mediawatch-owner on Wed, 10 May 2000 18:14:11 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Radio B292 Signal Jammed -- Radio B292 press release

> Radio B2-92 press release
> BELGRADE, May 9, 2000 -- Because of heavy signal interference on the 99.10
MHz FM frequency, most residents of Belgrade and the surrounding areas are
unable to receive the Radio B2-92 program. This jamming began at about 1.30
p.m. today and has continued into the evening.
> All transmission systems for Studio B's Third Program, which carries Radio
B2-92, have been thoroughly inspected and found to be operating normally.
There is thus no doubt that the disruption is caused by outside
interference. At this time the source of that interference has not been
> This signal disruption is preventing Radio B2-92 from providing
information to the public on events connected with current affairs in Serbia
and the rest of the world. It particularly effects today's protest in
Pozarevac. The events surrounding this demonstration are of great concern to
the public and Radio B2-92 journalists are reporting directly from the town.
> Studio B and Radio B2-92 have also reported this disruption to the Federal
Telecommunications Ministry, demanding that the ministry, as the legal
authority, take steps to identify and eliminate the source of the
> Radio B2-92 has taken its broadcasts to another frequency while its usual
one is jammed.
> For Radio B2-92,
> Sasa Mirkovic.
> ---
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