Doug Henwood on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 20:03:55 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> new radio product

BEHIND THE NEWS with Doug Henwood

"Best Music on an Economics & Politics Radio Show"
Village Voice Best of NYC 2005

< >

opening commentaries now at:

Facebook group:


Just posted to my radio archive

March 19, 2009 Caitlin Macy, author of Spoiled, on life in & around the American upper class * Teresa Ghilarducci, author of When I'm Sixty-Four (as well as this paper) on pensions
March 12, 2009 Joel Magnuson, author of Mindful Economics, on the  
economics of capitalism and beyond * Aurora Meneghello and Serge  
Bakalian, who are making Default, a doc about student debt
they join:

March 7, 2009 (KPFA version) Rob Weissman (author of this report) on Wall Street's political contributions & the disastrous dereg agenda they bought * James Horney of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities on Obama's budget
February 28, 2009 (KPFA only) Jeff Madrick on The Crisis * David Himmelstein on Obama's health plans and the awfulness of the Massachusetts model
February 21, 2009 (KPFA only) Pratap Chatterjee, author  
ofHalliburton's Army, on how Pentagon contracting makes it easier to  
go to war * Susie Bright, editor of X: The Erotic Treasury, on sex and  
January 29, 2009 James Howard Kunstler, author most recently of World  
Made By Hand, on the decline of oil-based civilization, the horrors of  
suburbia, and the sickness of tattooing * Jeffrey Perry, biographer of  
Hubert Harrison, on the forgotten black radical who should be remembered
January 22, 2009 Stephen Mihm, author of A Nation of Counterfeiters,  
on the giant role of fakery and fraud in American financial history *  
Sean Jacobs (his blog is here) on South Africa and the ANC's fall from  
January 15, 2009 Michael Lighty of the California Nurses Association  
on the economic impact of health care and a wished-for transition to  
single-payer * Nomi Prins and Max Fraad Wolff on the economic crisis
January 10, 2009 David Bacon, author of Illegal People, and Michelle  
Wucker, author ofLockout (and director of WPI) on immigration * Sara  
Roy on the horrors of Gaza (KPFA version, includes commentary on  
December employment)
December 11, 2008 Charlie Komanoff on a plan to make NYC transit  
nearly free (by soaking cars) * Yanis Varoufakis on the Greek riots  
and Greek neoliberalism (This show was patched together from a two- 
hour WBAI fundraiser. Please contribute.)				
December 4, 2008 Preston Smith on "racial democracy" vs. social  
democracy, in 1940s Chicago and Obama's America * Anthony D'Costa on  
the Mumbai bombings and Indian neoliberalism

Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
38 Greene St - 4th fl.
New York NY 10013-2505 USA
"blog": <>

voice  +1-212-219-0010
cell   +1-917-865-2813

producer, Behind the News
Thursdays, 5-6 PM, WBAI, New York 99.5 FM
Saturdays, 10-11 AM, KPFA, Berkeley 94.1 FM
podcast: <>
iTunes: < >
or <>


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