Van Manfred on Tue, 25 Feb 2003 07:29:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Assistance

Attn Sir,

    My name is Addy Van Manfred, i am a Dutch white farm settler in Zimbabwe, i came to Zimbabwe  as a teenager when my uncle worked  as a clerk in the the Pre-Colonial Government of Zimbabwe.

   The History of Zimbabwe is traced back to the time of Pioneer column in the late 1800s and the subsequent legal instruments that were passed and entrenched to ensure the division  of the ownership of land between Whites and Blacks and this was enhanced  by the popular Lippert Concession act(1889), this preceded the actual occupation of Zimbabawe  in 1890 and it allowed would be settlers to acquire land rights  from the Indigenous Zimbabweans,there was the native reserve order in council (1898) 1898-1920  and the 1930 land appointment act, the purpose for the formulation of these acts was to amicably  formalise separation by law,land between Black and White Farmers and this was after the deliberation and recommedation of the morris Carter Commission of 1925. 

   With agreement reached, the fertile high rainfall areas became split with Black Government Politicians  owing more than half of the fertile land, however it was the Native Land Husbandry Act of 1951 that iginited the controversy which has generated deep rooted envy amongst the new generation of Black elites against white Farm settlers, this was the period of the introduction of the first phase of nationalistic/divisive politics introduced by sentimental Black politicians, one of whom was Mr Robert Mugabe, then a nationalist leader.

   At the Lancaster House Conference prior to independence in 1980,the Patriotic Front argued  that the British Government must provide  money as compensation for white settlers occupation and this was  paid by the British Goverment, this statement below, was issued by the immediate post independence Government led by Mr Robert Mugabe when Britian and The USA offered to pay compensation for  white farmers land acquisition: 

  "We have now obtained assurances that … Britain, the United States of America and other countries will participate in a multinational donor effort to assist in land, agricultural and economic development programmes. These assurances go a long way in allaying the great concern we have over the whole land question arising from the great need our people have for land and our commitment to satisfy that need when in government".

   The  land reform acts/ the land seizure  actually started  in 1998,with a communique issued by President Mugabe at Manyoni Farm Matobo District , there he made it emphaitically clear that White Settlers owned land and farms would be confiscated and gievn to "Landless Black indeginous Zimbabweans " as he put it, "We realised we had nurtured enemies among us, so we started treating them as enemies", before Mr Mugabe made this statement, he used the State machinery/Police to arbitrarily molest and arrest white settlers, most of whom are in incaration and jail without trial for various unfounded and Government perpetuated/unconstitutional decrees orchestrated by President Robert Mugabe and his lieutenants in Governments seats.

     On  the 28th of November 2002, a group of Soldiers, in Commando style invaded my Farm House and carted away most of properties, i was arrested and kept in costudy for one Month and thirteen days for what the Police called Defiance to Goverment laws banning white farmers from continues farming/landownership in my district, while in Police jail, with threat to my life and family and the possible investigation of my personal account and that of my wife, i therefore directed my wife to transfer the sum of US$30.1Million Overseas into an  account  where it could possibly be invested until  the political tension in Zimbabwe subsides, when i would either resettle in Mozambique, or go over to England.

       Fortunately i have been able to confirm that  this sum of US$30.1 has been sent to a security Comapny in Holland by  my Wife, the name of the security company is World Cargo Securities Company,   please contact the ware house department of the security Company with this phone number 0031-630-067-707 or email the chief store keeper Mr Martin Fadeko:  

I  have discussed with the Chief Store keeper and he is willing to assist me transfer the money to your account as soon as you are able to contact  the security company.  

I have and will be willing to accept in terms on a negotiable commission  of 25% of the total US$30.1Million, and could still concede to investing in your business pending your good interrelatedness with me.

       I  shall send  to you all other detailed information regarding  the money and that of the security company  to enable us have this money transferred to your account, when you show sincere intension to assist me.

    Please you can also mail me at


A.V Manfred

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