Alan Sondheim on Sun, 28 Apr 2002 05:49:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] please note

Hi - please note that we are leaving on Monday night or Tuesday for New
York again... Here is our contact information -

Alan Sondheim and Azure Carter
432 Dean Street
Brooklyn, New York, 11217

(This is near the Atlantic Avenue / Pacific Street subway station)

Telephone 718-857-3671
Email Alan:
Email Azure:

- We just had a farewell party for us here in Miami, given by some of the
FIU faculty. We're pretty miserable leaving - I've had some brilliant
students (who came), and we were just getting to know the Everglades from
a deep/ecological viewpoint - something that's informed my writing
recently -

We'll be in New York for most of the summer, except for the last week of
May / first week of June -

Please let me know if you hear of any employment opportunities -

love to everyone - Alan -

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