Lee Bryant (by way of richard barbrook) on 9 Dec 2000 19:25:00 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] C R I S I S W E B N E W S

C R I S I S W E B   N E W S
Friday, 8 December 2000

ICG Indonesia
Tensions in Aceh have escalated sharply in recent weeks, prompting the
government in Jakarta to promise to accelerate the implementation of
autonomy plans and announce a small humanitarian aid package. President
Abdurrahman Wahid has also announced a plan to visit Aceh on 15 December
where he will witness the formal introduction of sharia law in the
province. At the same time, Indonesian leaders reiterated their
unambiguous view that the province would never be independent.
International NGOs have reacted sharply to the increased use of violence
in Aceh. Foreign governments have been less responsive, and remain
hopeful that the sympathetic approach of President Abdurrahman and the
pause agreement may yet see a peaceful settlement of the dispute that
leaves Aceh part of Indonesia. But the stakes are rapidly becoming
higher, and the Indonesian government will have to do much more in
response to Aceh grievances if that is to happen.

	-->	see www.crisisweb.org for the full report

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