Joseph Nechvatal on Sat, 1 Apr 2000 18:31:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Lit. Fig. : Work from Words

>Lit. Fig. : Work from Words
>640 Broadway, NY NY 10012
>Tel.  # 2 1 2 . 6 7 3 . 6 0 9 9
>On the 1st of April 2000 The Space @ Media Triangle is delighted to present 
>"Lit. Fig. : Work from Words " - artworks that are idea + concept generated 
>- executed by the following artists:
>Bill Anastasi
>Dove Bradshaw
>James Lee Byars
>Brien Coleman
>Yannakis Jones
>Danius Kesminas
>Robert C. Morgan
>Joseph Nechvatal
>Alison Slon
>William Stone
>Jeffrey  C. Wright
>The exhibition will remain on view until the 1st of May - and may be seen 
>by appointment thereafter through Saturday, May 13th.
>For further details, contact : THE SPACE @ MEDIA TRIANGLE
>Tel.  # 2 1 2 . 6 7 3 . 6 0 9 9
>...  The important thing then is just this matter of timing, this snapshot 
>effect, like a speech delivered on no matter what occasion but at such and 
>such an hour. It is a kind of rendezvous.
>- Marcel Duchamp , "Specifications for ‘Readymades’ ", ca. 1915
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