russegger on Tue, 8 Aug 2006 23:17:01 +0200 (CEST)
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<nettime-ann> lPROJECT «•» / Synchronization-System: Vienna-Tokyo (Modified by Geert Lovink)
- To: Geert Lovink <>
- Subject: <nettime-ann> lPROJECT «•» / Synchronization-System: Vienna-Tokyo (Modified by Geert Lovink)
- From: russegger <>
- Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 05:34:32 +0200
lPROJECT «•» / Synchronization-System: Vienna-Tokyo
We are pleased to invite you to the project:
Dune & Devil
Synchronization Vienna – Tokyo
First livestream of the project:
15th August 2006
Vienna 10:00 a.m. / Tokyo 5 p.m.
for further streaming dates, go to
Dune & Devil are working on the project «•» since 2003. The
general idea explores a space- and timebased phenomenon
through communicational technoculture. The aggregation of «•»
applies different structures like global positioning systems,
audiovisual media, mobile technology, telecommunication tools
and specialized software, to experience the stereotopographical
synchronization of two individuals in different urban situations.
We are trying to translate this spacial experiment under the
condition of a unique geosocial application to translate this
individual, cultural and technological impact in our DIY-habitat.
The project produces a sociographic disposition of a mixed reality
which can be observed through the interface of
Presented in Tokyo @ DISLOCATE (Trampoline UK
28th July – 18th August
The exhibition in Tokyo, bringing artists together in an investigation of multiple
space and indeterminate location in the age of global connectivity.
Ginza Art Laboratory 7-3-6 Ginza, Chuuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061
Koiwa Project Space 7-2-7 Minami-Koiwa Edogawa-ku Tokyo 133-0056
Lecture about the project «•» by Grischinka Teufl
18th August, 7.p.m. (Tokyo Time)
Ginza Art Laboratory 7-3-6 Ginza, Chuuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061
Dune & Devil
Tina van Duyne & Grischinka Teufl

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