Bizzocchi, Justine on Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:56:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] HorizonZero

Pssssst...we're going public!

The Banff Centre and Canadian Heritage are pleased to present Issue 4 of


How intimate do we want our technologies to be?

Intimate technologies are changing our worlds: The borderlines between
private and public are blurring under the influence of new digital
technologies, from mobile phones and wearable computers to tactile media and
new forms of surveillance. 

Our November offering asks the question: What is privacy in an age of
intimate technology? Is it time to rethink our notions of public space, and
of privacy itself?
LOOKING FOR ANSWERS? Join us on Tuesday, November 26 for Private Reveries /
Public Chat. This live Web event will bring a panel of international experts
together to chat with our online audience about how intimate boundaries are
changing under the influence of ubiquitous technologies. (Check HorizonZero
for scheduled time in your region.)
Issue 4 also features the very touchable art of award-winning artists THECLA
SCHIPHORST and JEAN DUBOIS. We publicly DECONstruct recent works from Steve
Mann, and conduct our very own Horizontal Surveillance of the Canadian

Plus: SKAWENNATI TRICIA FRAGNITO offers up some sex tips for cyborgs, MATT
LOCKE organizes a very intimate speakers corner, and JEAN-CLAUDE GU�DON gets
invited to the party but has nothing to wear. 

And in this month's focus on WIRELESS SCIENCE: Lynn Sutherland makes some
noise about the future of wireless technologies while Tom Keenan and Susanna
Paasonen argue with Sadie Plant On the Mobile. 

You'll find all this and more exposed in intimate detail in the fourth
edition of HorizonZero.


HorizonZero is a bilingual web-publication dedicated to presenting the best
in Canadian digital arts and culture.  The only way to experience it is to
digital art + culture in Canada

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