juan mutant on Wed, 24 Jul 2002 04:47:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: What's this?

--- "juan nsk" <juannsk@hotmail.com> wrote:
>This is the conflict:
>here they are
>the cure:nelson
>test dept:dtector lie invent
>death in june:dead soldier somewhere
>led zeppelin:u2
>new order:mcdonalds
>mew model army:king of spain
>yoko ono:lions(lennon)
>fred frith:wtc
>stray catl:some sick torturer
>alica cooper:brother burkeƧ
>thin lizzy:friend of ken
>v8:ignacio mojsa
>sugar cubes:menem
>the cure:nelson
>sister of mercy:(floodland)whitehouse
>guns'n roses:gente(magazine)
>beatles(yellow submarine):foca
>sisters:misissipi witch
>men at work:people in bs as always liked you but...is it the same...
>ten commintments:ended there at milan fras place
>rolling stones(sticky fingers):???that's lie?well...that's a torturer(guy,a 
>doctor,he revises your eyes,and then your dead!)egg fantasies.
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