porculus on Sat, 29 Jun 2002 10:58:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> life is packet sniffing, keep your nose clean

> All value is gone ( since 9/11 ).

havent you enuf of zuch 'definitive' zing that have just the approximative
arty aim of some collateral damage in some brit garden or to
reduce the playground of your posterity as an exploit. you know it's not
cause you are probably feed up about good & bad axe rhethorique you have to
collapse or escape and trying to be safe in some chic cynism, cause you know
to imagine you could be non proactive & innocent in digital sm foucaldian
supersurveiller & superpunichmentpark society is a whipped dead end and a
fuckked cul de sac. what is safe or not in our value is beyond our will &
our power & even beyond our lucidity..beside notice how much arty is french
in qualifying adjectivising his fucking name in 'foucaldien', it not only
seems in some froggy assonance it growz zuddenly some leather wings in his
fucking back but above all the foucaldian could really hover over to
supplice to suppliciƩ to you & me & all historic gallows as kind of perch
for crow ..did you imagine there is escape to the recycling of your whipped
& hated subject in some disgusted caressed & beloved light qualifying
adjectivising prozess + in saying 'All value is gone ( since 9/11 ).'

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