Special Unit Director on Thu, 20 Dec 2001 04:03:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Rush Priority Delivery

Title: 2 Motorola Talkabout, Two-Way Radios are being held for you!
Dec 19, 2001

Our Deluxe Motorola TalkAbout, Two-Way Radios valued at $100.00 are currently being held awaiting details for shipment to you, absolutely FREE*.

Click here now and verify your address (we want to make sure your Deluxe Motorola TalkAbout, Two-Way Radios are delivered to you) and to make arrangements for you to receive your two-way radios at no charge.

Your Approval Status entitles you to receive your Deluxe Motorola TalkAbout, Two-Way Radios valued at $100.00 and save on your long distance bill by signing up with Sprint 7ยข AnytimeSM Online
plan. Simply remain a customer for 90 days, complete the redemption certificate you will receive by mail, and we will send you your Deluxe Motorola TalkAbout, Two-Way Radios for free*.  As an added bonus, your monthly fee of $5.95 can be reduced or waived completely. Click here to learn how.

Respond before Jan 02, 2002 or you may waive your eligibility to receive your Deluxe Motorola TalkAbout, Two-Way Radios! These arrangements may not be available after the above date.

Keep this document in a safe place. This could be the only notification you may receive, click here now!

                eInfoDirect member


  • 14 FRS Channels

  • 31 Segment LCD Display   Icons

  • Talk Confirmation Tone   Option

  • Audio Accessory   Connector

  • Lock Button

  • Audible Cell Alert

  • Time Out Timer

  • Transmit LED

  • Backlit LCD Display

  • *Requires change of state-to-state long distance carrier to Sprint, remaining a customer for 90 days and completion of redemption certificate sent by mail. Promotion excludes current Sprint customers.

    You are receiving this Special Offer as a valued eInfoDirect member. If you do not wish to receive any Special Offers from us in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.