Redaktion Springerin on Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:55:01 +0200 (CEST)
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[Nettime-bold] SPRINGERIN 2/02
Title: SPRINGERIN 2/02
Out now:
The latest issue of the springerin: ŧMiddle EastŦ
For decades, the
Middle East has been a test case for international relations and
global, strategic coexistence within a restricted space. It forms a
geographical focal point with a strong influence on the relations and
clashes between extremely different cultures. This springerin issue on
the Middle East focuses on the diverse cultural reflections and facets
of a conflict that seems less and less likely to be resolved.
ŧMiddle EastŦ provides an overview ranging from media
analyses of Israeli newspapers by Ariella Azoulay to personal accounts
about everyday life and activists in Tel Aviv.
In addition to articles by Elia Shohat and Noah Chasin, the ŧMiddle
EastŦ issue also features contributions by and about some of people
participating in this year's documenta exhibition: Fareed Armaly,
Rashid Masharawi, Walid Ra'ad, Andreas Siekmann and James Coleman.
Other Texts by:
Olaf Arndt, Jochen Becker, Roger M. Buergel, Robin Celikates, Tony
Chakar, Hans-Christian Dany, Matthias Dusini, Petra Erdmann, Judith
Fischer, Evi Fuks, Soenke Gau, Gaby Gehlen, Gerrit Gohlke, Michael
Hauffen, Justin Hoffmann, Gregor Jansen, Bilal Khbeiz, Michel
Lasserre, Gudrun Mazoyer, Carmen Mörsch, Gislind Nabakowski, Thomas
Raab, Martin Reiterer, Walid Sadek, Julia Gwendolyn Schneider,
Alexandra Seibel, Karl Sharro, Elia Suleiman, Friedrich Tietjen, Vera
Tollmann, Brandon Walder, Georg Wasner, Christophe Wavelet, Axel John
Wieder, Krystian Woznicki, Paola Yacoub.