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[Nettime-bold] RE: <nettime> Events [8x] |
this mail is not usud . dont send email. please -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Announcer Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 6:57 AM To: Subject: <nettime> Events [8x] Table of Contents: Salloum at UCLA Film and Television Archive & L.A Freewaves WORLD-INFO FLASH 0.9 ON CONTAINMENT AND INFORMATION "pressl_eva" <> 4z4; a net art no show "abraham linkoln" <> WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ AMSTERDAM "pressl_eva" <> New York Anarchist Forum: Nov. 12 >>> SHAC David Mandl <> Multifield Symposium, MEP, December, Paris Louise Desrenards <> Thing Drinks with Sebastian Luetgert and Zeljko Blace - On November 15th, 2002 "ricardo dominguez" <> THE CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON UNITY, SOVEREIGNTY AND PROSPERITY "Cusp-Info" <> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 04:11:39 EST From: Subject: Salloum at UCLA Film and Television Archive & L.A Freewaves The UCLA Film and Television Archive & L.A Freewaves present: in/tangible cartographies: new arab video curated by Jayce Salloum Thurday, November 14 7:30 p.m. Works by: Elia Suleiman, Walid Ra窶兮d, Rashid Masharawi, Akram Zaatari, Hassan Khan, Tawfik Abu-Wael, Mounir Fatmi, Azza Al Zarouni, (see full program notes below). & Sunday, November 17 7:00 p.m. "untitled," recent videotapes by Jayce Salloum, 1999-2002 Tonight, Jayce Salloum, curator of our "in/tangible cartographies: new arab video" exhibition, will present his own "untitled" project, an ongoing videotape addressing subjects living through crises/change, personal interventions in political realities, and the overarching theme of interstitiality. In part 1: everything and nothing (1999-2001, 40 mins.), Salloum, off-camera, talks with Soha Bechara, the ex-Lebanese National Resistance fighter who was detained for 10 years in the notorious El-Khiam torture and interrogation center in South Lebanon. In a riveting and intimate conversation, Salloum inquires about home, being interviewed to death, resistance, survival, and the distance between Paris, where Bechara now lives, and Khiam. In part 2: beauty and the east (1999-2002, work-in-progress, excerpt c. 20 mins.), Salloum turns obliquely to the former Yugoslavia. In a kaleidoscope of interviews, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and residents address topics ranging from identity and fascism to optimism and monsters. In both anecdotal and theoretical recountings, they lay out the issues currently at stake in this region of displacement and redefinition; their words are located within images of cities and landscapes. Also shown will be a preview sequence of part 3: (as if) beauty never ends窶 ヲ (2002, 11 mins.), in which a montage of orchids blooming and footage from the sites of the 1982 massacres at Lebanon's Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps p rovides an elegiac response to the Palestinian dispossession. Events are at the James Bridges Theater in Melnitz Hall, located on the northeast corner of the UCLA Westwood campus, near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Hilgard Avenue. Tickets are available at the theater one hour before showtime. Admission is $7 general, $5 students, seniors and UCLA Alumni Association members with ID. Parking is available adjacent to the James Bridges Theater in Lot 3 for $7. For further information, please call (310) 206-FILM or visit - ---- Full program notes below: The UCLA Film and Television Archive & L.A Freewaves Present in/tangible cartographies: new arab video We have (too) many images for this place/this region and as many names, but none of them is accurate or adequate: Middle East, Near East, North Africa, Maghreb, Levant, Holy Land, Arab world, Muslim world, the Orient. We have too few names for the people of these places. There is a certain violence in not naming, just as there is an innate violence in the naming (i.e., "terrorist" or "prisoner") that we engage in. This place (these people) has been over- and under-reproduced throughout the history of its representation by its visitors, its conquerors, its "allies" and those who are passing through. These representations are ours. We are implicated within these constructions. in/tangible cartographies seeks to provide an audience for a range of work by Arab videomakers living in this (unnameable) region. It also includes the work of those in exile, or "dispossession," as are Palestinian videomakers inside and outside of the "occupied territories." In lieu of being silenced and having one窶冱 existence ignored or obliterated, these works account for marginalized voices of experience, composing a history denied and substantiating a concrete body of work.窶寧ayce Salloum This program is curated by Jayce Salloum, a media artist, curator and cultural activist currently living in Vancouver, Canada. Essay and notes by Jayce Salloum, abridged from a longer version. All works are on video; formats vary. Thursday, November 14 7:30 p.m. in/tangible cartographies: sliding life through narrow spaces forced into (cracks) where rivers could not (yet) flow窶ヲ UPSIDE DOWN (Makloubeh) (Palestine, 1999) Directed by Rashid Masharawi The preparation of makloubeh, a traditional Palestinian dish, is served up as image and substance, reflecting on the nature of nourishment, the land and culture. Masharawi uses a respectful humor and a bucolic freshness of images in this short treatise on Palestinian identity. In Arabic with English subtitles, 5 min. CYBERPALESTINE (Palestine, 2000) Directed by Elia Suleiman Displaying sardonic wit and attention to detail, Suleiman creates a terse but forceful transposition of the biblical story of Mary and Joseph to illustrate the repressive control of movement and the abuses of daily Palestinian life suffered under Israeli military occupation. Intertitles in Arabic and English, 16 min. BLUE (United Arab Emirates, 2000) Directed by Azza Al Zarouni Private space as discomforting comfort zone at home in Abu Dhabi. Ubiquitous cell phone ringing punctuates this stream of dissatisfaction with pop culture salvation. 3 min. RED CHEWING GUM (Al-llka Al Hamra) (Lebanon, 2000) Directed by Akram Zaatari Within the changing urban environment of Beirut, two souls find themselves in a cycle of loss, departure, rupture and celebration. An impressive video lett er inspired by a story of separation between men. In Arabic with English and French subtitles, 10 min. FUCK THIS FILM (Kos om el film dah) (Egypt, 1998) Directed by Hassan Khan Surrounded by a multitude of reasons to tape and seeing none, the videomaker runs at life with a soul lost to despondency. In Arabic with English subtitles, 4 min. SURVIVAL SIGNS (Morocco/France, 1998) Directed by Mounir Fatmi Fatmi analyzes how language has lost its power of understanding and communication; "deep in the mouth, the tongue is nothing more than a muscle." Full of clutter, the tape shows how speech and the corollary of being heard are necessary ingredients for survival. In French and German with English subtitles, 13 min. THE DEAD WEIGHT OF A QUARREL HANGS (Lebanon/US, 1996-99) Directed by Walid Ra窶兮d A videotape in three parts exploring the possibilities and limits of writing and imaging a history of the Lebanese civil wars (1975-1991). 17 min. DIARY OF A MALE WHORE (Yawmeyat A窶冑er) (Palestine, 2001) Directed by Tawfik Abu-Wael A videotape about memory positioning itself in relation to the "other," it can be seen as a metaphorical account of the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process." Based loosely on the novel For Bread Alone by Moroccan writer Mohamed Choukri. In Arabic with English subtitles, 14 min. Total running time: 82 min. In person: Jayce Salloum - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - -------------------------- Sunday, November 17 7:00 p.m. "untitled," recent works by Jayce Salloum untitled part 2: beauty and the east (excerpt) (2002) In a kaleidoscope of interviews from the former Yugoslavia, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and residents address topics ranging from identity and fascism to optimism and monsters. In both anecdotal and theoretical recountings, they lay out the issues currently at stake in this region of displacement and redefinition. 25 min. untitled part 3b: (as if) beauty never ends窶ヲ (2002) Ambient images窶俳rchids blooming, plants growing, clouds and water窶蚤re superimposed over raw footage of the carnage at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon after the 1982 massacre, with the voiceover of Abdel Majid Fadl Ali Hassan (a 1948 refugee living in Bourg El Barajneh camp) recounting a story told by the rubble of his home in Palestine. 11 min. untitled part 1: everything and nothing (2001) An intimate dialogue with ex-Lebanese National Resistance fighter Soha Bechara in Paris, taped (during the last year of the Israeli occupation) one year after her release from captivity in El-Khiam torture and interrogation centre in Lebanon where she was detained for 10 years, six in isolation. 41 min. Total running time: 77 min. In person: Jayce Salloum for more info and clips on Jayce Salloum's video work:$artistdetail?SALLOUMJ TV OR NOT TV, L.A. Freewaves窶・8th Celebration of Experimental Media Arts, takes place throughout greater Los Angeles during the entire month of November. Selected from a wide pool of entries, TV OR NOT TV's extraordinary programs present puzzling questions and dynamic alternatives to corporate-filtered entertainment and alarmist, biased news reporting: Events are at the James Bridges Theater in Melnitz Hall, located on the northeast corner of the UCLA Westwood campus, near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Hilgard Avenue. Tickets for events at the James Bridges Theater are available at the theater one hour before showtime. Admission is $7 general, $5 students, seniors and UCLA Alumni Association members with ID. Parking is available adjacent to the James Bridges Theater in Lot 3 for $7. For further information, please call (310) 206-FILM or visit ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 16:19:00 +0100 From: "pressl_eva" <> Subject: WORLD-INFO FLASH 0.9 ON CONTAINMENT AND INFORMATION 06-11-2002 World-Information.Org ************************************************************** WORLD-INFO FLASH 0.9 ON CONTAINMENT AND INFORMATION ************************************************************** ++ Architectures of Control. Containment and Information. ++ ++ Links ++ Opening Soon: World-Information.Org @ Amsterdam ++ ++ OSCE Keynote Speech: Freedom of Expression And New Technologies ++ ++ ++ compiled by World-Information.Org ++ ********************************************************************* ++ ARCHITECTURES OF CONTROL. CONTAINMENT AND INFORMATION. ++ A far cry from the optimistic sentiment that ran across the emerging net community in the mid Nineties, ・reedom of information・in electronic networks is increasingly viewed as a гecurity hazard・ Systems of containment are emerging, in which data, but also bodies are directed by architectures of control. While the EU has decided to scan all immigrants and asylum seekers biometrically in order to be able to track them, and in Britain a 11-year-old girl is expecting a tracking-chip to be implanted under her skin, private prison management companies such as Corrections Corporation of America or Wackenhut are transforming prisons into experimentation grounds for new tracking technologies. Yet by entrusting surveillance to private companies accountability to the political system and its citizens is slowly, but surely disappearing. Applied to data instead of bodies this trend is called Digital Rights Management (DRM); the privatization of access and control of information. DRM manufacturer and huge media and entertainment corporations seek to turn the infosphere into a controlled environment dominated by so-called дrusted systems・ Systems that can be trusted by the 電ata lords・ in order to make the Intellectual Property (IP) rights business as profitable as possible. DRM is set to redesign the entire information landscape with a view to technically enforcing copyrights payment. To that end it tries to turn the accustomed PC into something like a remote-controlled sales terminal. 展ho should your computer take its orders from? With a plan they call "trusted computing", large media corporations (including the movie companies and record companies), together with computer companies such as Microsoft and Intel, are planning to make your computer obey them instead of you・warns Richard Stallman of Free Software Foundation. In a 鍍rusted environment・ the prisoner痴 tracking cuff is replaced by watermarks and similar encodings. The rules and standards that will make trusted systems work are established in the exclusive environments of corporations. Yet these standards will soon be decisive for every body, they will shape people痴 behavior in a subtle but effective fashion. Once the values and interests have taken on the shape of seemingly neutral technical standards, they will simply be accepted without further questions. Yet new emerging open spaces are pointing the other way. Numerous initiatives work at revitalizing the idea of the commons, a resource held 妬n common・that is equally enjoyed by a number of persons. Originally derived from the land law they transfer this concept in a digital context by making available content to the broad public for free. In contrast to the idea of DRM, which creates an elitist society where only those who can afford it are allowed access to information, projects derived from the conception of a commons aim at including rather than excluding as many as possible from the infosphere. Following this claim a range of initiatives are set to recover open space for information exchange and shake off information handcuffs, not by 澱reaking・copyright, but by avoiding it in the first place. In science, a recent project is the International Mathematical Union痴 global network that recommends its members to publish all research free of charge. Others, such as the German Initiative for Network Information are trying to develop a digital commons for research, bypassing subscription fees that can amount to thousands of Euros for specialized journals and databanks or UNESCO that has recognized the importance of free software for development and dedicated a free software portal. But besides those more well-known projects there exists a much larger number of smaller, civil-society initiatives of free information sharing that are set to revitalize the commons. Cultural groupware, free software, peer-to-peer platforms are all part of a new appreciation of the digital public domain. **************************************************************************** ****** ++ LINKS ++ Corrections Corporation of America >>> Wackenhut >>> Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) >>> International Mathematical Union >>> German Initiative for Network Information >>> UNESCO Free Software Portal >>> **************************************************************************** *** ++ OPENING SOON: WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ AMSTERDAM ++ After successful major presentations in Brussels and Vienna (2000) World-Information.Org now opens its doors in Amsterdam. From November 15 through December 15, 2002, it will once again stage its extensive exhibition and conference program. In the Oude Kerk World-Information.Org will outline the history of communication networks and explore their future, exhibit historic and state-of-the-art control and surveillance technology and display digital artworks and installations by, among others, Marko Peljhan, Critical Art Ensemble, Institute for Applied Autonomy, Arthur Elsenaar and Taco Stolk. On 6 and 7 December, 2002, De Balie will host the World-InfoCon conference 'The Network Society of Control', an international and interdisciplinary forum on the issues of surveillance, security and freedom of networks. Speakers will include Elly Plooij, VVD member of the European Parliament, and Alexander Patijn, adviser to the Dutch Ministry of Justice. In addition to the conference World-Information.Org offers a diverse workshop and educational program . The opening event will take place on 14 November, 2002, 18.00 at Oude Kerk. In cooperation with Waag Society, De Balie and Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts. **************************************************************************** ******* ++ OSCE KEYNOTE SPEECH: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES ++ On 7 October, 2002, Konrad Becker, Director of World-Information.Org, was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the preparatory event for the OSCE Mediterranean Seminar on media and new technologies: implications for governments, international organizations and civil society (4-5 November, 2002, Rhodes, Greece) in Vienna. **************************************************************************** ********* ## The Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0 is the carrier of World-Information.Org Zwischenquartier, Burggasse 21 A-1070 Vienna, Austria phone: ++ 43.1.522 18 34 fax: ++ 43.1.522 50 58 email: Under the patronage of UNESCO. - --- To unsubscribe from this list send an email to: with unsubscribe world-info-news <yourmail> in the message body To resubscribe to this list send an email to: with subcribe world-info-news <yourmail> in the message body - -- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 03:02:18 +0000 From: "abraham linkoln" <> Subject: 4z4; a net art no show online opening friday nov 8, 2002; 4z4; a net art no show at abe linkoln _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 17:49:55 +0100 From: "pressl_eva" <> Subject: WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ AMSTERDAM Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0 Vienna, 08-11-2002 PRESS INFORMATION *************************************************** WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ AMSTERDAM November 15 to December 15, 2002 Oude Kerk, Amsterdam *************************************************** "What exactly is the Internet? Who controls it and how does it work? In what ways do new technologies transform society? What is the impact of these technologies on daily life, work, art and politics? What will the cultural heritage of the future be?・ Once again World-Information.Org explores the fascinating and complex sphere of information production, manipulation, control and distribution and provides the public with clear, high-quality and easily accessible information on the multifaceted interrelations between technology and society, politics, culture, art and economy. >From November 15 through December 15, 2002, World-Information.Org presents its extensive exhibition and conference program in Amsterdam. Visitors are invited to discover the world of information: exhibits and visual diagrams explaining the complex nature of information technologies, interactive installations, digital artworks, lectures, films and workshops. Venue for the World-Information Exhibition, which outlines the emergence and influence of the expansion of worldwide communication and information networks on various aspects of society and everyday life, is the Oude Kerk . World-Infostructure imparts the results of the research program that has been carried out in connection with World-Information.Org since autumn 1999. On 32 information displays that represent the contents of World-Information.Org's online knowledge database World-Infostructure describes patterns of the emergence of public opinion, the endangerment of the public domain through recent legal and technical trends in copyright and concentration in media ownership, the power and practices of the 租ata lords ・ the evolvement and control structures of the Internet and many more. Especially after the unfortunate events of September 11, 2001, governments, police and intelligence agencies have reinforced and extended their surveillance and eavesdrop systems. In order to be able to track them the EU has recently decided to scan all immigrants and asylum seekers biometrically, the US authorities have approved the use of electronic ID chips and in Britain an 11-year-old girl is expecting a tracking-chip to be implanted under her skin. World-C4U presents arts projects such as [RT-32] - ACOUSTIC.SPACE.LAB @ IRBENE RADIOTELESCOPE, Electronic Media Monitoring 2002/PACT (Marko Peljhan) or Safe Distance ( that examine and question these developments. Moreover C4U highlights historic and state-of-the-art security and control technologies and allows hands-on experiences with biometric devices. Future Heritage concentrates on the critical analysis of electronic networks and their possibilities by artists. It displays the works of renowned and pioneering international artists ・amongst others Molecular Invasion (Critical Art Ensemble and Beatriz da Costa), Ministry (Jill Magid), BuBL Space (Arthur Elsenaar & Taco Stolk), The Yes Men, World-Processor (Ingo Gunther) and Boom! (Oliver Ressler & David Thorne) - that experiment and operate with information and communication technology. Future Heritage shows the rich, diverse and vital variety of electronic culture - the cultural heritage of the future. The wave of new security legislation that has followed the tragic events of September 11, 2001, has made a critical examination of information politics in the network society uncommonly urgent. Therefore accompanying the World-Information Exhibition, on 6 and 7 December, 2002, De Balie will host the World-InfoCon conference 'The Network Society of Control'. This international and interdisciplinary forum will investigate recent developments in information law, policing and surveillance, and intellectual property rights in the digital domain. While the first day is dedicated to the theme 全ecurity Paranoia in the World-Info-Sphere・the second day will focus on the issue 腺uilding the Digital Commons・ Speakers will include Ben Bagdikian (media critic and former Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley), Arun Mehta (activist and educator, President of the Society for Telecommunications Empowerment), Andrew Bichlbaum (WTO/GATT.ORG representative, member of The Yesmen, disinformation specialist), Volker Grassmuck (Researcher Humbold University Berlin, initiator of the Wizards of OS conferences) and Joost Smiers (Reader in political science of the arts, Centre for Research, Utrecht School of the Arts). Rounding off the exhibition and the conference will be the Hybrid Workspace in the Oude Kerk; a temporary media lab, where a series of selected movies related to the topics of World-Information.Org will be shown and discussions, demonstrations from artists, and workshops will take place. For high school students, World-Information.Org has developed an educational program to support the course 舛KV・for both VMBO and HAVO/VWO. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- World-Information.Org is an initiative of Public Netbase/t0 and organized in cooperation with Waag Society / for old and new media, De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics and Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TBA. World-Information.Org is realized with the financial support of The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology; Netherlands Culture Fund, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dutch Ministry for Education, Culture and Sciences; Mondriaan Foundation; Culture2000; VSB Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. Oude Kerk, Oudekerksplein 23, 1012 GX Amsterdam ***************************************** ## The Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0 is the carrier of World-Information.Org Temporary Quarters, Burggasse 21 A-1070 Vienna, Austria phone: ++ 43.1.522 18 34 fax: ++ 43.1.522 50 58 email: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 09:05:23 -0500 (EST) From: David Mandl <> Subject: New York Anarchist Forum: Nov. 12 >>> SHAC - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Robert Erler <> How Animal Rights Protests Work The Bricks and Bullhorns of SHAC The November Anarchist Forum (NYC) On Tuesday, November 12, at 7:30pm, the Libertarian Book Club's Anarchist Forum welcomes Kevin Jonas & Andrew Stepanian of SHAC speaking on "How Animal Rights Protests Work." SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) is an animal rights group that for the last three years has effectively fought the inhumane practices of the animal vivisection industry. Kevin and Andrew will describe the Direct Action tactics and strategies they have so successfully used that The Financial Times has said SHAC is "succeeding against Capitalism where Karl Marx, the Bader-Meinhof Gang, and the Red Brigade failed." After their presentation Kevin and Andrew will answer questions about how the Direct Action methods they employ can usefully be applied by other groups working for change. They will also respond to whatever comments the audience wishes to make. The event will take place at the Brecht Forum on the 10th floor of 122 West 27th St. [between 6th and 7th Aves.], a short walk from the 28th St. 1, 2, N, and R stops, the 34th St. B, D, and Q stop, and the 23rd St. F and V stop. There is no set fee for the presentation, but a contribution to aid the LBC is requested. If you have questions, contact the LBC/Anarchist Forum, 212-979-8353, 339 Lafayette St., Room 202, NYC, NY 10012 or e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 00:45:30 +0100 From: Louise Desrenards <> Subject: Multifield Symposium, MEP, December, Paris (An anthropological question against the established powers to the predictive future from the actual multifield critic researches and their first fecund discovering) Sciences, Philosophy, Semiotic, Virtual Arts, Cinema and Contemporary Music on the THEMA: ['Precariousness-Instability, Active Concepts in the paradigmatic renewals] English/ US explanations to: Symposium 2002, December 11, 12, 13 @ Maison Europ馥nne de la Photographie 5-7 rue de Fourcy 75004 Paris/ Fr English and US interface of the site from this museum: Thanx from the Publisher directress of the review online ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:28:34 -0500 From: "ricardo dominguez" <> Subject: Thing Drinks with Sebastian Luetgert and Zeljko Blace - On November 15th, 2002 Thing Drinks with Sebastian Luetgert and Zeljko Blace by The THINGTank Drift by for some Thing Drinks and two presentations. On November 15th, 2002 from 630pm to 8pm. ______________________________ THE THING 601 West 26th Street 4th Floor New York, New York 10001 Tel: 212-937 0443 ______________________________ Sebastian Luetgert (Berlin) has developed a number projects, including Rolux (1998-), Internet Implorer (, 2000-), Project Gnutenberg (, 2000-), (2000-), and Minordomo (, 2001-). Moderator of Nettime (1999-2000) and the Rolux Mailing List (1999-). Collaborative works with Ariane Mueller, Pit Schultz, Daniel Pflumm, Florian Cramer,, and others. Zeljko Blace is a member of Multimedia Institute in Zagreb CROATIA, better know through their public interface of net.culture club "mama" where he works as program manager and projects curator. He (co)organised international events in Croatia: # (21-25.09.2000.) and # ArtServersUnlimited2 (08-15.09.2001.) in Labin, # NewMediaCultureWeek-CRITICAL UPGRADE (01-07.05.2002.) in Zagreb On and off works as new media curator, artist, webdesigner and researcher, publishing texts in Zarez cultural, Croatian Radio and TV and websites & Initiator of for new media culture production and presentation activities in south-east & east Europe. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 21:52:17 -0800 From: "Cusp-Info" <> Subject: THE CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON UNITY, SOVEREIGNTY AND PROSPERITY AN INVITATION TO THE CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON UNITY, SOVEREIGNTY AND PROSPERITY (CUSP) to be held, Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st, 2002, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front Street West, Toronto. Would you like to become active in helping to expand the debate on such issues as the privatization of our essential public services, the selling-out of our natural resources, the expansion of corporate rule or the complete economic and military integration with the United States, amongst others? Many of us are concerned about Canada's loss of sovereignty and international treaties that transfer power from our own parliament to international bodies like the World Trade Organization. We are also worried about our environment, the loss of our fish and forests, the erosion of our soil and natural habitats, and the fact that our water supply is in jeopardy and, under NAFTA, cannot be protected. Fewer and fewer Canadians even bother to vote. Should we be looking at other voting systems that better reflect the will of the people? Also, there is a growing gap between rich and poor in our country and internationally between rich and poor countries. Why is this happening? Equally alarming, our government is signing treaties that result in the sale of our most valuable assets and industries at fire sale prices. Come out and hear our incredible lineup of speakers address these major issues. Join the other 2,000+ Canadians that we plan to have at this conference for the purposes of defining the new National Agenda - your agenda. You are welcome to participate as an attendee and/or exhibitor. Visit our web site for more information. Sincerely, The CUSP'02 Organizing Committee - - 0 - Speakers -------- - - J. Patrick Boyer, QC; "PHANTOM PARLIAMENT: How the Loss of Democratic Accountability Affects our Unity, Sovereignty and Prosperity" - - Michel Chossudovsky; "War and Globalisation, The Truth Behind September 11" - - Murray Dobbin; "Canadian Culture Wars: Ideas have Consequences" - - John F. Godfrey, MP; "WHAT'S A COUNTRY FOR? Iraq, Free Trade and Canadian Sovereignty" - - Hon. Paul T. Hellyer, PC; "A Vision for an Independent Canada" - - Wendy R. Holm; "Water, NAFTA and Canadian Sovereignty - Democracy at the Brink" - - Mel Hurtig, OC; "The Four Things That Must Happen if Canada is to Survive as an Independent Country" - - Donald Lidstone; "Implications of International Trade Agreements for Municipal Government: Land Use; Water, Waste and Other Services; Procurement; Environmental Measures; and Local Sovereignty" - - Elizabeth May; "Canada's Role in the World: why we must ratify Kyoto" - - Linda McQuaig; "Greed, Lust and the New Capitalism" - - David Orchard; - - Jim Stanford; "My Day in the Free Market: Why the Private Sector Doesn't Have All the Answers" Panels ------ We are scheduling time for questions and comments. There will also be six panels with a galaxy of panelists where you will have a chance to participate. * Agriculture and the Biosphere: Chair Hon. Ralph Ferguson, PC, * Canada/U.S. Economic and Military Integration: Chair James George, * Canada's Institutions and Culture: Chair Walter Pitman, OC, O Ont., * Electoral/Parliamentary Reform: Chair Doris Anderson, CC, * Health Care: Chair Armine Yalnizyan, * Monetary Sovereignty:What is it? And is it important?: Chair Jordan Grant. To register for this exciting and important event: - Go to , or - Email or write for more infromation. PO Box 36026, 9025 Torbram Rd Brampton, ON L6S 6A3 CUSP Sponsors ------------- Hon. Lincoln M. Alexander, PC, CC, QC Doris Anderson, CC David Banerjee Avie Bennett, OC, O Ont J. Patrick Boyer, QC Christopher Bradshaw Harold Brathwaite Murray Dobbin Victor Drury Shirley Farlinger Connie Fogal-Rankin James George John F. Godfrey, MP Hon. Jacques H饕ert, OC Hon. Paul T. Hellyer, PC Mel Hurtig, OC Ian Hutson Norman Jewison, CC G. Alex Jupp Karen Kain, OC Roger D. Landry, CC, OQ Elizabeth May John McMurtry, FRSC Linda McQuaig John Oostrom Walter G. Pitman, OC Hon. Joseph H. Potts, QC Hon. Alan Redway, PC, QC Dr. Reginald F. Stackhouse Jim Stanford Rt. Hon. John N. Turner, PC, CC, QC Patrick Watson, CC Adam H. Zimmerman Jr. >> WE WANT TO SHOW THAT CANADIANS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT, AND WANT << >> TO HAVE A SAY IN THESE ISSUES THAT DEEPLY AFFECT THEIR LIVES. << >> SO PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS INVITATION WIDELY AND GIVE AS MANY << >> PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE THE CHANCE TO LEND THEIR VOICE TO THIS << >> DEBATE. << ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list