integer on Mon, 13 Mar 2000 19:55:06 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] OPEN SOURCE 6 M9NDFUKC+? is it time for business soon?

>From: 1 gvelt okupant
>i know i am a pest on this matter... but is there a chance i will receive

>From: 1 gvelt okupant
>is it time for business soon?


nato.0+55 is not 1 video instrument.
it is 0+1 politikl instrument.

hence it shall be released when
=cw4t7abs = FREEFREEFREEFREE + full! !nkubated.

oke +?

bon. allora.            c              !             a                 o = tzo ultra beaut!fl. m. !f kan do tzo avec 0+1 __... la 
= adore korporat fasc!zm tzo tzo tzo tzo tzo tzo ver! ver! ver!

        - + 1 uatr eczurz!on


        a.da. dze ver! ver! 
        ver! ver! ver! ver! ver!
        verd! verd! verd! ver!
        tralalela + cucu

        verd! ver! ver! human nervouz nervouz human z!ztm z!ztm.
        cezt ultra magn!f!kue + kondusz!v 2 0+1 turbulensz++

        verd! verd! verd!

        dansz +?  mak!ng e!ez at u

        ue = ztudentz ov memor! + our neuro b!olog!ez = komplementar!


        ur zurv!vl dpndz on m!. m! zuzta!nab!l!t! = apropr!atd 2 u.
        our enkountrz = dze gu!de poztz + ue = bg!n 2 knou uat 2 obzerv + uear 2 akt.

        * .47 throughout

        kommon form ov dze b!nd!ng theor+e
        volume of m9nd konta!nr>>1350 kub!k cm
        spirits to enforce art to enchant
        + my ending is despair static char
        *fpu[] = { "",
        };  -- mult!pl m!kroelektrode tekn!kuez
            &| ku!ver!ng w!ng ov affektat!on                 6
                         3                                1
                         2                                6
                    Pin  1     ------------->   Pin  3
               Connection 1                Connection 2
                    ------------                   ------------

        in natural scenes objekts are rarely seen in isolation. [m9ndfukc.macht.reflektz!on]
        they are seen against a background [objekt] next to or partially occluded by objekts.


         |abs|  - krvava gruda-plodna zemlja
        punKtproTokol[4'7c     m9ndfukc.macht.fre! < hTTp://0+1.uorld.u!de.l!zt/

        = may aktivate mouth-to-mouth adverticement 
        if so desired.

        c!ao. netochka nezvanova. mOdL c!t!zn t!.me 0+00 

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