niki gomez" (by way of richard barbrook) on 20 Feb 2001 21:58:28 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Inhabited TV Cybersalon

March Cybersalon
Inhabited TV- living with new forms
Thursday March 1st 2001

see flyer on

Part 1- Discussion:
Price: 6 pounds/4 pounds(conc.)/3 pounds(ICA)
-Creativity and iTV

With 98.5% of households owning a TV set compared with less than 50% owning
a computer, the potential of Interactive TV to reach the mass populace must
be explored. So, how can we create engaging content that both draws the
audience into interaction and allows for personal expression, when content
control is in the hands of broadcasters?
How will audience relationships with television change as digital TV becomes
the standard and interactivity the norm? What is the future of the narrative
and can interactive TV bring wider democratisation where the Internet has
not? What effects will the arrival of broadband have?

Speakers include interactive TV consultant Stuart
Nolan from Oyster Partners, stephen jeffery-poulter on interactive
narrative, William Rowe from ProteinĀ° and Rachel Collinson.
Check the latest on :

Part 2: from 9pm (1.50 pounds/ ICA members free)
digital short films in collaboration with Livestock
digital stimulation including work from leading iTV producers

in the bar: live perfomances with:
Supanaut featuring Kid Suda live
One Tongue Soup (
Bambola (In Flight Radio & XFM)
Sore Throat - William Pears and Mike Benson with spoken words and beats
+ live visual jamming by Sanfrandisco (Japan)

@ the ICA
the Mall
London sw1 5ah
tubes:piccadilly/charing cross

University of Westminster
Hypermedia Research Centre
ICA/Sun microsystems
Arts Council of England
New Media Knowledge
Wildlife Records
Oyster partners

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