Alan Sondheim on 4 Nov 2000 06:53:07 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] cdrom ver. 2.5 available

(please place this if appropraite, thanks, Alan)

CDROM version 2.5

During the past few days, I have brought the cdrom up to version 2.5.
There are a number of new soundworks and videos on it, as well as updated
text files and probably two dozen new images. Some of the material is
reorganized as well. The soundworks include several shamisen pieces,
including one one with voice. The Talan Memmott flashwork (mobile phone
piece) is also on it, among several other collaborations. The sound files
are mp3 and wav; the video files are mostly avi. All of the material runs
on a variety of media. I've been told that the html files work as well if
the folder is moved to the Mac hard drive; everything runs on pcs.

If you're interested in obtaining this version, and you have a much older
(say 2.4 or earlier), send $10 and I'll send you one; otherwise, it's the
usual $14. I apologize (constantly) for asking money for the disks, but
they cost me, and are really the only way I can get my work around. The
cdrom has collected work from 1994-2000, as well as articles from the 80s
and even some earlier pieces.

The file below is the original advertisement, now updated - Alan

ARCHIVE (previously SUB/CON/TEXT) CDROM 2.5 Available:

Alan Sondheim

I've been working non-stop on putting as much of my work (dealing with
literature, psychology, cyberspace, language, sexuality, body, etc.) on
one cdrom. The result is Archive (which also includes collaborations with
Foofwa d'Imobilite, Barry Smylie, Reiner Strasser, Annie Abrahams, Talan
Memmott, and Azure Carter), available now. Archive is an enormous mass of
material - some of which is available on my website, but most of which
will be new to you.

The advantage of the cdrom, in any case, is that you can explore it at
your leisure, copy out texts and graphics, etc. It's relatively easy to
use - you can access the various directories through a browser or any
file browser such as Explorer. The cdrom was made on a PC, but because it
is only files and directories, I imagine it will open on most Macs as 


30 articles, outlines of 8 talks, 450 images (approx.), a number of music
/ sound tracks, the full Internet Text (approximately 3800 pages) and
additional materials (revised The Case of the Real; Ma, a Novel), 7-8
webpage suites (including Water, Frac, Narcissistic Disturbance, etc.);
approximately 19 video segments in .avi format and one also in .rm and
.asf formats; and 61 tiny programs on basic, perl, or dialog.

The sound should be playable on most machines; the video will open in
various players as well. The texts are accessible through most browsers at
cdrom\network\index.html . The websuites will open in almost any browser;
some of them deliberately use proprietary or false tags html tags. The
texts and articles are all in text-based ascii format, which means they're
readable literally with anything; they're the core of the cdrom. There is
a readme_1st.txt which acts as a guide.

There is 'adult' material on the cdrom; please keep away from children.

I'm asking $10 + $4 shipping and handling; this helps cover the costs of
the burner, label, case, disk, and most important, the labor. Please send
$14.00 in check, cash, or money order, with a return address, to 

Alan Sondheim
432 Dean Street
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Phone 718-857-3671

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