Dave Young on Mon, 8 Sep 2014 16:57:59 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> Event 13-14/Sept: The Rhythm of Life, at Boijmans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam NL

The Rhythm of Life is a collaboration between designers / artists Mike Thompson, Susana Cámara Leret and Dave Young and the Netherlands Metabolomics Centre. The artists investigate the potential of sensory data experiences, through an ambiguous data collection process, making use of the Photon-­Multiplier Tube (PMT), an experimental medical device designed to measure biophoton (light) emissions from the skin. The project presents a hybrid art/science research instrument, offering participants the possibility to listen in on the electro­chemical messages transmitted by their bodies, hearing their emissions as complex percussive rhythms, in exchange for donating their personal biodata to scientific research.
In parallel to The Rhythm of Life, The Data & Ethics Working Group, a 
collaborative art research team, probe the processes and authoritative 
gestures that legitimise the collection of personal information and how 
informed consent is attained and defined, via the partnering of artwork 
and performative act Experiment #2: Consent.
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