integer on Thu, 20 Sep 2001 20:21:37 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] (no subject)

>That's not to say 

free your genes + the rest shall follow!!

>the scale of American wrongdoing isn't large, it's
>just to say

what is a human +?

>that it's really hard to take all of the pompous moralizing from

nn - "god bless america" 


god: what is life +?
 nn: that which kills you!
god: life is that which makes me!
 nn: dear. a mammal cannot abandon her embryo as 01 bird can abandon her eggs.
god: the older i get the more i consider it wrong when old men such as myself
     try to force young men to go to war or young women to reproduce against their will.

suppose if mit publishes books whose thesis is that the terrorization of women
by men is natural - `A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion`

one ___... mmm might conclude that terrorization of men by men
is also natural

 nn: i call for the freedom of every citizen in a democratic society which is under threat
     fffffrom the coercion of a zealous `moral majority` or state sponsored terrorism!



what a fvast + seamless process that keeps humans in the driver's seat.

bye bye 

          bye bye 

make room for the newly dead.

nn - melting black. [snow]

>From: "Joshua Goldberg" <>

>hear hear.
>remember video?  remember video techniques?

re:search doesnt denigrate humanity

>i'm outta here, you callous bastards.  hope your hatred and finger pointing
>works out for you.
>unsubscribe fifty five.

the rubicon does not have evil looming on the other side
for _... for _... for _... ffff +? if anywhere evil is right there !!!!!n you.

nn - what is a human +?  [f!ngr t!pz = fal!ng off]

>From: "Michael Theodore" <>
>Dear 55ers,
>With a few rare exceptions over the years, even Israelis and
>let each other bury their dead. 

the dead do not wish to be buried. they wish to be brought to live.

make room for the newly dead.

nn - what is a human +? 

 r t!pz = fal!ng o fffff

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
   n  r  .   5 5      !!!
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