Steve McAlexander on Mon, 5 Nov 2001 17:37:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Fw: OSHA blocks anthrax defense

All the news thats fit to be censored.

>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  ==================>  F R E E D O M   N E W S  <==================
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  To subscribe or unsub:
>  Freedom headline news:
>   o OSHA blocks anthrax defense
>   o Secretive court gets new powers
>   o Terror law foes mull strategies
>   o Feds to develop high-tech ID technology
>   o British plans for smart ID cards resurface
>   o Foreigners swell ranks of Taliban
>   o Poll: Americans willing to surrender liberty for security
>   o Judge muzzles high school anarchist 
>   o Critics blast Bush plan for withholding presidential papers
>   o Reason draws new attention
>   o Second Amendment Sisters shoot and recruit
>   o Criminals get guns from family and friends
>   o Pagan retreat denied permit
>   o Massachusetts LP members launch free-market land trust
>   o Jerusalem gunman stopped by citizen
>  Freedom commentary:
>   o The dark side of war-inspired civic virtue
>   o Anthrax on my mind
>   o Cartoon: Anthrax scare
>   o Why CPSC is going after BB guns
>   o Some reflections on the right to bear arms
>   o CSE impact update 
>   o Government causes the crime -- Part I
>   o A real tax package: coalition letter to the Senate
>   o Political panic trumps terrorist tragedy
>   o Another government cash grab
>   o Terrorists confronted by the patriotic fervor of a free market
>   o Turning to government
>   o Overcoming the budget crisis in Arizona
>   o Finally, a settlement 
>   o Private security vs. public failure
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>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
> OSHA blocks anthrax defense
> ----------
> Washington Times
>    The U.S. Postal Service has bought protective masks to guard 
>    its workers against inhaling anthrax spores, but postal workers 
>    are not allowed to use the masks until they undergo hours of 
>    training required by the Occupational Safety and Health 
>    Administration. (11/05/01)
> Secretive court gets new powers
> ----------
> Nando Times
>    When federal officials want to tap a suspect's phone, or 
>    secretly send investigators to ransack a suspect's home, they 
>    come to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for nearly 
>    automatic approval. Now Congress has given that court 
>    controversial new power. (11/05/01)
> Terror law foes mull strategies
> ----------
> Wired
>    With massive new police powers now a matter of law in the wake 
>    of the September 11 attacks, civil libertarians are considering 
>    their options for a legal challenge. An effective strategy will 
>    likely require an actual abuse of rights that can be battled in 
>    court. (11/05/01)
> Feds to develop high-tech ID technology
> ----------
> NewsBytes
>    Federal authorities will be urged to develop biometric
>    technology capable of identifying people by their physical 
>    features, under a provision included in the anti-terrorism 
>    legislation passed by Congress last month. At least at first, 
>    the system will only be used for immigrants and aliens. (11/05/01)
> British plans for smart ID cards resurface
> ----------
> NewsBytes
>    Media speculation about a smart-card-based national identity 
>    card has reached fever pitch in the U.K., amidst reports of 
>    a secret government trial of a biometric card. Politicians are 
>    increasingly discussing mandating identification documents. 
>    (11/05/01)
> Foreigners swell ranks of Taliban
> ----------
> Washington Post
>    Thousands of armed Pakistanis and other foreigners are 
>    reportedly pouring into Afghanistan to help the Taliban
>    fight any U.S. ground offensive or advance by the opposition 
>    Northern Alliance. (11/05/01)
> Poll: Americans willing to surrender liberty for security
> ----------
> El Paso Times
>    Polls across the country find that Americans think it will be 
>    necessary to surrender some freedom as part of the war against 
>    terrorism. More than half of respondents say that they're 
>    willing to let government monitor telephone calls and e-mail. 
>    (11/05/01)
> Judge muzzles high school anarchist 
> ----------
> The Nando Times
>    "A judge ruled Thursday that a 15-year-old sophomore cannot
>    establish an anarchy club or wear T-shirts opposing the U.S. 
>    campaign in Afghanistan because it would disrupt school. Katie 
>    Sierra was suspended from Sissonville High School for three 
>    days for promoting the club." (11/01/01)
> Critics blast Bush plan for withholding presidential papers
> ----------
> Freedom Forum/AP
>    The White House defends a new executive order issued by
>    President Bush that allows past and current presidents to keep 
>    their papers from being revealed to the public. But at least 
>    one historian calls the move a "disaster for history." (11/05/01)
> Reason draws new attention
> ----------
> Washington Post
>    Nick Gillespie, the new editor of Reason, is drawing readers 
>    and media attention to the magazine with a pop-culture 
>    sensibility and a deliberate effort to appeal to liberals. 
>    Gillespie is proud of criticism directed his way by the likes 
>    of the Wall Street Journal. (11/05/01)
> Second Amendment Sisters shoot and recruit
> ----------
> Hartford Courant
>    The Second Amendment Sisters, an organization of women who
>    support the right to self defense, gave Connecticut residents 
>    a chance to try their hands with a variety of machine guns. 
>    The event was part of a fundraising and recruiting drive for 
>    the grassroots organization. (11/05/01)
> Criminals get guns from family and friends
> ----------
> Washington Post
>    The Justice Departments concedes that criminals are
>    increasingly getting firearms from relatives and personal 
>    friends, rather than from gun shows or stores. This approach 
>    renders gun restrictions irrelevant since the actual purchasers 
>    have clean records. (11/05/01)
> Pagan retreat denied permit
> ----------
> Lawrence Journal-World
>    The Leavenworth County, Kansas, commission has voted against 
>    renewing a special-use permit for a 168-acre retreat for 
>    nudists, pagans, gays and others whose ways alarm their 
>    conservative neighbors. A property rights and free speech 
>    challenge is expected. (11/05/01)
> Massachusetts LP members launch free-market land trust
> ----------
> Libertarian Party
>    "Two Massachusetts Libertarians have launched the Liberty Land 
>    Trust, a free-market organization that will buy and preserve 
>    open land -- and, in the process, attempt to prove that 
>    Libertarians are not 'unfriendly to environmental causes.'" (11/01)
> Jerusalem gunman stopped by citizen
> ----------
> FoxNews
>    A Palestinian gunman who opened fire on a busload of Israelis 
>    in Jerusalem was himself then shot -- by a civilian, a border 
>    guard and a soldier. "He was standing there and shooting [into 
>    the right side of the bus]," the civilian shooter, who 
>    identified himself only as Marcus, told Israeli radio. "I got 
>    out of the car. I fired. I emptied an entire clip. He fell." 
>    (11/04/01)
> For more News Reports see:
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  ============>  F R E E D O M   C O M M E N T A R Y  <============
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The dark side of war-inspired civic virtue
> ----------
> Reason
> by Cathy Young
>    "[I]t appears that some communitarians and liberals are so put 
>    off by the individualism, materialism, and frivolity they see 
>    around them in times of prosperity and safety that they come 
>    perilously close to welcoming bad times." (11/02/01)
> Anthrax on my mind
> ----------
> by Justin Raimondo
>    "At great pains to come up with a column ... I thought I'd
>    better have lunch first, so I went to the corner store for 
>    a sandwich and a fresh pack of cigarettes. ... Back in ten 
>    minutes, I dumped the contents of my bag on the kitchen table: 
>    what fell out were the makings of a turkey sandwich, a pack 
>    of Marlboros, and -- a small amount of white powder! Yikes!" 
>    (11/01/01))
> Cartoon: Anthrax scare
> ----------
> The State
> by Robert Ariail
>    (11/05/01)
> Why CPSC is going after BB guns
> ----------
> by Angel Shamaya
>    Shamaya dissects the Consumer Safety Product Commission's case 
>    against Daisy air rifles: "If there is a defect," he notes, 
>    "you must be able to buy that product and reproduce the result 
>    of said defect -- CPSC's job, which they failed to do but are 
>    suing anyway. So why is CPSC really going after Daisy, if it's 
>    not due to a true defect in the product?" (11/02/01)
> Some reflections on the right to bear arms
> ----------
> The Future of Freedom Foundation
> by Richard M. Ebeling
>    "Though it may seem harsh... when I read the advocates of gun 
>    control pointing to incidents of private acts of violence 
>    against children, I think to myself, how many... children were 
>    killed... in the last century by governments? And how many of 
>    those children... might have been saved if their families and 
>    neighbors had possessed the right to bear arms against political
>    aggressors?" (09/01)
> CSE impact update 
> ----------
> Citizens for a Sound Economy
>    "During the month of November ... CSE activists will call on 
>    their senators to pass an economic security bill, which should 
>    expedite President Bush's tax cut and make it permanent, cut 
>    the capital gains and Alternative Minimum taxes and provide 
>    incentives for investments in new capital." (11/01)
> Government causes the crime -- Part I
> ----------
> by James Redford
>    "Viewed from the internal logic which drives the operations
>    of Government, you are an expendable resource utilized to 
>    maintain the continuation of Government as well as its growth 
>    -- in less grandiose terms, a 'Slave.' The greatest myth 
>    surrounding the institution of Government is that it principally 
>    exists to 'protect' us from criminals ..." (11/02/01) 
> A real tax package: coalition letter to the Senate
> ----------
> Empower America
> by Shaun Small
>    A letter to the Senate encouraging reduction the tax penalties 
>    on productive behavior and the implementation of a stimulus 
>    package that reduces tax rates on workers, investors, and 
>    business to result in more jobs, higher incomes, and a stronger 
>    America. (11/01/01)
> Political panic trumps terrorist tragedy
> ----------
> Independent Institute
> by Michael Reksulak and William F. Shughart II
>    At a time when the west is at pains to picture its "War on
>    Terrorism" as a fight for the benefit of all "good nations," 
>    indications of discriminatory treatment in favor of 
>    industrialized countries should be avoided. (10/31/01)
> Another government cash grab
> ----------
> Mackinac Center
> by Lawrence Reed
>    "The U.S. Supreme Court prohibits state and local governments 
>    from forcing out-of-state companies to collect taxes for them. 
>    But many public officials are casting about for ways to 
>    circumvent that prohibition." (11/02/01) 
> Terrorists confronted by the patriotic fervor of a free market
> ----------
> The National Center for Public Policy Research
> by Amy Ridenour
>    Ridenour examines how American businessmen and women have
>    responded to the terrorist attacks. From Exxon Mobil to AT&T, 
>    corporations are donating money and providing resources at 
>    a pace that government cannot keep up with. (11/01)
> Turning to government
> ----------
> The Cato Institute
> by David Boaz
>    "[I]t's odd that Americans' confidence in government would
>    rise sharply after a massive failure of government to do
>    its job." (11/02/01)
> Overcoming the budget crisis in Arizona
> ----------
> Goldwater Institute / East Valley Tribune
> by Andrea Ferrin
>    With Arizona facing a staggering $1.6 billion budget deficit 
>    over the next two years some legislators are calling for higher 
>    taxes. Ferrin believes that "by ending profligate use of public 
>    monies, the legislature can bring priorities in line with 
>    resources so that we may live within our means." (10/24/01)
> Finally, a settlement 
> ----------
> Americans for Technology Leadership / Wall Street Journal
> by staff article
>    "[The] settlement in the long-running Microsoft case shows
>    that the company, the judge and the Justice Department know 
>    when it's time to move ahead for the country's sake." (11/02/01)
> Private security vs. public failure
> ----------
> by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
>    "[N]ot to say that market provision of security is perfect. The 
>    key difference between it and government is that it responds to 
>    violations of property and to the threat of such violations with 
>    proactive measures. It has every incentive to do so." (11/02/01)
> For more Commentary, Opinion, and Book Reviews see:
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