brian carroll on Sun, 23 Sep 2001 20:47:03 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> moral colonization

  i have been wondering what the definition of 'terrorist'
  is.... as it remains undefined in the public sphere. so far:

  terrorist = terrorist

  terrorist = evil


  terrorist = protester?

  terrorist = dissenter?

  terrorist = difference?

  what worries me most is what is not being said,
  that the broad-brushing, the simplicity, in such
  a complex situation, begs to bring this undefined
  'terror' into the everyday, where someone who stands
  in disagreement 'upsets the way we live'. this is
  the language/rhetoric being used, which is great
  for mob mentalities, but diabolically poor for
  democratic freedoms of thought, speech, expression.

  what happens next is beyond 'racial profiling',
  that image/sight-based judgement, but 'mental
  profiling', that thing that goes so well with
  data-mining online and through electromagnetic
  communications, where profiling goes on without
  checks and balances, and poof!, all of the sudden,
  everything is not only changed, but now impossible.

  that is, education, thought, approaching situations
  beyond their normal bounds, that the system that is
  in operation seeks a steady-state, and terrorism
  may be useful for making sure the moving parts that
  do not conform are instead, no longer in movement.
  not only a bounded, but then a finite civility....

  the silence, which has always been here, is now
  here forevermore, until change. and, while there
  is opportunity to change in this moment, the root
  causes (of problems, learning from the terrorist
  attacks), is not in question. only forging ahead
  unabated. and beyond fear, beyond fright, nothing.

  silence, and conformance. i worry for all who do
  not fit in these times. as there is government,
  governance, but then there is the street, online
  and offline. mobs of mass mediated 'normal' people.

  what was lost, is lost, has been lost, always lost,
  is, without a total change in educational structure,
  leaving all difference to rot, to suffer, to die.

  open up the doors of education to those who disagree,
  who debate, and make public education about public
  ideas, about public issues, about public awareness.

  enough private intellectual proprietizing of thought.
  time to keyword it simple, but of the complex whole,
  and make change within the Universities, where the
  freedom of thought is currently held captive to the
  forces that may shut up the whole of our freedoms.

  goal: free public marketplace of ideas (in the old
  privatized universities), unregulated by insider-
  trading and back-patting self-serving do-goodism
  as the world burns, and we, one by one, will too.

  unless change can occur. opportunity in the ruins.
  a chance to look/think about things differently,
  take actions for freedom, through thinking, through
  questioning, through learning, educating, that can
  reinforce democratic freedoms, and keep things in
  some precarious balance, however unbalanced, to
  keep what is worth living for, alive, eternally.

.. . . . .   .  ..  ..    . . . . ....  ..   ..  ... . . . . . . .
brian thomas carroll		the_electromagnetic_internetwork
electromagnetic researcher	matter, energy, and in-formation

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