miranda on Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:41:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] report on the whitney's net art panel

check out my report on the 2002 Whitney Biennial Net Art Panel 
Discussion held Friday March 8th at the New School’s Tishman 
Auditorium.  Below are excerpts from the report.

The full report is available at:

Overall the discussion was well organized, the speakers were concise, 
thoughtful, even jovial and best of all no one tried to take center stage...

One commonality amongst the projects is that each one presents a neat 
package.  Though they may all contain or even be composed by dynamic 
data, the visual format and representation is polished...  Secondly, 
amongst the projects there is an absence of critical thought with social 
relevance that is with the exception of Josh On’s They Rule.  Mary 
Flanagan’s [collection], touches upon current issues of privacy in the 
networked public domain, however she seems more enamored with the 
computer as a personal space turned out.  The lack of art with social 
constituency, again, reflects the conservative character of the Whitney, an 
unfortunate shortcoming in relation to net art.

Four of the nine projects included, Mark Napier’s Riot, Lisa Jevbratt’s 1:1, 
John Klima’s EARTH, and Benjamin Fry’s Valence, all had a similar 
undercurrent – that of learning how to paint with data... 

LikeFry's Valence, On’s They Rule engages in illustrating information, 
however They Rule takes on a proactive, political agenda by mapping the 
insular world of the wealthy elite.  As On states: “They Rule is a political 
cartoon, a satire that turns data into information…  Data should reveal 
things about people to people.”  They Rule allows viewers/users to create 
“representations of data that are important and pertinent.”  

read the entire report at:

ricardo miranda
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