Steve Cisler on Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:42:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Fighting over movie tickets in Kabul

It does seem that the Afghans have been media-starved. Another account
had a shopkeeper in liberated Kabul going to his back yard, digging up
a buried TV and VCR, turning it on and popping in a copy of Titanic!
And of course a radio station has started broadcasting, with a 16 year
old girl doing some of the announcing!

At the Internet Society conference in 2000 I met the webmaster for the
Taliban. He operated out of Peshawar and ferried CD's with mail and
other files from there to Kabul.  He had a nice little pamphlet in
English about his service (which was very modest).  I wonder where he
is now  and who will open the first cybercafe in the country.  Had
Abdul Haq survived
(,1361,582692,00.html) he
might have opened one.

Steve Cisler

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