Steve on Sun, 23 Sep 2001 05:52:37 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Denial of service attacks reports:

Hacker Attack

   This website was down on Wednesday for about 15 hours due to a denial
of server attack caused by hackers. Many other Afghan News site were
down also. We have been up again since Wednesday night.

   From "The FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center
(NIPC) issued an advisory Friday warning companies of increased  hacking
activity in the name of "patriotism" and of the spread of computer
viruses that label infected files with names that relate to Tuesday's

   "The NIPC reiterates that (such) conduct is illegal and punishable as
a felony, with penalties extending to five years in prison," the warning
   "Those individuals who believe they are doing a service to this
nation by engaging in acts of vigilantism should know that they are
actually doing a disservice to the country."

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