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[Nettime-bold] vrije keyser statements on war on the internet

November 18, 2001

Vrije Keyser Television

Message - Statements on war can be viewed on the internet

The following two paragraphs we wrote in our press release to announce
our program on Saturday 29 september 2001:

On Saturday 29th September 2001 Vrije Keyser broadcasted "Statements on war" on the Amsterdam Open Channel A1. "Statements on war" is a response to the war propaganda currently oozing out of every channel of the mainstream media. Within hours, any attempt of "objective" reporting had been smothered and was morally condemned as cold-hearted, or even pro-Osama.

Yes. America is at war. The US has been at war for two centuries. America's wars, after the colonisation of the continent, have not taken place on its own territory, but on foreign land. >From Grenada to East Timor, over to Panama and Vietnam; from the Congo to Somalia, over Iraq to Colombia. You name it; they have been there, invading, in the words of George W. Bush "openly or covertly". A careful examination of US foreign policy history reveals over 234 self- declared overt military interventions and over 6000 covert interventions into at least one hundred countries, killing millions of innocent civilians.

In the meanwhile the videotape "Statements on war" (33 minutes) has been shown in different places. We want to produce a second edition of Statements on war and want to invite everyone to make a film or video in the line of our viewpoint (see therefor the press release on www.vrijekeyser.nl/statementsonwar.html) as a contribution to the second edition of Statements on war.

To inspire vereyone the first Statements on war can be viewed on the internet. Take a look on www.vrijekeyser.nl, the page with the videos is www.vrijekeyser.nl/onwar.html. It is necessary to install Real Player on your computer for viewing the films.

Vrije Keyser

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