eyescratch on Sat, 27 Apr 2002 06:08:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Algorithms and Allegories

"Marx hingegen faßt die natur nicht
under der kategorie eines subjektes,
sondern umgekehrt das subjekt unter
der kategorie einer anderen natur.
darum begreift er die einheit beide,
die ja nur von einem subjekt hergestellt
werden kann, nicht also absoluter einheit.

weil das subjekt uhrsprünglich naturwesen
ist und nicht, wie im idealismus, die natur
von haus aus subject ist muß die einheit,
die sich allein der tätigkeit eines subjektes
verdanken kann, eine vom subjekt gewissermaßen
der natur imponierte einheit bleiben.

eine resurrektion der natur läßt sich materialistich
nicht konsequent denken, wie immer auch der
junge marx selbst und die spekulativen köpfe
der marxschen tradition (benjamin, bloch, marcuse,
adorno) von diesem erbe der mystik sich angezogen fühlen."
  -- habermas

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the discourse turns another slight curve. catching up, the straight 
line intersects. another force is pulling and pushing in the 

mapping allegories to algorithms presents two problems. an algorithm 
is constructed of equations, which when recursive create a sense of 
self-immolating  entity - data spews. these days, algorithms are 
usually mapped together in one form another to create algorithms of a 
greater magnitude and complexity.

allegories appear as semblances that shimmer beneath the surface of a 
particular opus. under cover they emerge in reading and re-reading 

algorithms in their basic form cannot any more be distinguished - 
these implications surface - oh, that's a nice algorithm, wash away 
with use and occupy a different strata. perhaps like primary color 
paint when mixed wash away the original and only hint at it's former 
characteristic. it has been combined.

a paradigm shift from canvas to screen is that blue does not occupy 
depth anymore - red does.

allegory is the shimmer of meaning that is not symbolic but 
emblematic. the problem with flash construction kit is that all 
elements must first be rendered as symbols and then combined as 
instances. they can thus be combined by playing with perspective. i 
like this flash site: http://www.betabodega.de

good flash sites work to annihilate the button and give access to the 
data in a playful way.

algorithms combined create algorithms, allegories are not written in 
this way - they do not originate in puns or double entendre.

if we were to see algorithms emblematically of something other than 
the data revolution or the semblance of 'access' then it might be 
possible to program emblematically - would this lead to allegory?

and yet, are there emblems left in the noosphere?
and will algorithms fulfill that role?

it seems to place a particular burden on algorithms - a burden we see 
manifest in patents and copyright manifesting corporate names and 
instances to algorithms fermenting their exchange and use.

i like something posted a while ago about "hacking the stream" - rasa

we are not thinking materialistically anymore, instead intrinsically 

there, the chance to be literal - godard made the task of riding a 
bicycle allegorical when he said there was nothing more beautiful 
than a woman riding one. saw a little girl on one of those scooters 
that are the plague of old people in the streets and as she pushed 
off again and again, not putting much weight on the other leg, it 
seemed a good way to learn balance in preparation to the bicycle 
ride. then, just as i thought that, the little girl did put more 
weight on the scooter and she found herself again half-way down the 
block, way ahead of the parents trailing her.

"Consequently, Marx does not conceive
of nature under the category of the subject,
but instead on the the contrary the subject
under the category of another nature.
this is why he understand the semblance of
both, which can only be conceived by the
use of the subject, so not an absolute instance.

because the subject originates as natural being,
and not as in idealism, nature originated in
the subject, must the instance, which is present
thanks to the activity of a subject, be a unified
instance by the subject of nature.

it is not possible to conceive of a resurrection
of nature materialistically, however the young Marx
and the speculative heads in the marxist tradition
(benjamin, bloch, marcuse, adorno) are drawn to this
mystic inheritance."
  -- spurious translation

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...._____and the thread rips, reply to in part___.....


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