Dominik Tresowski on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 20:23:24 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> Blank Pages Session in Munich - using Pure Data and MAX/MSP - April 2010

April 02.+03. 2010 - each
Blank Pages -


Blank Pages Sessions use Pure Data or Max/Msp for creating sounds/video by live programming starting from a blank page, without loading or saving patches. Participants make sounds/music for one hour, then the session ends.
There will be two Blank Pages Sessions in Munich. To participate, please  
fill out the registration form, which can be found on the Blank Pages  
homepage. No hosting possible. The Blank Pages Session in Munich is  
integrated in a Pure Data Forum, which is part of the Kunstfest Prosume  
Conduce - (english text available).
Pure Data is a Program for production of synthetic sounds, video, graphics  
and connecting to midi, osc devices or network. Media artists use it for  
live performance or installations. It is a free of charge, Open Source  
software which can be easily learned by connecting objects in a graphical  
interface, but also to be used for more complex operations. See for further information.
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