Eugene Thacker on 23 Sep 2000 07:16:34 -0000 |
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<nettime> Biotech Panel Discussions |
What Did You Expect? Biotech Panel Discussions in New York This past Wednesday (September 20th), the Gene Media Forum, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedication to public discussion of biotech issues, hosted a panel of "renowned leaders in the genetic revolution." Titled "What Can We Expect?" the panel intended to gather researchers, CEOs, technologists, and bioethicists to answer a range of questions dealing with the future of current genetics and biotech research. The panel was given in conjunction with the Exit Art show "Paradise Now," which featured artists' responses to genetics and biotech. Participants included Craig Venter, CEO of Celera Genomics (the first private company to initiate its own human genome project), Harold Varmus (a Nobel-prize recipient and long-time NIH researcher known for his work in cancer research and oncogenes), and Eric Lander (director of the government-sponsored Whitehead Institute for Genomics at MIT, one of the leading U.S. branches of the Human Genome Project). Outside of the sciences, panelists included Dorothy Nelkin (NYU professor of law and sociology and bioethicist, co-author of The DNA Mystique) and Peter Neufeld (professor of law at Cardozo School of Law and founder of The Innocence Project, which investigates the relations between DNA testing and the law). The Gene Media Forum is to be applauded for initiating this type of public discussion, since, as they state in their literature, often times the only way the public knows about biotech research is through (often exaggerated) mass media reports. However, a panel such as this is only as complex as its participants. This in mind, several things need to be said: First, it is not clear whether the Gene Media Forum in a space for critically questioning biotech, or if it is a space for the promotion of biotech. At the end of the panel, virtually none of the issues, nor the researchers, were pushed or questioned on any point. They were, however, given a chance to more fully explain - or legitimize - their research. Second, the public discussion was not public. The audience was not given the chance to directly interact with the panelists, and audience questions were relegated to blank index cards that were to be passed in; the questions were then asked by moderator Paul Billings. Finally, even though the panel was given in conjunction with the Exit Art show, the question of "art" never once came up. All of which is to say that the panel discussion "What Can We Expect?" was predictable, but also highly instructive. Several over-arching themes presented themselves throughout the discussion: - One recurrent motif was the language of complexity and probability. In short, scientists often used the rhetoric of combinatorial complexity to explain why biotech has produced very little in the way of concrete, sustainable results in medicine or therapy. As genomics research tells us, there are about 3 billion base pairs, or "letters" of DNA in every human being, with somewhere around 100,000 genes that are active in the body's biological processes. If we consider that many of the genetics-based diseases, from diabetes to Parkinson's disease, are the result of multiple genes, acting together along different pathways, then finding the "cause" of such disease seems to be a highly complicated issue. This, to my mind, is a complicated situation, but it's not complexity, emergence, or what systems theory is about. Eric Lander discussed the ways in which a mathematics and engineering based approach is more adept at handling such complexity, but, as most of the scientists pointed out, such results are over a long period of time. In addition, supposing that scientists can isolate the genes and pathways which contribute to a disease, they are still not directly, causally responsible for the disease; instead they contribute to a probability or a predisposition for the disease to become expressed in the body. So other, extra-genetic elements such as environment, context, and lifestyle also play an important role (but common sense already tells us this...). This rhetoric of combinatorial complexity becomes a way for those in the biotech industry to constantly defer the realization of sustainable results in medicine and health care. - Another broad assumption among the scientists and business people involved in biotech is that all efforts lead, in a self-evident fashion, towards two results: drug development and new diagnostic tools. In other words, while there was much to say about how we might expect novel pharmaceuticals and diagnostic tools in the next five years, no one questioned why these were the only options. Given that our genomes are such complex entities, are we not able to imagine other, more creative, more innovative approaches to healing than "silver bullet" drugs and medical technologies which only tell you what's wrong? The point here is not to simply do away with the scientific possibilities of biotech, genomics, or systems-based approaches to biology, but rather to question this impoverishment of the scientific imagination. Among other things, the panel discussion highlighted the ways in which biotech is an industry, a business, and the ways in which the economic imperatives of product development are a primary driving force in biotech research. This is one of the main constraints on the scientific imagination, and the possibilities of how biology and practices of healing might be transformed for the better. - Finally, the "What Can We Expect?" panel was a fascinating display of the discourse of biotech in action. At times, the scientists tended to oscillate between defensiveness ("hey, why are you complaining, we've just trying to save lives here" etc.) and condescension ("you can't possibly imagine the level of complexity of what we're doing" etc.). There was much discussion over the troubled relationship between the media and biotech research, journalists being accused of misunderstanding the science and exaggerating the facts, and scientists being accused of leading the public astray with unfulfilled promises. In the midst of such tensions, that strange, amorphous blob called "the public" remained both un-articulated and totally homogenized. While there was a tacit agreement on the importance of educating the public, nothing was said about the importance of sustaining a public debate or a public critique of biotech - again, not to dismiss biotech altogether, but in fact to help to contribute to something that may have transformative effects on how we think about the body, health, and healing. To repeat: these types of organized discussions which take place in public spaces are definitely a positive step in bridging the yawning gap between biotech as a science/industry, and biotech as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Through such events, we can not only see the heterogeneity within biotech (in other words, that biotech isn't simply a monolithic block composed of disembodied trans-national corporations), but the very utterances of those involved in biotech show us, in a performative manner, the problematic points which need to be addressed, if any ongoing debate over the status and role of biotech in society is to continue. Eugene Thacker More info: The Gene Media Forum <> The Exit Art Show "Paradise Now" <> -- ŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ Eugene Thacker e: w: Pgrm. in Comparative Literature, Rutgers Univ. ŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ CURRENT: "The Gene Trust: Participating in the Biotech Century" @ Nettime (posted August 2000) <> "The Post-Genomic Era Has Already Happened" @ Biopolicy Journal <> "Point-and-Click Biology: Why Programming is the Future of Biotech" @ MUTE (Issue 17 - archives at "Performing the Technoscientific Body: RealVideo Surgery & the Anatomy Theater" @ Body Modification, ed. Mike Featherstone (London: Sage, 2000; "Fakeshop: Science Fiction, Future Memory & the Technoscientific Imaginary" @ CTHEORY <> ŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ also: FAKESHOP <> ŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: