net.wurk][.who][ on 24 Jan 2001 03:38:44 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] netwurk <thingist> _ 25 _ ; ; ;;;;;The d][ivisive][eath

][s][t][][urgeon][ickler fishing thru the code][

_                                      _;;


.I Denti][ng][ty.



;;;;;                   _           -              _

.a ][h!][.



At 05:09 PM 23/01/01 -0800, bbr.ace wrote:
>Everywhere, objects, children, the dead, images, women, everything which
>serves to provide a passive reflection in a world based on identity, is
>ready to go on to the counter-offensive. Already they resemble us less
>and less...

[women?? child.][w][ren][ch][??]

;a di.visive pac][ke][t ][loss][
;rent][boyish charms][ ass.u][rian][nder]
;;;;;D-note & dissed via the mystics ca][u][ll

                       -                                    [25 sigh]

.           .    ....         .....
         n.sert no here xXXx             
.... .                  .???  .......

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