Want to be an expert with Internet Explorer?
You do? Good, cuz
we have an incredible deal for you. It's a program called Professor
Teaches Internet Explorer and we have it for only $4.97!
And yes, US shipping is still FREE! Is that an incredible deal or what?
I mean, you can hardly get a fast food "value" meal for that
kind of money.
This program is designed to teach you - step by step -
to use Internet Explorer 5.5. Now, if you're not using version 5.5, DON'T
WORRY - 99% of the program applies to version 5 and 6.
This program will take you from the absolute basics (like
how to launch Internet Explorer) to more advanced techniques (like cleaning
out your History file and such).
It is divided into
8 different categories including Introduction to Internet
Explorer, exploring the web, further into the web, saving information
from the internet, working with e-mail, usenet newsgroups, searching,
and advanced techniques.
The really cool thing
is the way it teaches using a "hands on" approach. It doesn't
just show you screen shots, but has sample windows you can actually click
and work with. It's fantastic if you are a "learn by doing"
type of person. (That's me, how about you?)
Anyhow, be sure to get to the site ASAP for these. It
was a one time deal and once these are gone, they're gone. Again, it's
only $4.97, and US shipping is FREE! Here's the link:
Don't miss out! These are a super way to learn Internet Explorer and they
won't last long!
Office 101
Word Highlighter
Have you ever been
working on a Word document and come to a point where you need to enter
a fact that you're not sure of? Do
you really want to stop this very minute to look up the information?
I'm not sure about
you, but I hate to stop every few minutes to look something up. I'd rather
keep going with the typing part, look information up after I'm done and
double check the facts during the editing stage.
So the new question
becomes, "How do I remember everything I have to check on?"
I mean, what can you use to remind yourself of the places you know you
may need to change?
There's a neat little
feature in MS Word that can help you with this situation, it's called
a highlight. It works just like the highlighter you use on printed pages.
(I can remember the countless highlighters I used in college - makes me
shudder - fortunately I like this one a whole lot better.)
The Highlight
button is on the Formatting Toolbar and looks like this:
To use the Highlighter,
simply use your mouse or keyboard to highlight (select) the text to be
highlighted. Then, click on the Highlight button.
That's it - the selected
text should now be highlighted - just like the good old fashioned marker
type (except it doesn't make a mess on the monitor).
By clicking on the
little arrow to the right of the highlighter in the button, a color palette
will be displayed. This will allow you to change the color of the highlighter.
Sometimes color coding information is extremely helpful.
To remove the coloring
completely, highlight (select) the text and select the None choice
from the color palette.
Now that you have
a digital highlighter, have fun!
P. S. This is also
a good tool when you have someone else proof reading your work. It draws
their attention to specific places you need them to check carefully. There
are an endless number of uses for the highlighter. Pretend you're a kid
again and these are the new Crayolas!
Tip of the Day
Hiding Columns
Ever have a beautiful
MS Excel worksheet, I mean absolutely perfect, except that one column.
You know - the one column with the necessary data for your calculations
but not really a part of the presentation. The essential column that you
must keep, but don't want displayed for a presentation or on the hard
Often, Excel users
have a lot more data in the worksheet then they need to display in the
final presentation. Some users will put this data far to the right on
the worksheet. They then set the print area so that it does not include
the unwanted columns.
Others will put the
extra data on a different worksheet and have the formulas draw from that
location. This can be a good solution to the problem, but can be time-consuming
because of the extra time spent going back and forth between the worksheets.
There are many different
solutions to this particular problem and everyone will have their favorite.However,
I think the easiest solution is the one that people are usually unaware
of. Simply hide the column!
Hide the columns?
Yes, hide them! They
will not be visible on the screen or in the printouts, but rest assured,
the data is there and can be displayed again.
So, how do you hide
a column?
Well, the first thing
you need to do is select a single cell in the column to be hidden.
Then go to the Format
menu, Column choice. When the submenu pops up select the Hide
Poof! Your column
is gone. But is it really?
Take a look at the
column letters at the top. Notice anything?
You should. Careful
inspection will tell you that a letter has been skipped. The missing letter
is your hidden column.
All formulas dependent
on the data in this column are still working, you just don't see the raw
data any longer.
Now, how do you display
the column again if you need to edit or add data to it?
- Locate where the
column should be.
- Select one cell
from each column on either side of the hidden column. (For example,
if column C is hidden, select cells B3 and D3.)
- Go to the Format
menu, Column choice. From the pop-up submenu select Unhide,
and presto!
The column is back in its original location with all of the original
Now, here's another
cool fact. You can do this same stuff with the rows.
In the Format
menu, choose Row instead of Column. Then follow the same Hide and
Unhide procedures.
That's it. It's a
little trick that sometimes comes in pretty handy.
Once again, if only
I had this option in life. Tons of stuff to hide - the undone laundry,
the sinkful of dishes, the mosquitos in the backyard, the bills in the
mailbox, the cat's litterbox... The list goes on and on...