jeremy hunsinger on 29 Jan 2001 22:58:10 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Fwd: new reviews in cyberculture (february 2001)

>    *** apologies for crosspostings ***
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>New Book Reviews in Cyberculture Studies
>Each month, the Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (RCCS)
><> publishes two or three full-length book reviews.
>The reviews reflect a modest attempt to locate critically various
>contours of the emerging and interdisciplinary field of cyberculture
>studies. To date, RCCS has reviewed over 75 books, covering a range of
>topics, from online culture, communities, and identities to hypertext,
>digital literacy, and online pedagogy to Internet policy, the digital
>divide, and online privacy.
>New reviews (found at include:
>   Beth Kolko, Lisa Nakamura, and Gilbert Rodman, eds., Race in Cyberspace
>   (Routledge, 2000)
>   Reviewed by Emily Noelle Ignacio, Loyola University Chicago and Andrew
>   Jakubowicz, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia;
>   Tor Norretranders, The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down To Size
>   (Viking Press, 1999)
>   Reviewed by Tavia Turkish, Yale University;
>   Kimberly S. Young, Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of
>   Internet Addiction and a Winning Strategy for Recovery (John Wiley &
>   Sons, 1998)
>   Reviewed by Thorsten Kogge, Humboldt University, Berlin.
>If you or your colleagues are interested in reviewing books for RCCS,
>contact us directly at <>.  As always, please feel free
>to forward this message.
>david silver
>resource center for cyberculture studies
>if you are interested in joining a low volume announcement list for
>rccs events and updates, please email:
>no subject is required.  in the body, type:  subscribe cyberculture

Jeremy Hunsinger 
Instructor of Political Science	Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Webmaster/Manager CDDC
526 Major Williams Hall 0130 --my homepage
Virginia Tech			(yes i need to update it)	
Blacksburg, VA 24061		(540)-231-7614  icq 5535471

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