Anna Johansson on Wed, 5 Mar 2003 05:39:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] BSG BioNewsLetter #05 2003 - New Business Reports -BioSeeker Group's analysis and products eNewsletter


BSG BioNewsLetter #05 2003 - BioSeeker Group's analysis and products eNewsletter


----- CONTENTS -----

1) Anticonvulsants: Pfizer's pregabalin to top success of Neurontin?

2) New Reports:   - Winning the Osteoporosis Therapy Race
                                 - Market and Sales Guide to the Swedish Biotech Industry
                                 - Advancements in Colon Cancer Therapeutics
                                 - Pregabalin: Follow-On Strategy a Winner for Pfizer
3) Recently Published BioSeeker Reports

4) Coming reports: Immunotherapy Strategies / European VC Market in life sciences

5) Subscription

6) Valuable offer on BioNewsletter Pro



Ever since it first came to market in 1993, the anticonvulsant drug Neurontin has consistently been one of Pfizer's top earners, generating considerable sales and driving strong growth for the New York-based company. With this drug set to lose patent protection Pfizer is gearing up to launch its replacement. 

Neurontin, whose active ingredient is gabapentin, is approved in more than fifty countries worldwide for a variety of indications, including the adjunctive treatment of epilepsy and a range of neuropathic pain conditions. Since its launch, the treatment has rapidly grown to blockbuster status generating sales of over $2 billion in 2002 alone. But the imminent loss of patent protection means that this cash cow will soon be subject to imminent challenges from cheap copycat versions from generic manufacturers.  In order to stave off this threat and so maintain and grow its share of the anticonvulsant market, Pfizer must ensure that a follow-on pregabalin compound is launched before Neurontin loses its patent. 

Read the full version of this analytical topic at

Also see the reports:
- Pregabalin: Follow-On Strategy a Winner for Pfizer
- Strategic Perspectives: CNS Portfolio Analysis


- Winning the Osteoporosis Therapy Race

At present we are witnessing a significant change in the osteoporosis therapy market. As is most often the case in a developed pharmaceutical market, this change takes the form of a shift, not a revolution. The bisphosphonates will remain the leading drug class, with a distinct move to oral dosing at weekly intervals, and/or intravenous dosing at yearly, or at least quarterly, intervals. 

- Market and Sales Guide to the Swedish Biotechnology Market 

This is the first and only market and sales guide to the biotech industry in Sweden. It is now possible for you to decide whether the Swedish biotech industry or any segment of it may be of potential value for your business purposes. We provide you with information important for deciding on the рbuying powerс of each of the 13 industry segments and each of the 300 companies included in this report. Up to 3 years of financial data from public as well as private companies is included.

- Advancements in Colon Cancer Therapeutics

The global colorectal cancer market has been estimated in 2001 to be worth approximately US$1 billion, of which 60% of revenues were derived from the US. This market could be expected to increase to US$2.5-3 billion within a five-year period. In this highlight report, we focus on describing and assessing the ongoing struggle for improved and novel colon cancer therapeutics. Breakthroughs have been made and BioSeeker Group has identified a number of emerging strategies for colon cancer therapeutics. 

-  Pregabalin: Follow-On Strategy a Winner for Pfizer

The ongoing litigation surrounding the patent of Pfizer's blockbuster anticonvulsant Neurontin (gabapentin) is expected to continue for at least another nine months. Unsurprisingly, Pfizer intends to stave off generic competition for as long as possible, at least until its follow-on product pregabalin can enter the CNS market and capture Neurontin's share of revenues. Datamonitor believes pregabalin will provide Pfizer with yet another blockbuster product. Sales are expected to cannibalize Neurontin following launch in 2003, as Pfizer minimizes generic erosion by convincing physicians to switch therapies. Datamonitor forecasts pregabalin to be worth over $2.82bn by 2010. 



- Molecular Approaches towards HCV Therapy - The Complete Guide (released Dec, 2002)

- Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets for Multiple Diseases (released Nov, 2002)

- New Targets and Drug Discovery Platforms in Antifungal R&D (released Nov, 2002)

- The Next Generation Antifungals: Triazoles vs. Peptides (released Oct, 2002)

- Swedish Biopharma Industry - The Next Wave (released Sept, 2002)



- A Shift in Cancer Immunotherapy Strategies?

Immunotherapy has for some time been tried as a breakthrough approach for cancer treatment, but failed. More simple protocols are now changed for more sophisticated ones, and even now novel solutions are emerging. Recent insights into the cells, molecules and signalling pathways that regulate immune responsiveness are providing new approaches for immunotherapy. And new insights have suggested that it might be beneficial to begin tumour immunotherapy soon after the completion of chemotherapy to induce effective homeostatic T-cell proliferation. 

This report evaluates the latest advancements in cancer immunotherapy as well as describes key company activities. BioSeeker Group is monitoring a lagre number of companies working in this field for the possibility of generating highly updated analysis. For more information about this report, please contact us at

- Guide to European Life Science Venture Capital Market

This report is meant as a guide for biotech companies seeking venture capital investors. Trends, developments, preferences of the largest Pan-European investors and useful forums for meeting VC investors will be discuessed. The report also includes an extensive list of VC investors for which we list their financial strength and preferences. This report will be of great value to you as your company plans its VC attraction campaign.

For more information, please contact us at



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