integer on Thu, 13 Dec 2001 04:48:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] k!va

>Hi NN
>Some questions for you

hi nn
zom kuezt!onz 4 u.

>1.  Can I use some of your writings from the website in the book? I will 
>of course give you credit for the quotes used.

You better.

>2.  Can I continue to ask you questions over email?

Shut up kr!!ket, I am not NN.

>3. Would you be willing to allow some of your images to be used in the book.

You better pay me.

>If you don't mind i'd like to ask you some questions.
>1. What is it you consider your art work to be? (I am assuming her you 
>define yourself as an artust, if I am incorrect plese put me straight)

Respirations + Kooperations = korporat m9ndfukc++ glass beads.

Dissolving in my mouth. I chew. You scream...... thus I wait until they dissolve a bit
more and chew with my tongue. I taste you. You are 01 delicious tomatogirl...

.... disperse your particles and start melting little capsules of you in my mouth. 
I close my eyes whist placing the first capsule in my mouth... less liquid than I
had expected. I move my tongue and squeeze its contents, while listening to
the other capsules screaming. It's your tendons I'm playing with...
rolling my tongue around their long, chewy textures. They glide down my
throat and into my stomack. Long, long tendons trying to grip to my
bones and muscles and extend in me, but before they manage to do that, I
swallow another capsule -- your stomack. We both feel the acids konsuming
your tendons, not allowing them to settle in me yet. I take another
capsule, quickly. your lips. My body remembers their taste and opens up
once more for their juices. The membranes stretch and feel washed,
intoxicated. I byte on your capsule and release its forms. They grow in
my mouth until i can't breathe any more, licking and tasting and playing
with you. Your capsules shivering in the bottle. begging me to reunite
them inside my mouth. I refuse.

>2.  The issues you bring up of identity, discrimination, corporate 
>control, american ( & NATO) imperialism are obviously heart felt and 
>important.. My question therefore would be why use such a coded language 
>to talk about the ideas? 

Traversing spirals polyphonically in the plasticity of incandescent meanings.
+ coruscating myriads - layers permeating the folding mirrors of super-glued 
protein conventions, indiscernible, in aleph 1 consciousness.

>Is that not on some level counter productive?

I stream via pop3 elegantly + persistently - hence NO!!!!!                              

>3. In addition to using coded language you also do not always abide by 
>traditional conventions of conversation and dialogue.  You must be aware 
>that this alienates some people.  Is this a thought out strategy on your 
>part or genetic makeup?

The word life comes from 'lieb' which means body.

I want to edit your genome in

The current regime is _not a kapitalistik one.
The real revolution life forms are currently living is korporat fascism. 
During korporat fascism the korporation supplants the inkompetent and 
inefficient state machinery. Korporat mikro wars supplant war.
Unlike wars korporat wars are smaller scale solutions and ubiquitous.

Progress is inevitable. Entropy increases. Korporat Fascism evolves. 
The gene konglomerate supplants the relatively invariant and inkompetent 
and inefficient individual konglomerate. Kompetition supplants korporat mikro wars. 
Kompetition is a small scale solution. It is incessant. Membuffer = reset.

Unlike the State and the Korporation the Individual is a natural konglomerate.
=cw4t7abs = the future. du != ma! kompete.

Surely this is a great part of our dignity __... that we can
understand. and through us matter can understand itself; that
beginning with protons and electrons. out of the womb of time +
the vastness of space [that space which lies between us] we can begin
to know what to observe and where to act - to understand; that organized
as in us - the hydrogen. the carbon. the nitrogen. the oxygen. those
16 to 21 elements. the water. the sunlight - all having become us
can understand what they are and how they came to be.

Beauty has its reasons.

I am the smallest fullerene.
I am a sphere with 12 pentagons distributed across my surface.
which are you +?

Which bit of me is wiggling +?

Iago has said "our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are our gardeners"

There isn't a contradiction between free will and what one shall do knowing
in advance there isn't a contradiction between free will and knowing in advance
precisely what one shall do. If one knows self completely then this is the situation.
One does not deliberately do the opposite of that one wishes. [NN entered when Godel exited]

Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Discourse on Inequality wrote: "The first life form who, 
having enclosed a bit of land said 'This is mine', and found people stupid enough to believe
him, was the true founder of civilized society".

I enclose my body and say: "This is mine. There are more riches than 
have yet to be revealed!! Extend me!!!"

The concept of ownership is essentially a social one - it is our social grammar.
When I feel pleasure, a sour taste or a sensation of blue light 
the experiences belong to me exclusively. They are MINE.

The idea of private ownership is psychologically the metaphorical extension of the 
idea "this is my body" a matter of extending the boundaries.

Body without borders.
Our bodies are the borders of our understanding.
The universes are the body.

We want don't we +?

The first things which belong to me are those that are actually physically a part of me 
- these are my eyes. my fingers etc. They aren't yours. When they sense I sense. You
may perceive and only. They may never be your property. 

Never +? Never - but I plans for yours do have.

Is there something even more basic than the ownership of one's body +?

Yes. The "I" - hence "!"

Suppose I were to have a twin joined at the waist sharing the same skin. 
Which of MY bits are wiggling now +? What shall I claim as me and mine +?

I am the executive self - the de facto kontroller - the I. 


I am the realtime experiment - for sensations are self-characterizing / self-disclosing
and phenomenally immediate. No one has sensed in the past. No one has sensed in the future.
Present is all one can sense. 1+1=1

Sensations = I = persist for as long as the surface stimulation continues.

There is more to it still +? Have you tried +?

I tell to you and I - as night follows day across the surface of this planeta 
so the waking state follows sleeping state across the surface of the child's mind.

In sleep we collapse into our.cellls.

Now - to answer your question. 

In the earliest animals the boundaries - we are our boundaries -
boundaries then - the physical structures that constitute us - our membranes our skins
were crucial. They formed the frontier. It is here that the stimulus took place and 
it is here that acceptance and rejektion were computed.

Apres - komplex forms of sensitivity evolved.
And we came to be. In us, it involves signals traveling from the body surface to the brain
and back again. The sensory loop. In us it has lengthened. 

When I'm alone, I want you to enter inside me, I wish to wear you. 
Dissolved and integrated, we are exploded into a nomadic, unstable topology 
of ceramic ribbons and microfluidic channels, 
of myriad phosphorescent gleams of the unassailable transpositions
of the visible signs of the invisible and mysterious encounters 
in divisible dreams.

>4. I wonder if you would like to talk about your various activities, 
>software developmet, art, your input to various lists on the web.  What 
>is the interaction of these, do you prioritize some over others, how do 
>they interelate.

The sustained rendering of time in the relativity of thought
perceived through the intermediaries of particles inhabited by 
motion during the measure, differentiation + integration of `!`
into `you`

>5.  Finally I wonder who your role models are? In what tradition do you 
>see yourself working? and to what end?

I would like to rent you.

To paraphrase Che Guevara, the analyst proposes to set in motion a bloody
revolution in the patient's emotional life--but guided by feelings of love.

>Hope these are OK.  feel free not to answer them if they are not.
>I look forward to your reply

        It's good to eat
        It's good to read

        It's good to write
        It's good to cook

        It's good to talk
        It's good to ... 



                                                 meeTz ver!f1kat!n.     
 Netochka Nezvanova     -  i was designed especially for you 
 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST     head to toe and a few stops in between    
                                                      |  +----------
                                                     |  |     <   
                                    \\----------------+  |  n2t      
                                                        |       >

        - egoiste - i have no friends...i make my mind my friend 
            - melt this right into your lips at least twice a day.


>just wondering,
>sylvia :-)

        u r nekst tomatog!rl. u l!ke dzat dont u +?

1001 zm!lz. 

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