Soenke Zehle on Fri, 1 Feb 2002 09:56:01 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-bold] SummaryFPIF Forum on Anti-Globalization Mov't |
*** FUTURE OF THE GLOBAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT *** (Editor's Note: See for the complete presentations by Thea Lee, Alejandro Bendana, Kristin Dawkins, and John Cavanagh. We encourage readers to send us your evaluations of the antiglobalization/global justice movement; your statements will be posted the FPIF website.) In the aftermath of September 11, the WTO Ministerial in Doha and the passage of fast track legislation by the House of Representatives, many mainstream analysts are claiming that the global justice movement and its efforts to combat the negative effects of corporate-led globalization are dead. Foreign Policy in Focus (online at, a joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies, organized a forum on January 25 to discuss these issues. Their conclusions are that while these developments pose new strategic challenges for the movement, it is far from dead. The forum included four speakers who discuss the upcoming meetings and protests at the World Economic Forum in New York City and the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil and analyze the new strategic opportunities and obstacles facing the global justice movement in the year ahead. The first speaker, Thea Lee, serves as the assistant director for International Economics in the Public Policy Department at the AFL-CIO. She began by arguing against the view that the global justice movement was dead as indicated by the agreement to launch a new trade round in Doha, the authorization of trade promotion authority (fast track) for the Bush administration, and the decline in street protests. Many mainstream analysts argue that the labor and student wings of the movement irrevocably split over the war in Afghanistan, sounding the death knell of the movement. She argued, in contrast, that the purported victories at Doha and authorization of fast track were much less than the rhetoric suggests. She argues that the movement in the U.S. has succeeded in fundamentally shifting the policy debate as to how labor, environment, and development issues should be addressed in trade agreements--not whether they will be addressed. She identified labor's policy agenda as focusing on the new trade agreements being negotiated with Chile, Singapore, and the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, and stated that the AFL-CIO will exercise its power through the streets (protests), the suites (attending the World Economic Forum and similar events), and the social forum in Porto Alegre to advance its agenda. (Available online in a Global Affairs Commentary format at Alejandro BendaƱa, director of the Center for International Studies, based in Managua, Nicaragua, began by arguing (in contrast to the other speakers) for the utility of the label "antiglobalization movement" on the grounds that it reflects what people believe. He views the opportunities and challenges facing the movement in the coming year as being about the three "A's": Alternatives, Argentina, and Afghanistan. Alternatives will be the primary agenda of the World Social Forum, and in contrast to the previous meetings will strive to be more than "a supermarket of ideas" but began the process of institutionalizing the practice of social forums throughout the world. Argentina is important because reflects the most recent sustained effort by a national government to resist the orthodoxy of the Washington Consensus and therefore reflects the possibility of demonstration effects within Latin America and renewed political space for alternatives to neoliberalism at the level of national policy. Afghanistan is a vehicle to link the antiglobalization and terrorism agendas to discuss the economic roots of terrorism. (Available online in Global Affairs Commentary format at Continuing a theme highlighted by Thea Lee, Kristin Dawkins, director of the Program on Trade and Agriculture at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, also noted that Doha was less than a total victory for the advocates of corporate-led globalization. She described how farmers' groups had succeeded in creating a development box within the WTO's Agreement on Agriculture that would allow for developing countries to have waivers for some of the WTO rules, enabling governments to protect some of their farmers. She discussed how farm and environment groups are working for alternative policies, including rapid ratification of the International Convention on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. She also identified a series of other civil society-based initiatives with respect to the global commons such as genetic resources and water. These two issues will be central to the effort to articulate concrete policy agendas at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre and the Preparatory Committee meeting for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg later this year, which is being held in New York at the same time as the World Economic Forum. (Available online in a Global Affairs Commentary format at John Cavanagh, director of the Institute for Policy Studies, began by challenging the idea that the global justice movement only began in 1999 with the demonstrations in Seattle. Instead, he suggested that the movement is part of two longer histories. The first is a history of local resistance to European colonialism that began over 500 years ago; the second is a more recent period of transnational alliances among citizens' groups that dates to the anti-slavery movement of the 19th century. John argues that the debate over globalization is currently at a stalemate and presents a scorecard of the movement's power and strength along eight dimensions: the ability to influence real events; the ability to get visibility in the media; the breadth and depth of the "Seattle Coalition;" public opinion; moral authority; intellectual power; ongoing protests at the local level; and things going badly for the agents of corporate-led globalization. (Available online in a Global Affairs Commentary format at (This summary of the FPIF forum on "The Future of the Global Justice Movement" was written by John Gershman <>, who is an analyst with the Interhemispheric Resource Center. Gershman moderated the panel discussion. The entire forum is available for play through Windows Media Player at _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list