darko fritz on 2 Mar 2001 11:50:21 -0000 |
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******************************************************** PLEASE DO NOT REPLY THIS MESSAGE. JUST FORWARD IT TO info@videonale.org ******************************************************** DEMAND FOR NEW SELECTION OF VIDEONALE 9 The Videonale 9 [Bonn, D] selection jury consisting of five members announce that they made selection of more than 1500 entries of video and internet artworks in six days, working in two groups. I found that is physically impossible. This is demand that Videonale 9 make selection again, with respect to artworks and effort that artists invest in their works and application for festival. my e-mail address is my signature ******************************************************** PLEASE DO NOT REPLY THIS MESSAGE. JUST FORWARD IT TO info@videonale.org ******************************************************** PLEASE DISTRIBUTE! ******************************************************** PS: A small discussion was held at Syndicate mailing list, showing that few colleagues share opinion on unreliably Videonale 9 selection. Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: http://www.v2.nl/syndicate ******************************************************** supplement: correspondence of D.F. and Videonale 9, published at Syndicate list 1. D.F. -> videonale 9 Subject: selection of time-based works Date: Fri, Feb 23, 2001, 18:05 2. sören grammel [videonale 9] -> D.F. Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2001, 15:45 3. D.F. -> sören grammel [videonale 9] Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2001, 17:41 _______________________ 1. D.F. -> videonale 9 + syndicate Subject: selection of time-based works Date: Fri, Feb 23, 2001, 18:05 from http://www.videonale.org/selectjury.htm >the videonale 9 selection jury, consisting of georg elben, sören grammel, maria Lind, silke otto-knapp and nicolaus schafhausen chose 31 productions by altogether 36 artists (some working in teams) from over 1500 entries >the selection jury took six full days for the viewing and discussion of the tapes. an additional week¹s time was taken for making the final decisions. my question is: how jury consists of 5 members can look 1500 + videos in 6 days? [and 14 urls, if belived fwd-re nn mail @ syndicate; urls are not mentioned at videonale public reports] jury suppose to work together, is't it? my point is that video and net art are time-based works ... fast-forwarding or fragmented look of the video works or urls misses that point ... first round: 6 days = 144 hours = 8640 minutes !!! with no sleep !!! 8640 minutes : 1500 entries = less than 6 minutes theoretically !!! with no sleep !!! ... what about practically? in contrary, second round 'additional week¹s time was taken for making the final decisions' sounds ok for me ... so, i put under question first round of selection. can we belive that jury took a look at works and not at names? d _______________________ 2. sören grammel [videonale 9] -> D.F. Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2001, 15:45 > dear Darko Fritz: > > you wrote:"so, i put under question first round of selection. > can we believe that jury took a look at works and not at names?" > > yes, i think - and hope - you believe this. if you don't, i am afraid that i > can not change it. > but i try to explain you the jury-process a bit: > first of all, a jury never views eveything together, but in little groups. > as for the videonale, it > was quite important to split up in two groups and to consider then what was > chosen > by the little groups. in this case, 6 minutes are 12 already. > however, it makes no sense to calculate this. > the point is, if you watch media-art - which is time-based, i agree - if you > have > to watch everything? and i don't think so! > for example if you see a loop that goes for 60 minutes but repeats after 2 > minutes, then its ok > to look some time more at it, to get the feeling of what happens throughout > the repetition. but > you don't have to look 60 minutes. don't you? > Another example: did you ever discuss with somebody about a work that you > have not seen at whole length ... > maybe because after a few minutes you recognized that you did not think that > it was a good piece for any reason? > i think it is normal to do this, because you develop - and you have to > develop - criteria to choose, to select and deselect. > otherwise you end up like Sartres Autodidact, who - i forgot which book by > Sartre it was - sits and reads in the library every day. the system in which > he chooses what he reads next is the alphabet: he reads the books from "A" > to "Z". he has no other idea. he does not stop because he does not know what > he is looking for. > I don't know whether this is an appropriate metaphor - i hope you get the > point of it. > let me just add one more think: to me, a lot of the names on the list are > not popular or even known enough, to indicate a jury-process which looked at > names. we found a lot of works that were surprising for us. for us - maybe > not for you. > > best regards > sören grammel > _______________________ 3. D.F. -> sören grammel [videonale 9] + syndicate Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2001, 17:41 dear sören grammel thanks for your answer. you made your statement about videonalle 9 selection process and thank you for making it transparent and public. i partly agree and partly disagree with your approach of selecting time-based works. specially i think of unpredictable and nonlinear narrations and using of different aesthetics in a single work . also, there is wide range of different aesthetic which can't be perceived without time participation - if you for example listen fragments only of steve reich music, there is no way about getting an idea on variations, but only having an idea of repetition - which is just a part of the work! or like willingly [or not caring of] being 'boring' or making use of errors - as expressed in new austrian video scene, or more in the past in warhol or 1960's structuralistic films] who knows does after 3 minutes video-loop something else happened if not seeing whole work? i think that selecting the works is not an easy job and that is necessary time-consuming - because of necessary patients and calmness and approaching each work individually. -> and that was my point in first letter: i still think that videonalle 9 selection was not possible in that sense: seeing 1500 + works in 6 days in two jury groups, even with no strict criterium of seeing every single second of applied works. sorry about my calculations! it doesn't make a sense that i comment further on that or discuss it because it was not my intention to make public my personal preferences approaching such a work, i.e. to superimpose my working criteria to others, but only to pointing the work's physical frame. [aesthetic criterium i'll keep it in the frame of myown work, when i am busy with other authors works]. as i address my question to both you and syndicate list, i felt free to forwarded it to the list, incl. my comment. regards darko fritz _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list Nettime-bold@nettime.org http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-bold