is presently Jon Bywater, Judy Darragh, Daniel Malone, Ani O'Neill
and Gwynneth Porter. Email us at

We warmly welcome any offers for temporary exhibiting space. (Thank you MIC!
Thank you Anna Bibby Gallery! Thank you Pilot!)

- -----------------------------------------
           MAILING LIST
- -----------------------------------------

You have received this message from Cuckoo because we believe you have an
interest in events and opportunities related to contemporary arts and
culture. If you no longer wish to receive notification of upcoming events
just reply to this message with the subject line: REMOVE


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 19:06:00 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Cultural Usability seminar site open

From: "Minna Tarkka" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: Cultural Usability seminar site open

> Cultural Usability seminar, April 24, 2001  10-17
> Lume Center, University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH Hämeentie 135
> C Helsinki Finland
> Our preliminary site, with seminar programme and other information is
> now open at
> Participation in the seminar is free, but please register online by
> Monday, April 23 noon!
> The seminar language is English, with simultaneous translation into
> sign language.
> Welcome!
> --
> ******************************************************
> Minna Tarkka
> Professor, Interactive and multimedia communication
> (on research leave starting 10/2000)
> Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH
> Hameentie 135 C, FIN-00560, Helsinki, Finland


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:52:49 -0400
From: Ana Viseu <>
Subject: How to make your privacy fears go away (almost!) - Privacy Lecture Series - April 25 (7 to 8,30pm)



Wednesday, April 25, 2001
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Miyo Yashamita
Mount Sinai Hospital

140 St. George, Room 728
Faculty of Information Studies (building adjacent to Robarts Library)
University of Toronto


This talk will focus on increased awareness about privacy and security 
among organizations in an e-business environment and how they can leverage 
privacy to their competitive advantage. To reach this goal, Miyo will 
provide information on the impact of new information technologies on 
business practices, recent public opinion surveys on privacy and 
information-handling practices, and the impact of new privacy legislation 
in Canada, the United States and Australia will be provided. Miyo will also 
provide information on corporate data security programs. Miyo's talk will 
conclude with an explanation of the four ingredients required for the 
adoption of successful programs.


Miyo is currently working at Mount Sinai Hospital designing and 
implementing a corporate data security program in response to the draft of 
the Ontario Personal Health Information Privacy Act. Miyo has worked as a 
privacy and data security consultant since 1994, where she conducted threat 
risk assessments, updated privacy codes of practice and developed a public 
communications strategy on the Personal Information Protection and 
Electronic Documents Act for the Canadian Bankers and Canadian Direct 
Marketing Associations. Miyo has also conducted legislative impact analyses 
and software compliance tests for medical suppliers, pharmaceuticals and 

Miyo has a Ph.D. in Communications from McGill University, where she 
specialized in the impact of international data protection laws on 
organizational business practices. Finally, Miyo is chairing a national 
sub-committee of privacy and security experts for the Canadian Organization 
for the Advancement of Computers in Health (COACH). In May 2001, the 
sub-committee will publish comprehensive privacy and security guidelines on 
the protection of health data.

The lectures are free of charge, and there is NO need for registration.

If you would like to receive the announcements from the Privacy Lecture 
Series please register at <>

For more info contact:
Ana Viseu <> <>
Robert Guerra <> 


Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 02:42:33 -0700
From: m e t a <>
Subject:      llhs






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